Abstract | UVOD: Brojne studije sugeriraju kako igranje videoigara u velikoj mjeri može imati negativan utjecaj na psihičko i fizičko zdravlje pojedinca, a posljedično tome i na kvalitetu života. Unutar ovoga istraživanja istražit će se povezanost vremena provedenog u igranju videoigara s vremenom provedenim u tjelesnoj aktivnosti, trajanjem sna, vremenom odlaska na spavanje te stupnjem zadovoljstva životom. Nadalje, istražit će se povezanost vrijednosti indeksa tjelesne mase (engl. Body Mass Index, BMI) s vremenom provedenim u igranju videoigara.
ISPITANICI I METODE: Broj ispitanika unutar ovoga istraživanja je 304. Ispitanici su osobe oba spola starosne dobi između 18 i 55 godina. Ispitanike se promatralo s obzirom na vrijeme koje provode u igranju videoigara. Istraživanje je provedeno putem anketnog upitnika (Google Obrasca). Podaci o ispitanicima obrađeni su unutar aplikacijskog program Statistica verzija 13.3. (Stat.Soft Inc., Tulsa OK, USA).
REZULTATI: Na temelju prikupljenih podataka od 304 ispitanika može se zaključiti da postoji statistički značajna povezanost vremena provedenog u igranju videoigara s tjelesnom aktivnošću (ρ=0,122, p=0,033), indeksom tjelesne mase (ρ=0,263, p<0,001) te vremenom odlaska na spavanje (ρ=0,174, p<0,002). Suprotno tome ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost vremena provedenog u igranju videoigara s trajanjem sna (ρ=-0,081, p=0,157) te stupnjem zadovoljstva životom (p =-0,004, p=0,949).
RASPRAVA I ZAKLJUČAK: Statističkom analizom zabilježena je statistički značajna povezanost dužeg vremena provedenog u igranju videoigara s dužim vremenom provedenim u tjelesnoj aktivnosti, stoga se hipoteza broj 1 odbacuje. Duže vrijeme provedeno u igranju videoigara nije pokazalo statistički značajnu povezanost s kraćim trajanjem sna, stoga se hipoteza broj 2 odbacuje. Duže vrijeme provedeno u igranju videoigara je pokazalo statistički značajnu povezanost s kasnijim odlaskom na spavanje, stoga se hipoteza broj 3 prihvaća. Duže vrijeme provedeno u igranju videoigara nije pokazalo statistički značajnu povezanost s nižim stupnjem zadovoljstva životom, stoga se hipoteza broj 4 odbacuje. Duže vrijeme provedeno u igranju videoigara je pokazalo statistički značajnu povezanost s većom vrijednosti indeksa tjelesne mase, stoga se hipoteza broj 5 prihvaća. |
Abstract (english) | INTRODUCTION: Numerous studies suggest that playing video games to a large extent can have a negative impact on an individual's mental and physical health, and consequently on the quality of life. Within this research, the connection between time spent playing video games and time spent in physical activity, sleep duration, bedtime and life satisfaction will be investigated. Furthermore, the relationship between BMI (Body Mass Index) and time spent playing video games will also be investigated.
RESPONDENTS AND METHODS: The number of respondents in this research is 304. The respondents are persons of both sexes between the ages of 18 and 55. The respondents were observed with regard to the time they spend playing video games. The research was conducted using a questionnaire (Google Form). Data on respondents were processed within the application program Statistica version 13.3. (Stat.Soft Inc., Tulsa OK, USA).
RESULTS: Based on the collected data from 304 respondents, it can be concluded that there is a statistically significant connection between the time spent playing video games and physical activity (ρ=0.122, p=0.033), Body Mass Index (ρ=0.263, p<0.001) and bedtime (ρ=0.174, p<0.002). On the contrary, there is no statistically significant connection between the time spent playing video games with the duration of sleep (ρ=-0.081, p=0.157) and the degree of satisfaction with life (p=-0.004, p=0.949).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Statistical analysis showed a statistically significant correlation between longer time spent playing video games and longer time spent in physical activity, therefore hypothesis number 1 is rejected. Longer time spent playing video games did not show a statistically significant association with shorter sleep duration, therefore hypothesis number 2 is rejected. Longer time spent playing video games showed a statistically significant association with later going to sleep, therefore hypothesis number 3 is accepted. Longer time spent playing video games did not show a statistically significant association with a lower degree of life satisfaction, therefore hypothesis number 4 is rejected. A longer time spent playing video games showed a statistically significant association with a higher value of the body mass index, therefore hypothesis number 5 is accepted.. |