Abstract | Izvanbolnička hitna medicinska služba dio je zdravstvenog sustava čiji rad se odvija u nepredvidljivim i specifičnim uvjetima i tako ima svoje osobitosti, po kojima se razlikuje od jedinica za hitni prijem u sklopu bolnica. Jedan od uzroka smrti na terenu je srčani zastoj što podrazumijeva nagli i neočekivani prekid srčane funkcije, a koji se potvrđuje odsutnošću pulsa i disanja. Rana kardiopulmunalna reanimacija (KPR) je bitna kako bi liječenje tih pacijenata bilo što uspješnije. Utstein obrazac u Republici Hrvatskoj nema nacionalnog niti lokalnog izviješća o stopi preživljavanja nakon izvanbolničkog srčanog zastoja. Cilj ovog rada je izvijestiti o uspješnosti KPR nakon IBSZ za Zagrebačku županiju za sve ispostave (Samobor, Zaprešić, Jastrebarsko, Velika Gorica, Vrbovec, Sveti Ivan Zelina, Ivanić Grad i Dugo Selo) te statističkom analizom pokušati identificirati koji su čimbenici povezani sa ishodom KPR. Za ovo istraživanje prikupljeni su retrospektivno podaci za vremenski period od 1.1.2013.g. do 31.12.2021.g., a uvid u medicinsku dokumentaciju i provođenje studije odobrilo je etičko povjerenstvo ZZHMZŽ. U istraživanju su korišteni podaci od ukupno 3631 ispitanika . Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju razlike u uspješnosti reanimacije kod (1) odzivnog vremena, što je odzivno vrijeme kraće to je postotak uspješnosti reanimacije veći, (2) uzroku srčanog zastoja, kod medicinskog uzroka veća je uspješnost KPR, (3) veća stopa preživljenja je ukoliko je početni ritam bio VF i (4) laičko oživljavanje je nekvalitetno i ne čini razliku u preživljavanju. |
Abstract (english) | The outpatient emergency medical service is part of the health care system whose work takes place in unpredictable and specific conditions and thus has its own characteristics, which distinguishes it from emergency units within hospitals. One of the causes of death in the field is cardiac arrest, which implies a sudden and unexpected interruption of cardiac function, which is confirmed by the absence of pulse and respiration. Early CPR is essential to make the treatment of these patients as successful as possible. Utstein form in the Republic of Croatia does not have a national or local report on the survival rate after outpatient cardiac arrest. The aim of this paper is to report on the success of KPR after IBSZ for Zagreb County for all branches (Samobor, Zaprešić, Jastrebarsko, Velika Gorica, Vrbovec, Sveti Ivan Zelina, Ivanić Grad and Dugo Selo) and statistical analysis to try to identify which factors are related to the outcome of KPR . Retrospective data for the time period from 1.1.2013 were collected for this research. to 31.12.2021, and the insight into the medical documentation and the implementation of the study was approved by the ethics committee of ZZHMZŽ. The study used data from a total of 3631 respondents, and the data collected were: (1) age (2) gender, (3) whether lay resuscitation has begun (4) response time, (5) cause of cardiac arrest (medical, traumatic) and others), (6) initial rhythm (ventricular tachycardia - VT, ventricular fibrillation - VF, electrical activity without pulse - PEA, asystole, bradycardia), (7) number of patients in whom adrenaline was administered and (8) ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation) during CPR and until arrival at the hospital. The results of the study indicate differences in resuscitation success at (1) response time, the shorter the response time the higher the resuscitation rate, (2) the cause of cardiac arrest, the higher the medical success rate of CPR, (3) the higher the survival rate if the initial rhythm was VF and (4) lay resuscitation is of poor quality and makes no difference in survival.
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