Abstract | Cilj ovog rada bio je kroz istraživanje uvidjeti razinu socijalne podrške te njenu povezanost sa pojavom sindroma sagorijevanja, dajući rezultate i odgovore na sljedeću problematiku – utjecaj socijalne podrške na stupanj sindroma sagorijevanja, usporedba povezanosti socijalne podrške i sagorijevanja prve i druge skupine ispitanika, usporedba razine jakosti sindroma sagorijevanja kod skupina, te povezanost bračnog statusa i radnog staža sa pojavom sagorijevanja.
Ispitanici i metode : U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 30 fizioterapeuta sa završenim prvostupanjskim obrazovanjem iz KBC-a Rijeka i 28 prvostupnika fizioterapije zaposlenih u ordinacijama fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije Doma zdravlja Primorsko-goranske županije. Ispitanici su ispunili anketne obrasce u periodu izmeĎu 23.07. i 12.09. 2018. godine. Anketiranjem su prikupljeni potrebni podaci za izradu rada, uključujući osnovne podatke o sociodemografskim karakteristikama ispitanika – dob, spol, bračno stanje, radni staž. U mjerenju socijalne podrške i sindroma sagorijevanja koristila su se dva upitnika. Socijalna podrška mjerila se „Ljestvicom za mjerenje percepcije socijalne podrške obitelji, prijatelja i suradnika na poslu“ sa rasponom ocjena 0-4 za 24 stavke (0- uopće se ne slažem, 4- u potpunosti se slažem). Razina sagorijevanja mjerila se „Skalom sagorijevanja za pomagače“ koja obraća pozornost na - emocionalni doživljaj posla, odnos sa suradnicima, razinu empatije, dojam vlastite vrijednosti, prisutstvo frustracija i prenošenja istih u izvanposlovnu okolinu, te percipirani način obavljanja rada. Upitnik se ispunjavao zaokruživanjem brojeva od 1-3 koji predstavljaju frekvenciju pojave nekog osjećaja ili procesa.
Rezultati : Sudjelovalo je ukupno 58 fizioterapeuta, od čega 49 (84,5%) žena i 9 (15,5%) muškaraca, prosječne dobi 44±11 godina, u rasponu od najmlaĎeg do najstarijeg u intervalu 24 – 62 godine. Veći dio ispitanika je u braku (69%) sa prosječnom duljinom radnog staža od 22 godine (1 - 43 raspon). Viša razina ukupne socijalne podrške statistički je značajno povezana s nižim stupnjem sagorijevanja (r = -0,49; p = 0,000), dok su više razine socijalne podrške u KBC-u snažnije povezane sa sagorijevanjem. Posebice je velik utjecaj percipirane podrške od strane prijatelja i poslovnih suradnika (r = -0,53; p = 0,002 i r = -0,70; p = 0,000). Razine sindroma sagorijevanja izmeĎu skupina ispitanika se značajno ne razlikuju. Bračni status i radni staž nisu pokazali poseban utjecaj na pojavu sindroma sagorijevanja, izuzev u slučaju ukupnog broja djelatnika Doma zdravlja PGŽ gdje je dužina staža povezana sa manjom razinom sindroma (r = -0,42; p = 0,026). Dobne skupine ne pokazuju značajan utjecaj.
Zaključak : Socijalna podrška ključan je faktor u zaštiti od utjecaja akutnog i kroničnog stresa. Više razine socijalne potpore brane osobu od nakupljanja posljedica stresora i omogućuju nižu razinu simptoma sindroma sagorijevanja i razvoj istih. Više razine socijalne podrške snažnije su povezane sa umanjenim znakovima izgaranja radnika bolnice, s najvećim utjecajem odnosa sa prijateljima ili pozitivne komunikacije i suradnje sa kolegama. Razine sindroma sagorijevanja podjednako se javljaju meĎu fizioterapeutima KBC-a i Doma zdravlja, dok bračni status i iskustvo radnika uglavnom na to ne utječe, izuzev značaja dužine radnog staža kod ispitanika Doma zdravlja. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this research paper was to explore the level of social support and its correlation with the occurrence of burnout syndrome, hopefully giving results and answers to the following issues: the impact of social support on the degree of burnout syndrome, comparison of social support and burnout relation of the first and second group of participants, comparison of burnout syndrome levels in groups, and the relationship between marital status and work-life with burnout occurrence.
Subjects and Methods: 30 physiotherapists, with bachelor's degree, working at the Clinical Hospital Center in Rijeka and 28 physiotherapists employed in Physical Medicine and Community Health Center of PGŽ were included in the study. Participants completed questionnaires in the period between 23.07. and 12.09. 2018. Surveys were used to collect the necessary data for the production of work, including basic data on sociodemographic characteristics of participants - age, sex, marital status, work experience. Two questionnaires were used to measure social support and burnout syndrome. Social support is measured by the "Scale to measure the perception of social support of family, friends and associates at work" with a range of 0-4 for 24 items (0- do not agree at all, 4- I completely agree). The level of burnout is measured by the "Burnout scale for assistants" that focuses on - emotional experience at work, relationship with associates, empathy level, self-confidence and worth, presence of frustration and transference to non-work sorroundings, and perceived way of doing work. The questionnaire is filled by circling numbers from 1 to 3 representing the frequency of the occurrence of a feeling or process.
Results: There were 58 physiotherapists participating, out of which 49 (84.5%) women and 9 (15.5%) men, 44 ± 11 years old in average, ranging from the youngest to the oldest in 24 to 62 year range. Most of the particpants are married (69%) with an average work experience of of 22 years (1 - 43 range). The higher level of total social support is statistically significantly associated with a lower degree of burnout (r = -0.49; p = 0.000), while higher levels of social support with participants from CHC in Rijeka are more strongly associated with burnout. Particularly strong influence of perceived support is given by friends and business associates
(r = -0.53; p = 0.002 and r = -0.70; p = 0.000). The levels of burnout syndrome among the respondents do not differ significantly. Marital status and work experience did not show any particular impact on the incidence of burnout syndrome, except in the case of the total number of Health Center staff where the years of experience are associated with a lower level of syndrome (r = -0.42, p = 0.026). Age groups do not show significant impact.
Conclusion: Social support is a key factor in protection against the effects of acute and chronic stress. Higher levels of social support block the person from accumulating the consequences of stressors and keep a lower level of the symptoms that signify burnout syndrome and their development. Higher levels of social support are more closely associated with reduced burnout signs at hospital workers, with the greatest impact of relationships with friends or positive communication and collaboration with colleagues. Burnout syndrome levels are equally reported among physiotherapists of CHC and the Community Health Center, while the marital status and work experience largely does not affect this, except for the length of work experience of the Health Center participants. |