Author Roko Barišić
Mentor Boris Barac (mentor)
Mentor Melita Kukuljan (komentor)
Committee member Maja Karić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Barac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Melita Kukuljan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ena Mršić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Laboratory and Radiological Diagnostics) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-07-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Internal Medicine
Abstract Izolacija plućnih vena krioablacijom zasada ostaje jedna od najviše primijenjenih metoda u svrhu liječenja paroksizmalne fibrilacije atrija. Postupak obuhvaća adekvatnu okluziju plućne vene balonskim kriokateterom te izolacija iste. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je izračunati srednje vrijednosti nadir temperatura svih plućnih vena pojedinačno te ih usporediti međusobno. Osim toga, uspoređivao se broj uspješnih izolacija prvom krioablacijom i multiplim krioablacijama između lijevih i desnih plućnih vena.
Ispitivanje je izvršeno na 40 pacijenata kojima je indicirana izolacija plućnih vena krioablacijom u Kliničkom bolničkom centru u Zagrebu. Kriteriji uključenja su bilo koji pacijent, neovisno o dobi i spolu, kojemu je dijagnosticirana paroksizmalna fibrilacija atrija te mu je indicirana izolacija plućnih vena krioablacijom. Obrađivani su podaci prikupljeni u periodu čitave 2022. godine, a rezultati mjerenja uspoređivani su t-testom te hi-kvadrat testom. Kao prag statističke značajnosti određen je p < 0,05.
Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je gornja lijeva plućna vena dosegla najniže vrijednosti nadir temperatura te da postoji statistički značajna razlika između njenih i srednjih vrijednosti ostalih plućnih vena. Najveća razlika između dosegnutih nadir temperatura bila je između gornje lijeve te donje desne plućne vene (p = 0,00013) iz razloga što je kod donje desne plućne vene nadir temperatura najviša. Najmanja razlika bila je između gornje lijeve i donje lijeve plućne vene (p = 0,031092). Kod usporedbe lijeve donje plućne vene s ostalim plućnim venama postoje manje razlike, ali i dalje statistički značajne. Jedina statistički neznačajna razlika bila je između nadir temperatura gornje i donje desne plućne vene (p = 0,574184).
Osim nadir temperatura, broj krioablacija primjetno je veći kod desnih plućnih vena sa srednjom vrijednosti 1,7625. Kod lijevih plućnih vena je manja (1,25). Broj izolacija prvom krioablacijom puno je veći kod lijevih plućnih vena (N = 62) u odnosu na desne plućne vene (N = 35). Usporedbom frekvencija dobije se da je p = 0,00001249 što upućuje na postojanje statistički značajne razlike.
Konačno, lijeve plućne vene pokazuju puno bolje rezultate u postizanju nižih nadir temperatura, kao i u broju ukupnih krioablacija te izolacija postignutih prvom krioablacijom.
Abstract (english) Pulmonary vein isolation by cryoablation remains one of the most frequent method in treating paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. The procedure includes adequately occluding pulmonary vein with the ballon cryocatheter and the isolation of the given pulmonary vein. The aim for this study was to calculate the mean value of nadir temperatures from all the pulmonary veins individually and to compare them between each other. In addition to that, comparison has been made between the successful first and multiple-applied cryoablations between the right and the left pulmonary veins.
The study was conducted on 40 patients in Clinical hospital centre in Zagreb, to whom the cryoablation has been indicated due to the diagnosed atrial fibrillation. Inclusion criteria are all patients who have been indicated with pulmonary vein isolation due to the diagnosed atrial fibrillation, regardless of age or gender. The processed data have been gathered throughout the entire 2022 year. The results of measurements have been compared with the t-test and chi-squared test. Treshold of the statistical relevance has been set as p < 0,05.
Given results imply that the lowest-achieving values of nadir temperatures belong to the upper left pulmonary vein and that there is a statistically relevant difference between it and other pulmonary veins. The largest difference in nadir temperatures is between the upper left and the lower right pulmonary vein (p = 0,00013), due to the lower right pulmonary vein reaching the highest-achieving values of nadir temperatures. The lowest difference was noted between the upper and lower left pulmonary veins (p = 0,031092). In comparison of the lower left pulmonary vein with the other pulmonary veins, it has been noted a lower difference than the ones in upper left pulmonary vein. Despite the lower difference, p-values remain below the 0,05 treshold. The only statistically irrelevant difference was between the nadir temperatures of the upper and lower right pulmonary veins, with their p-value being 0,574184.
Other than nadir temperatures, the number of cryoablations is noticeably higher in the right pulmonary veins with mean value being 1,7625. That mean is lower in left pulmonary veins (1,25). The number of isolations achieved with the first cryoablation is much higher in the left (N = 62) than in the right pulmonary veins (N = 35). Comparison of the two shows a p-value being equal to 0,00001249, which shows a large statistically relevant difference.
Finally, left pulmonary veins show better results in achieving lower nadir temperatures, as well as in the total number of cryoablatoins and the isolations achieved on the first try.
nadir temperatura
paroksizmalna fibrilacija atrija
plućne vene
Keywords (english)
nadir temperature
paroxysmal atrial fibrilation
pulmonary veins
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:145950
Study programme Title: Radiological Technology Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) radiološke tehnologije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) radiološke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-10 09:11:04