Author Iva Šogorić Stojanović
Mentor Marija Vučić Peitl (mentor)
Committee member Daniela Petrić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Vučić Peitl (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Ljubičić Bistrović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-03-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Uvod: Djeca i adolescenti su vrlo ranjiva skupina koja proživljava velike promjene kroz proces
sazrijevanja stječući novi doživljaj sebe i svojih fizičkih, psihičkih i emocionalnih sposobnosti,
postaju svjesni osobne vrijednosti te mijenjaju odnos prema sebi i drugima. Zbog cijelog procesa
socijalne izolacije tijekom pandemija COVID-19 ima višestruke posljedice na njihovo mentalno
zdravlje. Obzirom da je COVID-19 pandemija dio naše svakodnevnice već dulji vremenski period,
... More učinaka COVID-19 pandemije na mentalno zdravlje omogućilo bi poboljšanje
liječenja i zaštitu mentalnog zdravlja učenika, no istovremeno i preventivne mjere za potencijalne
pandemije ili slične situacije u budućnosti.
Cilj: Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj pandemije COVID-19 na mentalno
zdravlje učenika osnovnih škola u Gorskom kotaru nakon 2 godine trajanja COVID-19 pandemije.
Metode: U kohortnom retrospektivnom istraživanju koje se provelo u periodu od rujna do listopada
2022. godine sudjelovalo ukupno 103 učenika u dobnom rasponu od 12 do 14 godina koji pohađaju
osnovnu školu u Primorsko goranskoj županiji na području Gorskog kotara. U svrhu ispitivanja
razine anksioznosti, stresa i depresivnosti korištena je Standardizirana skala depresivnosti,
anksioznosti i stresa (The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale – DASS, 4).
Rezultati: Na razini cjelokupnog uzorka prisutni su blago izraženi simptomi anksioznosti
(X=8.53, SD=9.32), 39.8% učenika pokazuje blage ili izraženije simptome anksioznosti, 27.2% ih
pokazuje blage ili izraženije simptome stresa te 25.3% blage ili izraženije simptome depresivnosti.
Učenice iskazuju statistički značajno više razine anksioznosti (t=-4.94, df=76.46, p<0.001), stresa
(t=-4.58, df=75.87, p<0.001) i depresivnosti (t=-3.47, df=83.28, p<0.001) od učenika. Nije
pronađena statistički značajna razlika u razini anksioznosti (t=0.32, df=87.98, p>0.05),
depresivnosti (t=-1.02, df=101, p>0.05) i stresa (t=0.33, df=101, p>0.05) obzirom na preboljenje
Zaključak: Obzirom da je COVID-19 pandemija i dalje dio svakodnevnog života, a puna šteta
njenog utjecaja na mentalno zdravlje djece i adolescenata će se tek očitovati u daljnjoj budućnosti
djeci i adolescentima je potrebno osigurati pomoć pri suočavanju s izazovima odrastanja, osobnu
i socijalnu interakciju kroz jačanje njihove otpornosti na stresne događaje. Less
Abstract (english) Introduction: Children and adolescents are a very vulnerable group that experiences great
changes through the maturation process, gaining a new perception of themselves and their
physical, psychological, and emotional abilities, becoming aware of their personal value and
changing their attitude towards themselves and others. Due to the full process of social isolation
during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has multiple consequences on their mental health. Given that
the COVID-19 pandemic
... More has been a part of our everyday life for a prolonged period of time,
determining the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health would allow improving the
treatment and protection of students' mental health, but at the same time preventive measures for
potential pandemics or similar situations in the future.
Objective: The main objective of this research was to examine the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic on the mental health of primary school students in Gorski Kotar after 2 years of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: A total of 103 students in the age range of 12 to 14 attending elementary school in the
Primorje-Gorski Kotar County in Gorski Kotar participated in a cohort retrospective study
conducted in the period from May to June 2022. The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS, 4)
was used to test the level of anxiety, stress, and depression.
Results: At the level of the entire sample, mildly expressed symptoms of anxiety are present
(X=8.53, SD=9.32), 39.8% of students show mild or more pronounced symptoms of anxiety,
27.2% of them show mild or more pronounced symptoms of stress and 25.3% mild or more
pronounced symptoms of depression. Female students report statistically significantly higher
levels of anxiety (t=-4.94, df=76.46, p<0.001), stress (t=-4.58, df=75.87, p<0.001) and depression
(t=-3.47, df=83.28, p <0.001) from students. No statistically significant difference was found in
the level of anxiety (t=0.32, df=87.98, p>0.05), depression (t=-1.02, df=101, p>0.05) and stress
(t=0.33, df=101, p> 0.05) considering the recovery from the coronavirus.
Conclusion: Considering that the COVID-19 pandemic is still a part of everyday life, and the full
damage of its impact on the mental health of children and adolescents will only become apparent
in the further future, children and adolescents need to be provided with help in facing the
challenges of growing up, personal and social interaction through strengthening their resistance to
stressful events. Less
COVID-19 pandemija
mentalno zdravlje
Keywords (english)
COVID-19 pandemic
mental health
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:195456
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Nursing: Promotion and Protection of Mental Health (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-19 11:06:43