Abstract | Cilj
Plućna tromboembolija (PTE) je hitno medicinsko stanje kod kojeg dolazi do okluzije jedne ili više grana plućnih arterija tromboembolusom. CT plućna angiografija (CTPA) je brza, neinvazivna radiološka metoda kojom se postavlja dijagnoza PTE. Glavni cilj ovog rada je odrediti incidenciju pozitivnih PTE nalaza kod 524 pacijenta podvrgnutih CTPA te odrediti učestalost zahvaćenih grana plućnih arterija. Nadalje, jedan od ciljeva je i odrediti incidenciju usputnih nalaza (plućni nodusi, tumor pluća, pneumonija, infarkt pluća, pleuralni izljev).
Ispitanici i metode
U ovom retrospektivnom istraživanju prikupljeni su podaci 524 bolesnika koji su zbog sumnje na PTE podvrgnuti CTPA na Kliničkom zavodu za dijagnostičku i intervencijsku radiologiju, na lokalitetu Sušak, u Kliničkom bolničkom centru (KBC) Rijeka, u razdoblju od siječnja do travnja 2023. godine. Svi potrebni podaci navedeni u nalazu radiologa prikupljeni su iz integriranog bolničkog informacijskog sustava (IBIS) i pripadajuće aplikacije (ISSA).
Od ukupno 524 bolesnika podvrgnutih CTPA, PTE je dokazana kod 97 ili 18,51% pacijenata. U našem istraživanju bio je podjednak broj ispitanika muškog i ženskog spola (260 ili 49,62% naprema 264 ili 50,39%). Nešto je veća incidencija PTE bila kod muškaraca (52 ili 53,61%) nego kod žena (45 ili 46,39%). Najveći broj bolesnika (262 ili 50,00%) pripadao je dobnom razredu između 61. i 80. godine života. Usputni nalazi opisani na CTPA, prema redoslijedu učestalosti su bili: pneumonije (37,15%), pleuralni izljevi (34,86%), plućni nodusi (16,79%), tumori pluća (6,87%) i plućni infarkti (4,33%).
CT plućna angiografija predstavlja zlatni standard za detekciju plućne tromboembolije. Pregledom dostupne literature, incidencija PTE je komparabilna s rezultatima našeg istraživanja. U našoj, kao i u većini recentnih studija, PTE je najčešće detektirana u segmentalnim i subsegmentalnim granama plućnih arterija, dok se incidencija usputnih nalaza detektiranih na CTPA ne podudara s rezultatima drugih istraživanja. |
Abstract (english) | Aim
Pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) is an urgent medical condition in which one or more branches of the pulmonary arteries are occluded by a thromboembolus. CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) is a rapid, non-invasive radiological method used to diagnose PTE. The main goal of this research was to determine the incidence of positive PTE findings in 524 patients who underwent CTPA, and to determine the frequency of affected branches of the pulmonary arteries. Furthermore, one of the goals was to determine the incidence of incidental findings (lung nodules, lung tumour, pneumonia, lung infarction, pleural effusion).
Materials and Methods
In this retrospective study, data were collected on 524 patients who, due to suspicion of PTE, underwent CTPA at the Clinical Department for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, locality Sušak, at the Clinical Hospital Center (CHC) Rijeka, in the period from January to April 2023. All the necessary data specified in the radiologist's report were collected from the hospital database (IBIS) and the associated application (ISSA).
Out of a total of 524 patients who underwent CTPA, PTE was proven in 97 or 18,51% of patients. In our research, there was an equal number of male and female subjects (260 or 49,62% versus 264 or 50,39%). The incidence of PTE was slightly higher in men (52 or 53,61%) than in women (45 or 46,39%). The majority of patients (262 or 50,00%) belonged to the age group between 61 and 80 years. Incidental findings described on CTPA, in order of frequency, were pneumonia (37,15%), pleural effusions (34,86%), pulmonary nodules (16,79%), lung tumors (6,87%) and pulmonary infarcts ( 4,33%).
CT pulmonary angiography is the gold standard for the detection of pulmonary thromboembolism. By reviewing the available literature, the incidence of PTE is comparable to the results of our study. In ours, as well as in most recent studies, PTE was most often detected in the segmental and subsegmental branches of the pulmonary arteries, while the incidence of incidental findings detected on CTPA does not match with the results of other studies. |