Abstract | UVOD: Malnutricija je stanje koje proizlazi iz nedostatka unosa hranjivih tvari te dovodi do
promjene sastava tijela i mase tjelesnih stanica, a povezana je s mnogim negativnim
zdravstvenim ishodima kod osoba starije životne dobi, uključujući povećani rizik od padova,
imunološku disfunkciju, smanjenu kvalitetu života, češće i duže hospitalizacije i konačno višu
stopu smrtnosti.
CILJ: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati učestalost malnutricije u Domu za starije i nemoćne osobe
Poreč te usporediti istu obzirom na dob ispitanika, spol ispitanika i polifarmaciju.
METODE: U istraživanje su uključeni ispitanici koji su u vremenskom periodu od 01.01.2022.
do 01.06.2024. boravili u navedenoj ustanovi. Kriterij uključenja u istraživanje bio je boravak
u domu za starije minimalno 6 mjeseci, dok su iz istraživanja isključeni ispitanici koji su u
istom boravili manje od 6 mjeseci, nepokretni ispitanici te ispitanici s demencijom. Za
istraživanje su korišteni podaci o spolu, dobi, uzimanju lijekova te ITM. Statistička obrada
podataka provedena je pomoću programa Statistica, a dobiveni rezultati prikazani su pomoću
tablica i grafova u obliku postotaka i frekvencija. Učestalost malnutricije prikazana je pomoću
aritmetičke sredine i standardne devijacije, dok su hipoteze testirane pomoću Hi-kvadrat testa
na razini statističke značajnosti p < 0,05 (5%).
REZULTATI: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 99 ispitanika, prosječne dobi 84,57 godina te je
većina (72,7%) bila ženskog spola. Učestalost malnutricije iznosila je 19,2%, što je statistički
znatno manje od 56% koliko iznosi prosjek u dosadašnjoj literaturi. Prosječna dob ispitanika
koji nemaju malnutriciju je 84,59 godina, dok je dob ispitanika koji imaju malnutriciju 84,47
godine te nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika. Udio ispitanika ženskog spola koji boluju
od malnutricije (22,1%) bio je dvostruko veći od udjela ispitanika muškog spola (11,1%), no
navedena razlika nije statistički značajna. Prevalencija malnutricije kod ispitanika koji uzimaju
više od 5 lijekova dnevno bila je 89,5%, dok je kod ispitanika koji uzimaju manje od 5 lijekova
samo 10,5% te je navedena razlika statistički značajna.
ZAKLJUČAK: Malnutricija je česta kod osoba starije životne dobi te se njezina prevalencija
povećava sa institucionalizacijom starijih osoba u domove za starije. |
Abstract (english) | INTRODUCTION: Malnutrition is a condition that results from a lack of nutrient intake and
leads to changes in body composition and body cell mass and is associated with many negative
health outcomes in older people, including increased risk of falls, immune dysfunction, reduced
quality of life, more frequent and longer hospitalizations and finally a higher mortality rate.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the research was to examine the frequency of malnutrition in the
Home for the Elderly and Infirm in Poreč and to compare the same regarding the age of the
subjects, gender of the subjects and polypharmacy.
METHODS: The research included subjects who, in the period from 01.01.2022. until
01.06.2024. stayed in the mentioned institution. The criterion for inclusion in the research was
staying in a home for the elderly for a minimum of 6 months, while respondents who stayed in
the home for less than 6 months, immobile respondents and respondents with dementia were
excluded from the research. Data on gender, age, medication intake and BMI were used for the
research. Statistical data processing was carried out using the Statistica program, and the
obtained results were presented using tables and graphs in the form of percentages and
frequencies. The frequency of malnutrition is presented using the arithmetic mean and standard
deviation, while the hypotheses were tested using the Chi-square test at the level of statistical
significance p < 0.05 (5%).
RESULTS: 99 respondents participated in the research, the average age was 84.57 years, and
the majority (72.7%) were female. The frequency of malnutrition was 19.2%, which is
statistically significantly lower than the average of 56% in the previous literature. The average
age of subjects who do not have malnutrition is 84.59 years, while the age of subjects who have
malnutrition is 84.47 years, and no statistically significant difference was found. The share of
female respondents suffering from malnutrition (22.1%) was twice as high as the share of male
respondents (11.1%), but the stated difference is not statistically significant. The prevalence of
malnutrition in subjects who take more than 5 medicines per day was 89.5%, while in subjects
who take less than 5 medicines it is only 10.5%, and the mentioned difference is statistically
CONCLUSION: Malnutrition is common in the elderly, and its prevalence increases with the
institutionalization of elderly people in homes for the elderly |