Abstract | Uvod: Strah od poroda potpuno je normalan, kako za prvorotke, tako i za žene koje su već rodile. Porod je nepredvidljiv, često bolan i povezan sa rizikom da završi neugodno za majku i dijete. Većina žena uspijeva taj strah prebroditi, a kod nekolicine se javlja ekstremni strah ili neugoda koja u rijetkim slučajevima može prerasti u bolestan strah od poroda ili tokofobiju.
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja je istražiti i analizirati kako strah od poroda utječe na iskustvo poroda te procijeniti kako utječe na ostale opstetričke i sociodemografske varijable.
Materijali i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 01.06. do 31.07.2024. u OB Karlovac. Istraživanje se provodilo putem anonimnog anketnog upitnika licem u lice koji se sastojao od tri dijela. Prvi dio anketnog upitnika odnosio se na sociodemografske podatke, dok se glavni dio upitnika odnosio na ispitivanje strah od poroda, za što je korišten standardizirani upitnik „Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experietue Questwnnaire (W-DEQ version A and B)“, autora Wijma, Wijma i Zar iz 1998. godine, odnosno njezina prevedena i prilagođena hrvatska verzija. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 120 ispitanica.
Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 120 ispitanica. Najviše ispitanica, njih 55,0% ima srednju školu. Prema porodu po redu možemo vidjeti kako podjednaki broj ispitanica, odnosno njih 37,5% ima 1. ili 2. porod. Prema načinu dovršetka poroda 74,2% ispitanica navodi kako je porod dovršen vaginalno. Kod W-DEQ ukupno (inicijalno) 58,8% ispitanica iskazalo je da ima klinički značajan strah od porođaja. Kod W-DEQ ukupno 70,6% ispitanica imalo je klinički značajan strah od porođaja.
Zaključak: Na temelju provedenog istraživanja, promatrana pitanja može se uočiti kako p iznosi može se zaključiti kako ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u odgovorima ispitanica s obzirom na kategorije W-DEQ ukupno inicijalno i ukupno finialno. Možemo reći kako ispitanice podjedanko osjećaju strah prije i nakon poroda. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: Fear of childbirth is completely normal, both for first-time mothers and for women who have already given birth. Childbirth is unpredictable, often painful and associated with the risk of ending unpleasantly for mother and child. Most women manage to overcome this fear, and a few experience extreme fear or discomfort, which in rare cases can develop into a morbid fear of childbirth or tokophobia.
Research goal: The goal of this research is to investigate and analyze how fear of childbirth affects the experience of childbirth and to assess how it affects other obstetric and sociodemographic variables.
Materials and methods: The research was conducted in the period from 01.06. until 31.07.2024. in OB Karlovac. The research was conducted through an anonymous, face-to-face questionnaire consisting of three parts. The first part of the questionnaire referred to sociodemographic data, while the main part of the questionnaire referred to the examination of fear of childbirth, for which the standardized questionnaire "Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experietue Questwnnaire (W-DEQ version A and B)" was used, authored by Wijma, Wijma and Zar from 1998, i.e. its translated and adapted Croatian version. 120 respondents participated in the research.
Results: 120 respondents participated in the research. Most of the respondents, 55.0% of them, have high school education. According to the order of birth, we can see that an equal number of respondents, i.e. 37.5% of them, have the 1st or 2nd birth in order. According to the method of completion of childbirth, 74.2% of respondents stated that the delivery was completed vaginally. In the W-DEQ, a total of 58.8% of the respondents stated that they had a clinically significant fear of childbirth. In the W-DEQ, a total of 70.6% of respondents had a clinically significant fear of childbirth.
Conclusion: Based on the conducted research, and the significance values for all observed questions it can be said that there is no statistically significant difference in the answers of the respondents regarding the W-DEQ categories total initial and total final. We can say that the respondents feel fear equally before and after childbirth. |