Abstract | Uvod i cilj: Fertilitet kao temelj opstojnosti društva u konstantnom je padu i danas na razini Republike Hrvatske iznosi 1,4 djeteta što ne osigurava opstojnost populacije i vodi u brojne društvene probleme. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti razinu znanja o fertilitetu među studentima, povezane čimbenike utjecaja na stav prema fertilitetu, metode kojima studenti stječu znanje o fertilitetu i odnos između znanja o fertilitetu i namjera rađanja.
Materijali i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno na Sveučilišnom odjelu zdravstvenih studija, kojim su obuhvaćeni studenti preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija svih smjerova (sestrinstvo, primaljstvo, fizioterapija, radiološka tehnologija i medicinsko-laboratorijska dijagnostika), sa svih godina studija. Metoda uzorka korištena u istraživanju bila je prigodni uzorak. Kao mjerni instrument za prikupljanje podataka koristit će se standardizirani upitnik procjene znanja o fertilnosti Cardiff Fertility Knowledge Scale (CFKS) koju su 2013. godine razvili Boivin i suradnici.
Rezultati: Čak 98,5% ispitanika želi imati djecu, dok ih 96,2% smatra da je jako važno imati djecu. Istovremeno ispitanici su na tvrdnje o fertilitetu imali samo 59% točnih odgovora. Studentice su u prosjeku odgovorile točno na 69% pitanja o fertilitetu, dok su studenti bili nešto neuspješniji s 50,7% točnih odgovora.
Zaključak: Istraživanje je pokazalo da ispitanici iako imaju izraženu namjeru ostvarenja vlastite reprodukcije, dok istovremeno imaju skromnu razinu znanja o fertilitetu. Dokazani su nedostaci u zdravstvenom obrazovanju o plodnosti. Njihovo znanje o padu plodnosti kod žena je skromno. Postoji potreba za promjenom edukativnog pristupa temi plodnosti kao i prilagodba zdravstvenog sustava ovoj temi. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction and objective: Fertility, as the basis of the survival of society, is in constant decline and today at the level of the Republic of Croatia it is 1.4 children, which does not ensure the survival of the population and leads to numerous social problems. The aim of this paper is to investigate the level of knowledge about fertility among students, related factors influencing the attitude towards fertility, the methods by which students acquire knowledge about fertility and the relationship between knowledge about fertility and the intention to have children.
Materials and methods: The research was conducted at the University Department of Health Studies, which included undergraduate and graduate students of all majors (nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, radiologic technology, and medical-laboratory diagnostics), from all years of study. The sampling method used in the research was convenience sampling. As a measuring instrument for data collection, the standardized questionnaire for assessing fertility knowledge, the Cardiff Fertility Knowledge Scale (CFKS), developed in 2013 by Boivin and colleagues, will be used.
Results: As many as 98.5% of respondents want to have children, while 96.2% of them believe that having children is very important. At the same time, respondents had only 59% correct answers to claims about fertility. On average, female students answered 69% of the fertility questions correctly, while male students were slightly more successful with 50.7% correct answers.
Conclusion: The research showed that the respondents, although have a high intention to have a child, they have a modest level of knowledge about fertility. Deficiencies in fertility health education have been proven. Nih's knowledge about the decline of fertility in women is insufficient. There is a need to change the educational approach to the topic of fertility, as well as to adapt the health system to this topic. |