Title Ispitivanje ravnoteže kod osoba s mentalnim teškoćama smještenim u Domu za odrasle osobe ”Vila Maria”
Title (english) Balance testing in persons with mental difficulties accomodated in a Nursing home for adults ”Vila Maria”
Author Maja Kadum
Mentor Slaven Medjimurec (mentor)
Committee member Verner Marijančić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirela Vučković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Physiotherapy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract Uvod: Ravnoteža je sposobnost tijela koji održava stabilan položaj prilikom kretanja ili mirovanja. Ravnoteža se može opisati i kao posturalna kontrola tijela. Igra važnu ulogu u svakodnevnim aktivnostima. Ako je ravnoteža pojedinca narušena, postoji veći rizik od pada i ozljeda. Osobe s mentalnim teškoćama mogu patiti od poremećaja hoda i narušene ravnoteže. Testovima za procjenu ravnoteže možemo utvrditi ako osobe s mentalnim teškoćama imaju narušenu ravnotežu i potencijalan rizik od ozljede.
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati ravnotežu korisnika doma „Vile Marie“ s obzirom na njihov spol, dob i dužinu boravka u instituciji. Testiranje ravnoteže pokazalo je imaju li korisnici Doma potrebu za većim angažmanom fizioterapeuta. Uspostavljanjem bolje posturalne kontrole poboljšala bi se tjelesna aktivnost i smanjio rizik od pada i ozljeda u budućnosti. Ispitanici i metode: Ispitanici koji su sudjelovali u istraživanju su osobe s mentalnim teškoćama koji koriste usluge smještaja i boravka Doma za odrasle osobe „Vila Maria“ u Puli. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 35 korisnika, od toga 16 muškaraca i 19 žena. Ispitanici su dobi od 39-78 godina. Svi korisnici su pokretni te nisu koristili pomagala za hod. Kriteriji uključenja u istraživanje su korisnici doma „Vila Maria“ koji su dobrovoljno pristali na istraživanje i korisnici koji su mogli provesti zadane testove. Rezultati su prikupljeni pomoću Romberg testa, testa stava na jednoj nozi te testa funkcionalnog dosega. Ispitivanje se provelo u dvorani Doma „Vila Maria“, a ispitivaču je asistirao fizioterapeut, djelatnik Doma „Vila Maria“. Kvalitetu podataka osigurava činjenica da je testove provodila ista osoba. Prikupljanje podataka je bilo individualno te je trajalo od 3-6 minuta po osobi. Za statističku obradu podataka koristio se JASP program za statistiku te su rezultati prikazani u tablicama.
Rezultati: Pearsonovom korelacijom utvrđeno je da ne postoji statistički značajna korelacija između duljine boravka u domu i mjerenih testova za ravnotežu. Pretpostavka da će stariji ispitanici imati slabije rezultate na testu ravnoteže od mlađih ispitanika, pokazala se jedino kod testa funkcionalnog dosega, stoga je druga hipoteza djelomično potvrđena. Obradom podataka pomoću t testa nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika između muškaraca i žena po mjerenim varijablama ravnoteže. Treća hipoteza je potvrđena. Žene su pokazale bolje rezultate na Romberg testu i testu stava na jednoj nozi, dok su muškarci pokazali bolje rezultate na testu funkcionalnog dosega.Vrlo mali broj ispitanika (23 %) je uspjelo izdržati preko 30 sekundi na Romberg testu. Skoro polovina ispitanika (49 %) je postigla vrlo loš rezultat (< 5 sekundi) na testu stava na jednoj nozi. Samo 9 ispitanika (25 %) je postiglo rezultat manje od 15 cm na testu funkcionalnog dosega.
Zaključak: Kako bi poboljšali ravnotežu i smanjili rizik od pada, korisnici Vile Marie trebali bi provoditi program vježbi za poboljšanje ravnoteže. Od velike je važnosti uključiti osobe s mentalnim teškoćama u neki oblik fizičke aktivnosti. Uvođenjem vježbi ravnoteže smanjio bi se rizik od pada u budućnosti, s obzirom na većinsku stariju dob korisnika.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Balance is the ability of the body to maintain a stable position when moving or at rest. Balance can also be described as postural control of the body. It plays an important role in everyday activities. If an individual's balance is impaired, there is a greater risk of falling and injury. People with mental disabilities may suffer from gait disturbances and impaired balance. With balance assessment tests, we can determine if people with mental disabilities have impaired balance and a potential risk of injury.
The aim of the research: The aim of this research is to examine the balance of the users of the "Vile Maria" nursing home with regard to their gender, age and length of stay in the institution. Balance testing showed whether the users of the nursing home for adults have a need for greater involvement of physiotherapists. Establishing better postural control would improve physical activity and reduce the risk of falls and injuries in the future.
Subjects and methods: The subjects who participated in the research are people with mental disabilities who use the accommodation and residence services of the Home for Adults "Vila Maria" in Pula. 35 users participated in the research, of which 16 were men and 19 were women. The respondents are aged 39-78 years. All users are mobile and did not use walking aids. The criteria for inclusion in the research are users of the "Vila Maria" home who voluntarily agreed to the research and users who were able to perform the given tests. The results were collected using the Romberg test, the one-leg stance test and the functional reach test. The examination was conducted in the hall of the "Vila Maria" Home, and the examiner was assisted by a physiotherapist, an employee of the "Vila Maria" Home. The quality of the data is ensured by the fact that the tests were carried out by the same person. Data collection was individual and lasted from 3-6 minutes per person. The JASP statistics program was used for statistical data processing, and the results are presented in tables. Results: Pearson's correlation showed that there is no statistically significant correlation between the length of stay in the home and the measured balance tests. The assumption that older subjects will have lower results on the balance test than younger subjects was only proven in the functional reach test, so the second hypothesis was partially confirmed. By processing the data using the t test, no statistically significant difference was found between men and women in the measured balance variables. The third hypothesis was confirmed.Women showed better results on the Romberg test and the one-leg stance test, while men showed better results on the functional reach test.
Conclusion: In order to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls, users of ”Vila Maria” should implement a program of exercises to improve balance. It is very important to include people with mental disabilities in some form of physical activity. The introduction of exercises would reduce the risk of falling in the future, given the older age of the majority of users.
mentalne teškoće
rizik od pada
Keywords (english)
mental difficulties
risk of falling
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:171887
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-24 12:56:12