Author Kristina Vuković
Mentor Jasna Lulić Drenjak (mentor)
Committee member Verner Marijančić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasna Lulić Drenjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristijan Zulle (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Physiotherapy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract Uvod: Autizam je jedan od razvojnih poremećaja koji započinje u djetinjstvu i zahvaća razna područja djelovanja, kompleksan je, sveobuhvatan te traje cijeli život. Kvaliteti života uvelike može doprinijeti kvalitetan odabir rehabilitacije i prilagodba raznih oblika terapije kod osoba s poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Tema istraživanja je utječu li prilagođeni sadržaji iz terapije plivanja u radu s djecom iz spektra autizma na pojedine motoričke aktivnosti kao i poboljšanja nakon odrađenih treninga. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 27 ispitanika, od kojih je 26 dječaka i 1 djevojčica u rasponu od 8 do 18 godina s dijagnozom tj. poremećajem iz spektra autizma. Svih 27-oro djece pohađaju školu u sklopu Centra za autizam u Rijeci. U istraživanju smo se koristili dvama kriterijima: Kriterij uključivanja u PK propisani od HPSS-a i Kriterij znanja plivanja u Republici Hrvatskoj te kroz terapiju plivanja od 12 treninga uz stručno vodstvo i prilagođeni individualizirani i grupni rad u trajanju od 45 min. Dobiveni rezultati testova obrađeni su pomoću Microsoft Excel 2016 i Statistica (Version 13.05.17) programa. Rezultati: Nakon provedenih 12 terapija terapijskog plivanja s prilagođenim vježbama, primijećeno je značajno povećanje broja aktivnosti kod osoba s PSA-om. Prema oba kriterija plivanja u RH, sudionici su pokazali poboljšanje u motorici, koordinaciji i samostalnosti u izvođenju plivačkih zadataka. Rezultati Hi- kvadrat testa pokazali su značajno povećanje broja aktivnosti prema Kriteriju uključenja u plivački sport. McNemarov test je otkrio statistički značaju razliku u napretku kod drugog stupnja znanja plivanja, dok kod prvog stupnja nije bilo značajnih promjena. Ovo potvrđuje da terapijsko plivanje može imati pozitivan utjecaj na fizičku aktivnost i sposobnost osoba s PSA-om. Analiza podataka pokazala je pozitivnu korelaciju između dobi i brzine izvođenja prilagođenih vježbi kod jednog od kriterija plivanja. PSA-om, pomažući im da postanu aktivniji i funkcionalniji u svakodnevnom životu. Ovi rezultati potvrđuju obje hipoteze i pružaju čvrst temelj za daljnja istraživanja o terapijskim pristupima kod osoba s PSA-om. Zaključak: Na temelju provedenom istraživanja i postavljenih ciljeva možemo zaključiti da terapijsko plivanje s prilagođenim vježbama ima pozitivan učinak kod osoba s PSA-om. Rezultati su pokazali da se nakon 12 treninga terapijskog plivanja u oba kriterija broj aktivnosti značajno povećao prema oba kriterija plivanja, što potvrđuje prvu hipotezu (H1). Također, u 2. stupnju kriterija znanja dobivena je statistički značajna razlika između inicijalnog i finalnog testiranja između dobi ispitanika i brzine izvođenja prilagođenih vježbi, što potvrđuje drugu hipotezu (H2). Ovi rezultati pokazuju da i djeca starije dobi postižu pozitivne rezultate iako su često suočena s većim izazovima u motoričkim sposobnostima.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Autism is one of the developmental disorders that begins in childhood and affects various areas od activity, it is complex, comprehensive and lasts a lifetime. A quality selection of rehablitation and adaptation of various forms of therapy for people wit autism spectrum disorder can gentlz contribute to the quality of lie. The topic of the research is wether adapted content from swimming therapy in working with children on the autism spectrum disorder affects individual motor activities as well as improvements after traning. Participans and methods: 27 respondents took parti n the research, of which 26 were boys and 1 girl between the ages od 8 and 18 with a diagnosis o fan autism spectrum disorder. All 27 children attend school within the Center for Autism in Rijeka. In the research, we used two criteria: the criterion for inclusion in swimming club prescribed by HPSS and the criterion of swimming knowledge in the Republic of Croatia and through swimming therapy of 12 training sessions with professional guidance and costomized individualized and group work lasting 45 minutes. The obtained test results were processed using Microsoft Excel 2016 and Statistica (Version 13.05.17) program. Results: After 12 sessions of therapeutic swimming with adapted exercises, a significant increase in the number of activities was observed in people with PSA. According to both swimming criteria in the Republic of Croatia, the participants showed improvement in motor skills, coordination and independence in performing swimming tasks. The results od the Hi-squere test showed a significant increase in the number of activities according to the criteria for participation in swimming sports. The Mc Nemar test revealed a statistically significent difference in progres sin the second level of swimming knowledge, while there were no significant changes in the first level. This confirms that therapeutic swimming can have positive impact on the physical activity and ability of people. Data analysis showed a postive correlation between age and the speed of performing adapted exercises in one of the swiming criteria. PSA, helping them become more active and functional in their daily lives. These results confirm both hypotheses and provide a solid foundation for further research on therapeutic approaches in people with PSA. Conclusion: Based on the research conducted and the goals set, we can conclude that therapeutic swimming with adapted exercises has a positive effect on people with PSA. The results showed that after 12 sessions od therapeutic swimming i both criteria, the number of activities increased significantly according to both swimming criteria, which confirms the firt hypothesis (H1). Also, a positive correlation was found between the age of the subjects and the speed of performing the adapted exercises, which confirms the secon hypothesis (H2). These results show that even older children achieve positive results even though they are often faced with greater challenges in motor skills.
poremećaji iz spektra autizma
Keywords (english)
autism spectrum disorder
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:976191
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-26 13:20:40