Author Iva Košuljandić
Mentor Sandra Bošković (mentor)
Committee member Daniela Malnar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Physiotherapy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation
Abstract UVOD: Autizam je biološki razvojni poremećaj mozga koji je vrlo složen zbog svoje prirode nastanka i manifestacije. Simptomi autizma mogu se uočiti već u prve tri godine života, a zahvaća gotovo sve psihičke funkcije i traje cijeli život. Karakteriziraju ga teškoće u socijalnoj interakciji i komunikaciji te ograničeni, ponavljajući i stereotipni obrasci ponašanja.
Osobe s autizmom pokazuju cijeli niz neobičnih reakcija na osjetne podražaje i to na području taktilnog, auditivnog, vizualnog i olfaktornog te vestibularnog i proprioceptivnog sustava. Cilj ove studije istražiti je učinak vježbi za ravnotežu na balansnoj ploči kod mladih odraslih osoba sa autizmom. Hipoteza: Vježbe na balansnoj ploči imaju bolji učinak na poboljšanje ravnoteže od vježbi za ravnotežu bez balansne ploče.
MATERIJALI I METODE: Ispitanici su osobe s autizmom u dobi od 18 do 29 godina koji obavljaju terapiju u Centru za autizam Rijeka. Ispitanika je 8, a podijeljeni su u ispitnu (N=4) i kontrolnu skupinu (N=4). Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 4 tjedna, od lipnja do srpnja 2018. god. Ispitna skupina je provodila vježbe za ravnotežu na balansnoj ploči dok je kontrolna skupina izvodila vježbe za ravnotežu bez ikakvih pomagala. Prije i nakon izvođenja vježbi svim ispitanicima je testirana stabilnost na balansnoj platformi ''Posturomed''. Kriterij uključenja su teškoće sa ravnotežom i motoričkom koordinacijom dok je kriterij isključenja nesuradljivost i nemogućnost održavanja pozornosti prilikom izvođenja zadanih vježbi.
REZULTATI: U ispitnoj skupini, svi ispitanici su odradili ispitivanje na balansnoj platformi po protokolu, dok su u kontrolnoj skupini 2 ispitanika odbijala sudjelovati u početnom testiranju. U završnom testiranju svi su sudjelovali. Statističkom analizom utvrđeno je da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u stabilnosti lijeve i desne noge prije i poslije tretmana kod svih ispitanika. Kod provođenja testa na mjerenim podatcima za lijevu i desnu nogu, kod obje skupine, t-test nije pokazao statistički značajnu razliku u rezultatima prije i nakon tretmana, no važno je napomenuti da se p-vrijednost značajno smanjila što upućuje na zaključak da bi se kod većeg uzorka možda mogle pokazati razlike.
ZAKLJUČAK: Dobiveni rezultati nisu potvrdili hipotezu, odnosno, vježbe na balansnoj ploči nemaju bolji učinak na poboljšanje ravnoteže od vježbi za ravnotežu bez balansne ploče. Međutim, značajno manja p-vrijednost u kontrolnoj skupini vodi do zaključka da bi se povećanjem uzorka hipoteza potvrdila i inferencijalnim metodama.
Abstract (english) INTRODUCTION: Autism is a biological dysfunction in brain development that is very complex because of its development and occurrence. Symptoms of autism can already be noticeable in the first three years of life, it encompasses almost all of the psychological functions and it lasts for a lifetime. Its main characteristics are difficulties in social interactions and communication, limited and often repeated stereotypical norms of behavior. People with diagnosed autism show a vast array of unusual reactions on certain stimuli in the areas of tactile, auditive, visual, olfactory, vestibular and kinesthetic systems. The goal of this study is to research the effects of balancing exercises performed on a balancing plate by young adults with diagnosed autism. Hypothesis: Exercises on a balancing plate have a better effect on improving the balance of a subject then those performed without a balancing plate.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Subjects are people with autism aged between 18 and 29 years who conduct the therapy in Center for autism Rijeka. There are 8 subjects, they are split in two control groups: Test group (N=4) and Control group (N=4). The research was conducted in a period of 4 weeks, from June until July 2018. The Test group has been performing exercises on a balancing plate while the Control group was performing exercises without any aids. Before and after the exercises were performed, all subjects had their stability tested on a balancing platform "Posturomed". The criteria for the approval where people with difficulties in retaining balance and motorical abilities while the criteria for the rejection of the subjects was noncompliance and the inability to stay focused during the exercises.
RESULTS: In the Test group all subjects have completed their testing on the balancing plate according to protocol, while two test subjects in the Control group refused to participate in the initial testing phase. In the final testing procedure all the subjects were participating. With statistical analysis it was confirmed that there is no noticeable statistical difference regarding the stability of left and right foot, before and after the treatment of all subjects. During conduction of the tests on measured data for left and right foot in both groups, t-test hasn't revealed any statistically noticeable difference in the results, before and after the treatment, however it is important to note that the p-values have decreased considerably which points us to the conclusion that if the testing group contained more subjects there could be more noticeable differences.
CONCLUSION: The acquired results haven't confirmed the hypothesis, apropos, the exercises done on the balancing plate do not have a more beneficial effect on the subjects than those performed without the balancing plate. However, a much lower p-value in the Control group leads us to the conclusion that with the increased number of testing subjects the hypothesis would be confirmed with inferential methods.
vježbe za ravnotežu
balansna ploča
Keywords (english)
balance exercises
balancing plate.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:655033
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Physiotherapy (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizioterapije (magistar/magistra fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-10-17 09:26:51