Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati seksualnost kardioloških bolesnika, koji uz svoju osnovnu bolest (srčani infarkt, operacija koronarnih arterija ili zaliska) imaju ili nemaju dijabetes, u odnosu na funkcionalni status. Povezanost percepcije bolesti i vlastite
seksualnosti istražena je primjenom Upitnika o seksualnosti kojeg smo sami sastavili. Fizičko stanje pacijenta, vrlo bitno za provođenje svakodnevnih aktivnosti kao i seksualnih aktivnosti, istraženo je primjenom sljedećih testova: ergometrijski test, spirometrija, Borgova skala nakon provedenog aerobnog treninga, tjelovježbi i bicikl-ergometra, kako na početku, tako i na kraju kardiološke rehabilitacije.
Istraživanje je provedeno na 60 bolesnika, u dobi od 40 do 75 godina. Nezavisne varijable bile su: dob, spol, tjelesna visina i težina, profesionalni status, te obrazovanje. Zavisne varijable bile su rezultati dobiveni ergometrijskim testom, spirometrijom, Borgovom skalom, te rezultati dobiveni popunjavanjem Upitnika o seksualnosti. Rezultati su obrađeni u programu Statistica (Verzija, 1984-2018 TIBCO Software Inc.) i Microsoft Excel 2010, a prikazani su pomoću deskriptivne statistike u obliku aritmetičkih sredina, standardne devijacije i postotaka. Dobiveni rezultati su potvrdili većinu postavljenih hipoteza – da
dijabetes utječe na smanjenje seksualnosti kod kardioloških bolesnika, te da seksualnost kod kardioloških bolesnika nakon rehabilitacije uz dobru kondiciju nije smanjena. No, hipoteza da je seksualnost više smanjena kod muškaraca nego kod žena nije potvrđena zbog premalenog broja žena uključenih u ovo istraživanje. |
Abstract (english) | The goal of this investigations was to analyze the sexuality of cardiological patients which do or do not have diabetes on top of their primary disease (heart infarction, coronary artery and/or valvulae operation) with respect to their functional status. The correlation between their perception of their disease and their sexuality, has been investigated by means of our Questionnaire on sexuality. The physical status of patients, important for conducting daily activities as well as for their sexual activitiy, has been investigated using the following tests: ergometry test, spirometry, Borg scale after conducting aerobic training, physical exercise and bicycle-ergometry, both at the beginning and at the end of cardiological rehabilitation.
We investigated 60 patients aged 40 to 75 years. The independent variables were: age, sex, height, body mass, professional status, and education level. The dependent variables consisted of results of ergometry testing, spirometry, Borg scale and Questionnaire on Sexuality. The results were analyzed using Statistica (Version, 1984-2018 TIBCO Software Inc.) and Microsoft Excel 2010, as well as descriptive statistics (arithmetic means, standard deviations and percentages). Our results have confirmed the majority of our hypotheses – that diabetes decreases sexuality in cardiological patients, and that the sexuality of cardiological patients is not decreased after the rehabilitation leading to better physical condition. However, due to the too small number of female patients involved in this study, we could not test the hypothesis that the sexuality is more decreased in men than in women. |