Title (english) Interval training leads to improvement in the functional capacity of cardiologic patients
Author Ivana Zgrablić
Mentor Viktor Peršić (mentor)
Committee member Tatjana Kehler (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Physiotherapy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract Bolesti krvožilnog sustava danas su najvažniji uzrok smrtnosti, kao i prerane nesposobnosti za
rad u većini industrijaliziranih zemlja zapadne Europe i Sjeverne Amerike. Republika
Hrvatska, zemlja u tranziciji, svojom socio-ekonomskom dinamikom također postaje zemlja s
velikim brojem oboljelih od krvožilnih bolesti uz visoku stopu smrtnosti.
S obzirom na navedeno, neupitna je važnost dobro organizirane i kontinuirane rehabilitacije
kao i provođenje mjera sekundarne prevencije, u bolesnika sa izraženim aterosklerotskim
kardiovaskularnim bolestima, te njihovo sustavno praćenje.
Iako je tjelovježba samo jedna od sastavnica takvih programa, ona je s vremenom postala i
njegova glavna okosnica. Brojne studije kardiološke rehabilitacije koja uključuje program
tjelovježbe pokazale su kako je ona ne samo učinkovita već i sigurna metoda čak i bolesnika
sa kroničnim srčanim zatajenjem.
Uz tjelovježbu, jednako važnu komponentu kardiološke rehabilitacije predstavlja i intervalni
trening, koji je i glavni predmet ovog istraživanja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 40
ispitanika, prosječno 61 godine starosti, podjednake zastupljenosti spolova. Ispitanici su
podijeljeni u dvije skupine nasumičnim odabirom te je svaka skupina provodila intervalni
trening, u različitim omjerima, u sklopu kardiološke rehabilitacije u trajanju od 21 dan.
Kontrolna skupina (N=20) provodila je intervalni trening na biciklu u omjeru 1:2, odnosno 30
sekundi vožnje bicikle na određenom stupnju opterećenja, praćeno sa 60 sekundi vožnje
bicikle bez opterećenja, kroz aktivan odmor, odnosno vožnju bicikle na 35W.
Ispitivana je skupina (N=20) isti trening provodila u omjeru 1:1. Vožnja bicikla kroz
opterećenje provodila se kroz 60 sekundi, a nakon toga kroz aktivan odmor i vožnju na 35W
opterećenja, vožnja bicikla se provodila također kroz 60 sekundi.
Neposredno na početku te na kraju rehabilitacije, ispitanici su testirani ergometrijskim testom
opterećenja i šestominutnim testom hodanja (6MTH). Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na
poboljšanje funkcionalnog kapaciteta obje ispitivane skupine pacijenata. Kontrolna skupina u
kojoj su pacijenti provodili intervalni trening u omjeru 1:2, na drugom ergometrijskom testu i
6MTH postiže poboljšanje u većem stupnju, uspoređujući sa ispitivanom skupinom.
Uspoređivani prema dijagnozama, rezultati istraživanja dokazuju daleko veći napredak u
funkcionalnom kapacitetu pacijenata nakon kirurške revaskularizacije miokarda (eng.
Coronary artery bypass grafting – CABG) u usporedbi s nekirurškom revaskularizacijom
(angioplastikom) i pacijentima s preboljelim infarktom miokarda bez intervencijskog zahvata.
Abstract (english) Cradiovascular diseases are the most important cause of mortality, as well as premature
inability to work in most industrialized countries of Western Europe and North America. In
Croatia, because of socioeconomic dynamics of the country in transition there is also a large
number of patients with vascular diseases with a high mortality rate.
In view of the above, the importance of well organized and continuous rehabilitation as well
as the implementation of secondary prevention measures, in patients with pronounced
atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases, and their systematic monitoring are of great
Although exercise is just one of the components of such programs, it has become its main
component. Numerous cardiologic rehabilitation studies involving exercise programs have
shown that it is not only an effective, but safe method in patients with chronic heart failure.
In addition to exercise, an equally important component of cardiologic rehabilitation is the
interval training, which is also the main subject of this research. A total of 40 patients, an
average of 61 years of age, were equally represented in the study. Subjects were divided into
two groups by random selection and each group conducted interval training, in different
ratios, within cardiologic rehabilitation for 21 days.
The control group (N = 20) conducted a bicycle riding interval of 1: 2 or 30 seconds of
bicycle riding at a certain load level, followed by 60 seconds of bicycle-free riding, through
active rest or 35W bicycling.
The study group conducted the same training in a ratio of 1: 1. Bicycle ride through the load
was carried out for 60 seconds, and then through active rest and 35W load, the bike was also
run for 60 seconds.
Immediately at the beginning and at the end of rehabilitation, the subjects were tested with an
ergometric load test and six-minute walking test (6MWT). The research results suggest an
improvement in the functional capacity of both study groups. A control group in which the
patients conducted interval training at 1: 2 ratio, on the second ergometric test and 6MWT
achieved improvement at a higher level, compared with the study group.
Compared to the diagnosis, the results of the study demonstrate far greater progress in the
functional capacity of patients after myocardial artery bypass grafting (CABG), compared to
non-surgical revascularization (angioplasty) and patients with myocardial infarction without
koronarna bolest srca
intervalni trening
Keywords (english)
coronary heart disease
interval training
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:206953
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Physiotherapy (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizioterapije (magistar/magistra fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-10-23 09:50:55