Author Jan Nemrava
Mentor Tanja Grubić Kezele (mentor)
Committee member Juraj Arbanas (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Nikolić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grubić Kezele (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Physiotherapy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Human Physiology
Abstract Uvod i cilj: Terapija udarnim valom (TUV) (od engl. shockwave therapy) je neinvazivna metoda temeljena namehaničkim pulsevima koji se u obliku vala šire kroz ljudsko tijelo te izazivaju mikroskopske intersticijalne i ekstracelularne biološke učinke među kojima je i regeneracija tkiva. Takva vrsta terapije je učinkovita metoda liječenja lokaliziranih mišićno-koštanih patologija kao što su: epikondilitis, plantarni fascitis, poremećaj rotatorne manšete, trigger točke, niz kroničnih tendinopatija i mnoge druge indikacije. Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati učinkovitost i razlike u liječenju bola s TUV u pacijenata s dijagnozom plantarni fascitis, kalcificirajući tendinitis ramena i lateralni epikondilitis nadlaktične kosti nakon upotrebe 3 i 5 uzastopnih tretmana.
Ispitanici i metode: U radu su korišteni podaci pacijenata iz baze podataka Zavoda za fizikalnu i rehabilitacijsku medicinu Kliničkog bolničkog centra u Rijeci, a pri tome su u skladu s Helsinskom deklaracijom ostali anonimni. Podaci su uzeti od ukupno 144 pacijenata: plantarni fascitis N = 50, kalcificirajući tendinitis ramena N = 50 i lateralni epikondilitis N = 44.U grupi pacijenata s plantarnim fascitisom bilo je više žena (Ž: N = 33; M = 17), u rasponu dobi od 25 do 79 godina te srednjom vrijednosti intenziteta bola 7,3. S kalcificirajućim tendinitisom ramena bilo je podjednako žena i muškaraca (N = 25) u rasponu dobi od 27 do 76 sa srednjom vrijednosti intenziteta bola 7,2. U grupi pacijenata s lateralnim epikondilitisom bilo je također podjednako žena (N = 24) i muškaraca (N = 20) u rasponu dobi od 26 do 73 godine sa srednjom vrijednosti intenziteta bola 6,6.
Rezultati: Primjena terapije udarnim valom, kod pacijenata s dijagnozom plantarni fascitis, kalcificirajući tendinitis ramena i lateralni epikondilits, s ciljem smanjenja intenziteta bola pokazala se uspješna. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da 3 odnosno 5 tretmana dovode do smanjenja bola kod sve tri dijagnoze, s tim da kod 5 tretmana dobivamo bolje rezultate u odnosu na samo 3 tretmana (p<0.001).
Zaključak: Ova studija preporuča primjenu 5 tretmana kod sve tri dijagnoze kako bi pacijenti imali bolji učinak na smanjenje svojih tegoba.
Abstract (english) Introduction and aim: Shock wave therapy (SWT) is a non-invasive method based on mechanical pulses widening through the human body and causing microscopic interstitial and extracellular biological effects, including tissue regeneration. This type of therapy isan effective method in the treatment of localized musculoskeletal pathologies such as epicondylitis, plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff, trigger point, a number of chronic tendinopathies and many other indications.
The primary aim of this study was to analyze efficacy and differences in pain treatment with SWT in patients with plantar fasciitis, calcific tendinitis of the shoulder and lateral epicondylitis humeri after 3 and 5 consecutive treatments.
Participants and methods: The patients data were taken from the database at the Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine of the Clinical Hospital Center in Rijeka and used only in purpose of this work, and according to the Helsinki Declaration, stayed anonymous. The data were taken from 144 patients: plantar fasciitis N = 50, calcific tendinitis of the shoulder N = 50 and lateral epicondylitis N = 44. In the group of patients with plantar fasciitis there were more women (F: N = 33; M = 17), aged 25- 79 with mean pain intensity 7.3. With calcific tendinitis of the shoulder, there was an equal number of women and men (N = 25) aged 27-76 with mean pain score of 7.2. In the group of patients with lateral epicondylitis there were also approximately the same number of women (N = 24) and men (N = 20) aged 26-73 with mean pain score 6.6.
Results: The therapy with SWT proved to be successful in patients with diagnosis of plantar fasciitis, calcific tendinitis of the shoulder and lateral epicondylitis. The analyzed results showed that 3 or 5 treatments resulted in pain reduction in all three diagnosis, with 5 treatments being better than just 3 treatments (p<0.001).
Conclusion: This study recommends the use of 5 treatments instead of 3 in all three diagnosis in order to reduce the pain moreeffectively.
kalcificirajući tendinitis ramena
lateralni epikondilitis
plantarni fasciitis
terapija udarnim valom
Keywords (english)
plantar fasciitis
calcific tendinitis of the shoulder
shock wave therapy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:393308
Study programme Title: Graduate university study of Physiotherapy (Biomedicine and Healthcare; clinical medical sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra fizioterapije (magistar/magistra fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-10-29 10:36:26