Author Marija Majetić
Mentor Ariana Fužinac-Smojver (mentor)
Mentor Tanja Grubić Kezele (komentor)
Committee member Verner Marijančić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasna Lulić- Drenjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ariana Fužinac-Smojver (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Health Studies (Department of Physiotherapy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-06-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Human Physiology
Abstract Uvod: Tijekom dužeg razdoblja tjelesnih napora, ukoliko organizam nema mogućnosti oporavka potrošenih energetskih zaliha, brani se različitim mehanizmima, najčešće umorom. Kada je riječ o vrhunskim sportašima umor se obično zanemaruje ili previdi, zbog pretpostavke kako sportaši koji su u svakodnevnom treningu ne mogu biti umorni. Umor se definira kao stanje organizma kojeg karakterizira smanjenje radnog učinka, odnosno sposobnosti nastalo uslijed određenog dugotrajnog i napornog rada.
Cilj istraţivanja: Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi razliku u umoru u sportašica i kontrolne skupine te utvrditi povezanost ukupnog umora s fizičkim i psihosocijalnim zdravljem.
Ispitanici i metode: U ovom istraživanju je bilo uključeno 22 djevojčice školske dobi od 8-14 godina koje redovito tri puta tjedno treniraju rukomet i 20 djevojčica kontrolne skupine iste dobi koje se ne bave sportom. Djevojčice uključene u studiju podvrgnule su se ispitivanju kroz anketu Kvalitete života vezane za umor (PedsQL-Umor) i Opće kvalitete života (PedsQL-Opće zdravlje 4.0). Kroz anketu za opće zdravlje ispitalo se fizičko i psihosocijalno zdravlje u svrhu povezanosti s umorom. Njihovi roditelji su dali pismenu suglasnost da njihova djeca smiju sudjelovati u istraživanju u cilju izrade ovog završnog rada.
Rezultati: Rezultati su pokazali da je prosječna vrijednost općeg umora veća kod sportašica no bez utvrđene statistički značajne razlike. Također, umor vezan uz spavanje, kognitivni umor te ukupni umor pokazali su veću vrijednost kod sportašica no bez utvrđene statistički značajne razlike. Ujedno je utvrđena statistički značajna povezanost između ukupnog umora te psihosocijalnog i fizičkog zdravlja u sportašica, dok kod kontrolne skupine nije utvrđena povezanost.
Zaključak: Istraţivanjem je utvrđeno postojanje većeg umora u sportašica u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu, no bez statističke značajnosti. Time početna hipoteza nije potvrđena.
Abstract (english) Introduction: During a long period of physical effort, if the body does not have the ability to recover energy resources, it is defended by various mechanisms, most often with fatigue. When it comes to top athletes, fatigue is usually neglected or overlooked, given the assumption that athletes who are in daily training cannot be tired. Fatigue is defined as a condition of an organism characterized by a reduction in work performance, i.e., abilities resulting from a certain long-lasting and hard work.
Aim: The aim of the study is to identify the difference in fatigue in female athletes and control groups and to establish the correlation between total tiredness and physical and psychosocial health.
Participants and methods: In this study there were 22 girls from the school age of 8-14 years who regularly train handball and 20 girls of the same age who are not engaged in sports on a regular basis three times a week. The girls enrolled in the study underwent a study through the quality of life survey related to fatigue (PedsQL- Fatigue) and general quality of life (PedsQL-General Health 4.0). Through the general health survey, physical and psychosocial health was examined for the purpose of correlation with fatigue. Their parents have given written consent that their children may participate in the study in order to create this study.
Results: The results showed that the average value of general fatigue is higher in female athletes than without a statistically significant difference. Also, sleep-related fatigue, cognitive fatigue, and overall fatigue showed higher value in female athletes than with statistically significant differences. It also identified a statistically significant correlation between total fatigue and psychosocial and physical health in female athletes, while the control group did not establish a connection.
Conclusion: The investigation revealed the existence of greater fatigue in female athletes compared to control group, but without statistical significance. Thus the initial hypothesis is not confirmed. It also identified a statistically significant correlation between total fatigue and psychosocial and physical health in female athletes, while the control group did not establish a connection. Thus, the sport affects fatigue in a way that increases it in children of school age.
fizičko zdravlje
psihosocijalno zdravlje
Keywords (english)
psychosocial health
physical health
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:707757
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-09-25 13:38:36