Title Geodetski radovi u sklopu obnove Bazilike Presvetog Srca Isusova
Title (english) Surveying work as part of the restoration of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Author Zoran Leko
Mentor Loris Redovniković (mentor) MBZ: 273255
Mentor Sergej Baričević (komentor) MBZ: 355776
Committee member Mladen Zrinjski (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đuro Barković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Loris Redovniković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Geodesy (Institute for Applied Geodesy) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Geodesy Applied Geodesy
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se geodetskim radovima u sklopu obnove Bazilike Presvetog Srca Isusova u Zagrebu nakon potresa 2020. godine, s posebnim naglaskom na aktivnosti u kojima sam sudjelovao kao stručni suradnik u firmi Geogama d.o.o. Glavni fokus rada bio je na postavljanju nove geodetske osnove, snimanju stanja nosivih zidova nakon uklanjanja svoda, izradi geodetskih podloga za projektiranje AB grede i metalne konstrukcije svoda, iskolčenju osi metalne konstrukcije te analizi točnosti
... More postavljenih anker ploča. U uvodnom dijelu rada opisuju se potresi koji su uzrokovali značajna oštećenja bazilike i potreba za hitnom obnovom. Opisali smo geodetske radove koje je izvela firma Vektra d.o.o. tijekom faze projektiranja, a čije smo podloge i 3D sken koristili u ovom radu. Prvo je uspostavljena nova mreža geodetskih točaka kao osnova za daljnje radove. Referentne točke određene su na ulazu i oltaru bazilike, što je omogućilo precizno postavljanje glavne osi i smještaj buduće konstrukcije. Mjerenja su obavljena totalnom stanicom Leica TPS803, a rezultati su uključivali izradu geodetske podloge i analize mjerenih podataka.Nakon uspostave nove geodetske osnove, Geogama d.o.o. pristupila je snimanju postojećeg stanja bočnih zidova lađe i greda krovišta. Ti podaci korišteni su za izradu novih geodetskih podloga i usporedbu s postojećim 3D laserskim snimkama. Ova mjerenja bila su ključna za precizno pozicioniranje i iskolčenje osi metalne konstrukcije svoda. Analiza točnosti postavljenih anker ploča provedena je dvjema metodama: klasičnim putem koristeći Actcad i Geomir softver te pomoću AI tehnologije ChatGPT-4o uključujući Google Colab Python okruženje. Ova kombinacija omogućila je detaljnu provjeru i vizualizaciju razlika između projektiranog i izvedenog stanja anker ploča. Zaključno, rad ističe važnost geodetskih radova u obnovi kulturne baštine te potrebu za jasnijim propisima i procedurama kako bi se osigurala točnost i integritet geodetskih radova u projektnoj i izvedbenoj fazi građenja. Korištenje naprednih tehnologija i multidisciplinarni pristup pokazali su se ključnima za uspješnu obnovu i očuvanje kulturnih objekata. Less
Abstract (english) This thesis deals with surveying works in the restoration of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Zagreb after the 2020 earthquake, focusing on activities I participated in as a professional associate at Geogama Ltd. The main tasks were establishing a new surveying network, surveying the lateral nave walls after vault removal, creating maps for the design of the reinforced concrete beams and metal vault structure, staking out the axes of the metal structure, and analyzing the
... More accuracy of installed anchor plates. The introductory part describes the earthquakes that caused significant damage to the basilica and the urgent need for restoration. We detailed the surveying works carried out by Vektra Ltd. during the design phase, using their bases and 3D scans in this work. A new network of benchmarks was established as the basis for further works. Main reference points were set at the entrance and altar of the basilica, allowing precise placement of the main axis as a starting reference line. Measurements were performed with a Leica TPS803 total station, and the results included maps and analyses of the data. Geogama Ltd. then surveyed the existing condition of the lateral nave walls and roof beams. These data were used to create new maps and to compare with existing 3D laser scans. These measurements were crucial for the precise positioning and staking out of the metal structure's axes. Accuracy analysis of the installed anchor plates was conducted using two methods: the classical method with Actcad and Geomir software, and AI technology ChatGPT-4, including the Google Colab Python environment. This combination allowed detailed checks and visualization of differences between the designed and executed states of the anchor plates. In conclusion, the thesis highlights the importance of surveying works in cultural heritage restoration and the need for clearer regulations and procedures to ensure the accuracy and integrity of surveying works in the design and execution phases. Advanced technologies and a multidisciplinary approach proved crucial for the successful restoration and preservation of cultural objects Less
Geodetski radovi na obnovi kulturnog dobra
Iskolčenje metalne konstrukcije
AI analiza geodetskih mjerenja
AI kodiranje u python-u
Oštećenja Bazilike u Palmotićevoj
Keywords (english)
Surveying works
Cultural heritage restoration
Staking out metal structures
AI analysis
AI coding in Python
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:256:824012
Study programme Title: Geodesy and Geoinformatics Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka geodezije i geoinformatike (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka geodezije i geoinformatike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-06-30 15:47:50