Abstract | Hrvatska je zbog specifičnog geografskog položaja te karakterističnih ekoloških, klimatskih i
geomorfoloških prilika po bioraznolikosti jedna od najbogatijih zemalja Europe. Posljednjih
nekoliko desetljeća širi se intenzivna poljoprivredna proizvodnja koja, među ostalim, dovodi i
do gubitka bioraznolikosti. Tradicionalne korovne vrste posebno su ugrožene jer rastu
pretežno na poljoprivrednim površinama. Jedan od ciljeva ovog rada bio je izraditi pregled
korovnih staništa u Hrvatskoj prema najnovijim istraživanjima te pripadajućih korovnih vrsta.
Korovna vegetacija spada pod antropogenu ili sinantropsku vegetaciju te uz izvorne domaće
vrste, sadrži i mnoge strane vrste, slučajno ili namjerno unesene. Na osnovi korištene
literature utvrđeno je da korovna vegetacija Hrvatske obuhvaća dva razreda (Papaveretea
rhoeadis S. Brullo et al. 2001 i Digitario sanguinalis-Eragrostietea minoris Mucina,
Lososová et Šilc in Mucina et al. 2016) te tri reda, četiri sveze i devet asocijacija. Broj
korovnih zajednica vjerojatno je i veći jer korovna vegetacija nije u potpunosti istražena u
Hrvatskoj. Brojni su razlozi ugroženosti korovnih staništa, a od njih se posebno ističu:
pretjerana uporaba pesticida, strane invazivne vrste, pretjerana uporaba mineralnih gnojiva i
ostalih agrokemikalija, razna onečišćenja (zraka,vode,tla), uporaba teške poljoprivredne
mehanizacije i dr. Iako su neki pozitivni pomaci u Hrvatskoj učinjeni, za očuvanje
bioraznolikosti potrebno je napraviti više. Najbitnije bi bilo: smanjiti upotrebu pesticida
(najštetnije od njih zabraniti), spriječiti širenje stranih invazivnih vrsta i smanjiti njihov štetan
utjecaj te uložiti veća sredstva u razvoj ekološke poljoprivrede. |
Abstract (english) | Croatia is due to its specific geographic position and its characteristic ecological, climatic and
geomorphological opportunities for biodiversity, one of the richest countries in Europe. Over
the last few decades, intensive agricultural production is expanding, resulting, among other
things, in reducing biodiversity. Traditional weed species are particularly vulnerable because
they grow mainly on agricultural surfaces. One of the aims of this paper was to provide an
overview of the weed habitats in Croatia according to the latest research and related weed
species. Weed vegetation falls under anthropogenic or synantropic vegetation and beside
native domestic species, it contains many exotic species, accidentally or intentionally
introduced. Based on the used literature it was established that in Croatia two classes of weed
vegetation (Papaveretea rhoeadis S. Brullo et al. 2001 and Digitario sanguinalis-
Eragrostietea minoris Mucina, Lososová et Šilc in Mucina et al. 2016) and three orders, four
alliances, and nine associations of weed vegetation are present. The number of weed
communities is probably higher because weed vegetation is not fully explored in Croatia.
There are numerous reasons for endangered habitats, with particular emphasis on excessive
use of pesticides, invasive foreign species, excessive use of mineral fertilizers and other
agrochemicals, various pollutants (air, water, soil), use of heavy agricultural mechanization,
etc. Some positive shifts in Croatia are present, however, it is necessary to do more to
preserve biodiversity. The most important thing is to reduce the use of pesticides (to prohibit
the use of most hatrmfull ones), to prevent the spread of foreign invasive species and to
reduce their harmful impact and to invest more resources in the development of organic
agriculture. |