Title Korištenje otpadne vode za dobivanje energije
Title (english) Use of wastewater for energy production
Author Petra Beliga
Mentor Jelena Loborec (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Kovač (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Loborec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Siniša Širac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Anić Vučinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering Varaždin
Defense date and country 2021-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Technical Sciences
Abstract Pročišćavanje otpadnih voda postupak je smanjenja količine štetnih tvari do te razine
da voda koja se ispušta natrag u prirodu nema štetni utjecaj na okoliš, živa bića u njemu
te na zdravlje ljudi. U procesu pročišćavanja otpadnih voda nastaje mulj kao
nusproizvod. Otpadni mulj predstavlja mješavinu organskih i anorganskih tvari iz
vode, a može sadržavati parazite, patogene mikroorganizme, viruse te mnoge
potencijalne otrovne elemente i štetne spojeve. Pročišćene otpadne vode ispuštaju se u
prirodni prijamnik, a odvojeni mulj zahtjeva daljnju obradu i odlaganje kako ne bi
predstavljao opasnost za okoliš i ljudsko zdravlje, sve u skladu s ekološkim i ekonomski
prihvatljivim načinima. Održivi pristup upravljanja muljem podrazumijeva primjenu
prikladne tehnologije obrade mulja, što bi omogućilo njegovo ponovno korištenje uz
zadovoljavajuće financijske i ekološke uvjete. U Hrvatskoj taj problem oko pametnog
zbrinjavanja i obrade otpadnog mulja do dan danas nije u konačnici jasno definiran ni
reguliran određenim uputama, smjernicama i propisima. U posljednje vrijeme ideje o
korisnosti i isplativosti gradnje kvalitetnog postrojenja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda
koja bi uključivala i obradu te oporabu proizvedenog mulja u RH postaje sve
intenzivnija. Opće je poznato da povećanjem životnog standarda raste količina otpadne
vode, povećanje stupnja pročišćavanja otpadne vode raste i količina nastalog mulja
kojeg je potrebno obraditi. Sve to zajedno povećava troškove rada komunalnih
poduzeća koji se bave odvodnjom i pročišćavanjem otpadne vode. Ovaj rad razmatra
problematiku pročišćivanja otpadnih voda te mogućnosti daljnje uporabe mulja na
ekološki prihvatljiv i ekonomski isplativ način, posebice u području energetike.
Abstract (english) Wastewater treatment is a process of reducing the amount of harmful substances to such
an extent that water that is filled back into nature has no harmful effects on the
environment, living beings in it and on human health. Sludge is formed as a by-product
in a wastewater treatment process. Waste sludge is a mixture of organic and inorganic
substances isolated from wastewater, and may contain parasites, pathogenic
microorganisms, viruses and many potential toxic elements and harmful compounds. The
treated wastewater is discharged into a natural receiver, and separated sludge requires
further treatment and disposal so as not to pose a danger to the environment and human
health, all in accordance with environmentally and economically acceptable methods. A
sustainable sludge management approach implies the application of an appropriate sludge
treatment technology, which would enable its reuse with satisfactory financial and
environmental conditions. The problem regarding the smart disposal and treatment of
waste sludge according to certain instructions, guidelines and regulations. has not been
clearly defined or regulated in Croatia so far. Recently, the idea of usefulness and costeffectiveness
of building a quality wastewater treatment plant that would include and
process the recovery of produced sludge in Croatia and in the world is becoming more
interesting. It is generally known that as the standard of living increases, the amount of
wastewater increases and as the degree of wastewater treatment increases so does the
amount of sludge that needs to be treated. All of this increases the operating costs of
utility companies engaged in drainage and wastewater treatment. This paper presents the
issue of wastewater treatment and the possibility of further use of sludge in an
environmentally friendly and economically advantageous way, especially in the field of
pročišćivanje otpadnih voda
mulj iz otpadnih voda
energija iz mulja
Keywords (english)
wastewater treatment
sludge from wastewater
energy from sludge
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:130:054885
Study programme Title: Geoenvironmental Engineering; specializations in: Geoenvironmental Engineering, Environmental Management, Water Management Course: Geoenvironmental Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/ inženjerka inženjerstva okoliša (magistar/magistra inženjer/ inženjerka inženjerstva okoliša)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-10-28 08:40:14