Title Metode izračuna pronosa nanosa u rijeci Dravi
Title (english) Methods for calculating sediment transport in the Drava River
Author Tea Kos
Mentor Dijana Oskoruš (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Kovač (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dijana Oskoruš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Karlo Leskovar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Kapelj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danko Biondić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering Varaždin
Defense date and country 2023-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Technical Sciences Environmental Engineering
Abstract Transport riječnog nanosa ima vitalnu ulogu u oblikovanju riječne morfologije, te utječe
na različite obrasce tečenja i stvara raznolike ekosustave duž riječnog toka. Najvažniji
čimbenici koji utječu na transport nanosa su: brzina toka, veličina i sastav nanosa, oblik i hrapavost riječnog korita te sama količina nanosa u uzvodnim dijelovima sliva i
prisutnost prepreka i promjena u riječnom toku. Rijeka Drava svojim tokom kroz srednju i jugoistočnu Europu prenosi velike količine suspendiranog
... More i koritoformirajućeg
(vučenog) nanosa. U ovom radu pobliže su objašnjene hidrološke, geološke i
hidrogeološke karakteristike rijeke Drave, vrste i važnost nanosa u rijeci te je dan
pregled metoda za izračun pronosa suspendiranog nanosa unjoj. U radu su analizirani
podaci s četiri hidrološke postaje na rijeci Dravi, a to su: Varaždin, Donja Dubrava, Botovo i Terezino Polje. Prikazano je višegodišnje kretanje vodostaja, protoka i pronosa suspendiranog nanosa te njihova povezanost s klimatskim (količinom oborina) i
antropogenim (gradnja hidroelektrana) čimbenicima. Prikazane su metode za izračun
pronosa nanosa na primjeru rijeke Drave, a metode su: izračun koncentracije suspendiranog nanosa na temelju diskretnih uzoraka vode, izračun srednje profilske koncentracije i određivanje koeficijenta korekcije za dnevne diskretne uzorke, izračun
dnevnog, mjesečnog i godišnjeg pronosa suspendiranog nanosa za mjernu postaju
Botovo, definiranje krivulje nanosa na mjernim postajama na Dravi, trendovi promjena u režimu pronosa suspendiranog nanosa u zavisnosti od antropogenih i klimatskih utjecaja te opis metoda proračuna vučenog nanosa primjerom izračuna po Einstein -
Brown metodi. Less
Abstract (english) Methods for calculating sediment transport in the Drava River River sediment transport plays a vital role in shaping river morphology, and it also
influences different flow patterns and creates diverse ecosystems along the river course. The most important factors affecting sediment transport are: flow speed, size and
composition of sediment, shape and roughness of the river bed, and the amount of sediment in the upstream parts of the basin as well as the presence of obstacles and
changes in
... More the river flow. The Drava River transports large amounts of suspended and
bed load in its flow through Central and South - Eastern Europe. In this paper the hydrological, geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the Drava River and the types and importance of sediment in the River are explained, and an overview of
methods for calculating suspended sediment transport in it are given. In the paper, data from four hydrological stations on the Drava River were analyzed, and they are :
Varaždin, Donja Dubrava, Botovo and Terezino Polje. The long-term distribution of water level, flow and sediment transport and their connection with climatic
(precipitation) and anthropogenic (hydroelectric power plant construction) factors are presented. The methods of suspended sediment transport calculations are shown on the
example of the Drava River, and they include: calculation of the concentration of suspended sediment based on discrete water samples, calculation of the average profile concentration and determination of the correction coefficient for daily discrete samples, calculation of daily, monthly and annual sediment transport for the measuring station
Botovo, definition of the sediment curve at the measuring stations on the Drava River,
trends of changes in the sediment transport regime depending on anthropogenic and climatic influences as well as the description of the bed load transport calculation
methods with an example of calculation based on Einstein – Brown method. Less
suspendirani nanos
koritoformirajući (vučeni) nanos
koncentracija i pronos nanosa
Keywords (english)
suspended sediment
bed load
sediment concentration and transport
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:130:778856
Study programme Title: Geoenvironmental Engineering; specializations in: Geoenvironmental Engineering, Environmental Management, Water Management Course: Water Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka inženjerstva okoliša (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka inženjerstva okoliša)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-02-13 10:33:31