Title Optimizacija rješenja za raskrižja u rubnoj gradskoj zoni na primjeru raskrižja u Gradu Poreču
Title (english) Optimisation of Road Intersection Design in Suburban Areas: Case Study From Poreč City
Author Denis Iskra
Mentor Aleksandra Deluka - Tibljaš (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Šurdonja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Cuculić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Deluka - Tibljaš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-07-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Transportation
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu prikazan je postupak odabira optimalnog tipa raskrižja u rubnoj zoni urbanog prostora na primjeru dva raskrižja smještena na području Grada Poreča. Dva promatrana raskrižja su: raskrižje Ulica Županije Somogy, Anke Butorac i Ive Lole Ribara te raskrižje Ulica Županije Somogy, Vitomira Širole Paje i Brune Valentija. Odabir optimalnog tipa raskrižja uključuje analizu lokacije, analizu prometa i drugih parametara. Postupak odabira optimalnog tipa raskrižja u gradskim područjima dosta je složen zbog potrebe zadovoljavanja potreba različitih vidova prometa, prostornog ograničenja i potrebe respektiranja okoliša.
Na početku rada navedeni su zahtjevi pri projektiranju raskrižja u razini te kriteriji za odabir optimalnog tipa raskrižja. Provedena je analiza postojećeg stanja koja uključuje analizu; geometrijskih elemenata raskrižja, organizacije prometa na raskrižju, pješačkog i biciklističkog prometa, konfliktnih točaka i preglednosti. Prijedlog novih rješenja dan je u skladu s "Urbanističkim planom uređenja stambenog naselja Poreč - JUG (UPU-24)". Rješenjima se nastojalo unaprijediti odvijanje prometa na zadanoj lokaciji prije svega iz aspekta sigurnosti odvijanja prometa. Predložena rješenja su klasična trokraka i četverokraka raskrižja u razini i kružna raskrižja. Varijante rješenja kružnih raskrižja izrađene su u skladu s uptuama iz "Smjernica za projektiranje kružnih raskrižja na državnim cestama". Izrađeno je ukupno 10 varijanti rješenja za oba raskrižja. Postupak odabira najpovoljnijeg rješenja proveden je u dva koraka - eliminacijom prema manjem broju kriterija te detaljnom usporedbom rješenja u drugom koraku. U prvom je koraku na temelju kriterija konfliktnih točaka, provoznosti i sigurnosti nemotoriziranog prometa sužen izbor varijanti na tri moguća rješenja raskrižja Ulica Županije Somogy, Anke Butorac i Ive Lole Ribara koja su se najbolje pokazala prema promatranim kriterijima. U nastavku su, u drugom koraku, po tri varijante za svako raskrižje međusobno uspoređene i bodovane zajedno s postojećim stanjem. Usporedba je provedena prema kriterijima koji su definirani u "Smjernicama za projektiranje kružnih raskrižja na državnim cestama", a pod-kriteriji su prilagođeni promatranoj situaciji. Kao konačna rješenja odabrana su raskrižja koja su bolje zadovoljavala postavljene kriterije te su detaljnije razrađena i prikazana na grafičkim prilozima.
Abstract (english) This master's thesis presents the procedure for selecting the optimal type of intersection in the peripheral zone of urban space, using the example of two intersections located in the area of the city of Poreč. The two observed intersections are: the intersection of Ulica Županija Somogy, Anka Butorac and Ivo Lola Ribar and the intersection of Ulica Županija Somogy, Vitomir Širola Paja and Bruno Valenti. The selection of the optimal type of intersections involves the analysis of location, traffic analysis and other parameters. The procedure for selecting the optimal type of intersection in urban areas is quite complex due to the need to meet requirements of different types of traffic, spatial limitations and the need to respect the environment. At the beginning of the study, the requirements for designing intersections at grade and the criteria for selecting the optimal type of intersection are specified. An analysis of the existing conditions has been conducted, which includes an analysis of the geometric elements of the intersection, traffic organization at the intersection, pedestrian and bicycle traffic, conflict points and visibility. The proposed new solutions are in accordance with the urban development plan of the residential area of Poreč. The solutions aim to improve traffic flow at the given location, primarily from the perspective of traffic safety. The proposed solutions include conventional three-way and four-way intersections at grade, as well as roundabouts. The design alternatives for roundabouts were developed following the guidelines for designing roundabouts on national roads. A total of 10 solution variants were developed for both intersections. The process of selecting the most favorable solution was carried out in two steps – elimination based on a smaller number of criteria and a detailed comparison of solutions in the second step. In the first step, based on the criteria of conflict points, traffic drivability and non-motorized traffic safety, the options for the intersection of Ulica Županija Somogy, Anka Butorac and Ivo Lola Ribar were narrowed down to three possible solutions that performed best according to the observed criteria. In the second step, three variants for each intersection were compared and scored against each other and the existing conditions. The comparison was carried out according to the criteria defined in the guidelines for designing roundabouts on national roads, with sub-criteria adapted to the observed situation. The final solutions selected were the intersections that better met the established criteria and were further elaborated and presented in graphical attachments.
raskrižje u razini
trokrako raskrižje
kružno raskrižje
Keywords (english)
at-grade intersection
three-way intersection
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:220749
Study programme Title: University graduate study of Civil Engineering; specializations in: Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Engineering Modelling of Structures, Structures, Transportation Engineering, Urban Engineering Course: Urban Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar inženjer građevinarstva/sveučilišna magistra inženjerka građevinarstva (sveučilišni magistar inženjer građevinarstva/sveučilišna magistra inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-07-21 09:49:04