Title Upotreba cementnog otpadnog mulja kao zamjenskog materijala u mortu
Title (english) Use of Cement Waste Sludge as a Substitute Material in Morta
Author Tin Filipović
Mentor Natalija Bede Odorčić (mentor)
Committee member Natalija Bede Odorčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering (Department of Computer Modeling of Materials and Structures) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences Materials
Abstract Proizvodnja betona doživjela je značajan porast diljem svijeta. Beton je ključni materijal u građevinskoj industriji i koristi se za izgradnju različitih objekata, od stambenih i poslovnih zgrada do infrastrukturnih projekata kao što su mostovi, ceste i tuneli. Međutim, ovaj porast proizvodnje betona ima negativne ekološke posljedice. Proizvodnja betona i cementa zahtijeva velike količine prirodnih sirovina poput pijeska, šljunka i vapnenca. Prekomjerna eksploatacija ovih sirovina može imati ozbiljne posljedice na okoliš, uključujući eroziju obala, degradaciju staništa i potencijalno iscrpljivanje tih resursa. Kako bi se smanjila prekomjerna upotreba prirodnih sirovina i ublažio negativan utjecaj proizvodnje betona na okoliš, raste potražnja za zamjenskim materijalima. Alternativni materijali postaju sve popularniji jer mogu uključivati i otpadne materijale čime se rješava problem njegovog zbrinjavanja, poput danas sve češće korištenog recikliranog agregata koji se dobiva drobljenjem građevnog otpada. S obzirom na navedene činjenice, osnovna ideja ovog rada je upotreba otpadnog materijala nastalog u procesu proizvodnje betona. U ovom radu ispitivan je cementni otpadni mulj koji se generira u taložniku nakon odvajanja od otpadne vode u postrojenjima koji se bave spravljanjem betonskih i cementnih mješavina Eksperimentalni dio rada se temeljio na izradi vlastitih mješavina cementnog morta u kojima se cement zamijenio s cementnim otpadnim muljem u količini od 0%, 5%, 10% te 15% mase cementa. Rezultati ispitivanja mješavina s različitim udjelima cementnog otpada uspoređivani su s referentnom mješavinom. Cilj je dobiti cementnu mješavinu s određenim udjelom cementnog otpadnog mulja koja i dalje zadovoljava uvijete čvrstoće zahtijevane normom za cement korišten za spravljanje referentne mješavine. Ustanovljen je gubitak obradivosti mješavina s povećanjem udjela cementnog otpadnog mulja. Na očvrslim uzorcima cementnog morta provedeno je standardno ispitivanje čvrstoće cementa, koje uključuje ispitivanje čvrstoće na tlak kao i ispitivanje vlačne čvrstoće pri savijanju. Sve očvrsle mješavine cementnog morta ispitane su pri starosti od 3 dana i 28 dana. Kao i kod standardnih uzoraka morta, uzorci veće starosti postižu veću čvrstoću, što sugerira da se unutar tog vremenskog razdoblja odvijaju određeni procesi stvrdnjavanja. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da tlačna i vlačna čvrstoća materijala padaju s povećanjem količine cementnog otpadnog mulja u mješavini.
Abstract (english) The production of concrete has experienced significant growth worldwide. Concrete is a key material in the construction industry and is used in the construction of various structures, from residential and commercial buildings to infrastructure projects such as bridges, roads, and tunnels. However, this increase in concrete production has negative environmental consequences. The production of concrete and cement requires large quantities of natural resources such as sand, gravel, and limestone. Excessive exploitation of these resources can have serious environmental consequences, including coastal erosion, habitat degradation, and potential resource depletion. To reduce the excessive use of natural resources and mitigate the negative impact of concrete production on the environment, there is a growing demand for alternative materials. Alternative materials are becoming increasingly popular because they can include waste materials, solving the problem of their disposal, such as the commonly used recycled aggregate obtained by crushing construction waste. Given these facts, the basic idea of this thesis is to use waste material generated in the concrete production process. This thesis examines cement waste sludge generated in settling tanks after separation from wastewater in facilities that deal with the preparation of concrete and cement mixtures. The experimental part of the study was based on the preparation of custom cement mortar mixes in which cement was replaced with cement waste sludge in amounts of 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% by weight of cement. The results of testing mixes with different proportions of cement waste were compared to a reference mix. The goal is to obtain a cement mixture with a certain proportion of cement waste sludge that still meets the strength requirements specified by the standard for cement used in the preparation of the reference mix. A loss of workability of the mixes was observed as the proportion of cement waste sludge increased. Standard cement strength tests were conducted on hardened cement mortar samples, including compressive strength testing and flexural strength testing. All hardened cement mortar mixtures were tested at 3 days and 28 days of age. As with standard mortar samples, samples at a greater age achieved higher strength, suggesting that certain curing processes occur within that time frame. The test results show that the compressive and flexural strength of the material decreases with increasing amounts of cement waste sludge in the mixture.
zamjenski materijali
cementni otpadni mulj
cementni mort
konzistencija rasprostiranjem
tlačna čvrstoća
vlačna čvrstoća savijanjem
Keywords (english)
substitution materials
cement waste sludge
cement mortar
compressive strength
flexural strength
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:471974
Study programme Title: University undergraduate study of Civil Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) inženjer građevinarstva/sveučilišna prvostupnica (baccalaurea) inženjerka građevinarstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) inženjer građevinarstva/sveučilišna prvostupnica (baccalaurea) inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-10-05 10:21:47