Title Proizvodnja i svojstva cementa
Title (english) Production and Properties of Cement
Author Kristijan Štefok
Mentor Neira Torić Malić (mentor)
Committee member Silvija Mrakovčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Cuculić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Neira Torić Malić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering (Department of Computer Modeling of Materials and Structures) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences Materials
Abstract Cement je vrsta veziva koja se koristi u građevinskoj industriji za povezivanje kompozitnih materijala kao što su pijesak, šljunak i voda u svrhu izrade materijala koji se koriste u građevinarstvu. Glavna funkcija cementa je stvaranje čvrstog spoja između komponenata kompozitnih materijala za izgradnju koji onda služe za oblikovanje elemenata konstrukcija kao što su temelji, stupovi i zidovi. Povijest cementa seže tisućama godina unatrag. U Hrvatskoj se proizvodnja cementa razvila tijekom 20. stoljeća. Tvornice cementa, poput tvornice u Rugvici blizu Zagreba, igrale su važnu ulogu u razvoju građevinske industrije i infrastrukture u zemlji. Najveće tvrtke za proizvodnju cementa u Hrvatskoj su CEMEX Hrvatska d.d., NEXE grupa i Holcim d.o.o.. Hrvatska cementna industrija danas proizvodi različite vrste cementa i specijalne vrste cementa s različitim svojstvima. Održiva proizvodnja cementa je koncept koji se sve više ističe u građevinskoj industriji. Proizvodnja tradicionalnog cementa obično generira značajne količine stakleničkih plinova kao što je ugljični dioksid (CO2) i drugi, pa se na ovaj način doprinosi smanjenju emisija, prerada otpadnog građevinskog materijala koja se ponovno koristi te u konačnici očuvanju okoliša. Iako cement ima svoju ulogu u izradi betona i cementnog morta, te doprinosi njihovoj konačnoj čvrstoći, izbor agregata u cementnoj smjesi ima najveći utjecaj na njihovu konačnu čvrstoću, silu sloma i vremenskom periodu od trenutka nanošenja sile do trenutka sloma, što je dokazano laboratorijskim ispitivanjem po normi HRN EN 196-1 na vlak (savijanje) i tlak.
Abstract (english) Cement is a type of binder used in the construction industry to connect composite materials such as sand, gravel and water for the purpose of making materials used in construction. The main function of cement is to create a solid joint between the components of composite materials for construction, which then serve to form structural elements such as foundations, columns and walls. The history of cement goes back thousands of years. In Croatia, cement production developed during the 20th century. Cement factories, such as the factory in Rugvica near Zagreb, played an important role in the development of the construction industry and infrastructure in the country. The largest cement companies in Croatia are CEMEX Hrvatska d.d., NEXE group and Holcim d.o.o.. The Croatian cement industry today produces different types of cement and special types of cement with different properties. Sustainable cement production is a concept that is increasingly prominent in the construction industry. The production of traditional cement usually generates significant amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and others, and in this way contributes to the reduction of emissions, the processing of waste building materials that are reused and ultimately the preservation of the environment. Although cement has its role in the production of concrete and cement mortar, and contributes to their final strength, the choice of aggregates in the cement mixture has the greatest impact on their final strength, breakdown force and the time period from the moment of application of force to the moment of breakdown, which is proven by laboratory testing according to HRN EN 196-1 on the train (bending) and pressure.
portland cement
održivi cement
Keywords (english)
raw materials
portland cement
sustainable cement
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:564538
Study programme Title: Vocational undergraduate study of Civil Engineering Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-10-18 11:35:29