Title Obnova psihijatrijske bolnice Rab
Title (english) Renewal of the psychiatric hospital Rab
Author Ivan Kaćanski
Mentor Nana Palinić (mentor)
Committee member Iva Mrak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Olga Magaš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nana Palinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering Rijeka
Defense date and country 2016-11-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Architecture and Urbanism
Abstract U vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata, točnije 1942. godine, talijanski je okupator na području kamporskog polja osnovao koncentracijski logor koji se ondje nalazio do kapitulacije Italije 1943. godine. Taj logor bio je podijeljen na nekoliko sektora, a na sjeverozapadnom dijelu polja nalazio se tzv. „Campo IV“ na kojem je početkom 1943. godine započeta izgradnja deset jednokatnica i dviju prizemnica. Zgrade na kat bile su raspoređene u dva reda po pet paviljona, a ostala dva paviljona nalazila su se sjeverno od njih. Zgrade u nizu najvjerojatnije su bile predviđene za zatočenike, a u ostalim dvjema zgradama planirali su smjestiti logorsku kuhinju i nastambu čuvara logora. Nakon završetka rata te su građevine napuštene i prepuštene propadanju te je predloženo da se zgrade adaptiraju za potrebe duševne bolnice.
Prijedlog je prihvaćen i dana 1. rujna 1955. godine osnovana je Bolnica za duševne bolesti u Rabu, današnja Psihijatrijska bolnica Rab. Rad bolnice započeo je vrlo skromno, adaptacijom današnje upravne zgrade koja je mogla zaprimiti tek 50-ak pacijenata. Uvjeti rada bili su teški, no tijekom vremena postupno su se adaptirali i uređivali ostali paviljoni te je bolnica mogla zaprimati sve više pacijenta. No, važno je istaknuti da su, unatoč brojnim adaptacijama, zgrade zadržale izvornu arhitektonsku kvalitetu te da su vanjskim gabaritima, formom pa čak i otvorima na pročeljima ostale dosljedne originalnoj izvedbi. Tijekom gotovo šest desetljeća rada, bolnica je bila suočena s mnogim problemima i teškim uvjetima rada, a posebice u vrijeme Domovinskog rata. Zbog manjka materijalnih sredstava te velikog priliva pacijenata iz okupiranih dijelova Hrvatske uvjeti rada bili su otežani, a građevine nisu održavane te je u pitanje doveden opstanak same bolnice. Preuzimanjem dužnosti ravnatelja, dr. Vesna Šendula-Jengić dogovara strateški program obnove objekata i opreme s Primorsko-goranskom županijom čime započinje sustavna obnova koja je još uvijek u tijeku. Do sada je obnovljena većina paviljona u kojima su smještene bolesničke sobe, upravna zgrada, zgrada radne terapije, gospodarska zgrada te centralna kuhinja, a u planu je obnova i preostalih paviljona. Također, sustavno se radi i na uređenju bolničkog okoliša, a do sada je uređeno igralište, bolnički park, nekoliko terapijskih vrtova te zasađeno prostrano polje lavande.
Abstract (english) During World War II, in 1942. the Italian occupiers in the area of Kampor fields founded the concentration camp until the capitulation of Italy in 1943. The camp was divided into several sectors, and in the northwestern part of the field there was a so-called. „Campo IV“ which in the beginning of 1943. began the construction of a ten-storey and two-storey. Buildings on the floor were arranged in two rows of five pavilions, and the other two pavilions were located north of them. Buildings in a row probably were intended for prisoners, and in the other two buildings are planned to accommodate the camp kitchen and dwelling prison guard. After the war and the buildings abandoned and left to decay, and it was suggested that the building be adapted to the needs of the mental hospital.
The proposal was accepted and 1. September 1955. established the hospital for mental illness in Rab, today's Psychiatric Hospital Rab. The work of the hospital began very modestly, by adapting the present administration building that could receive only 50 patients. Working conditions were difficult, but over time have gradually adapted and edited the other pavilions and the hospital could receive more patients. But it is important to emphasize that, despite the many adaptations, the building retained the original architectural quality and that the external dimensions, form and even holes in the facades of other consistent original specification. For almost six decades of work, the hospital was faced with many problems and difficult working conditions, especially during the war. Due to the lack of material resources and the large influx of patients from the occupied parts of Croatian working conditions were difficult, and the buildings are not maintained and is threatening the very existence of the hospital. By taking over the duties of the Director, Dr. Vesna Šendula-Jengić arranges strategic renewal program facilities and equipment of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and thus initiates a systematic renewal that is still in progress. So far, the most restored pavilions accommodating hospital room, administration building, the building of occupational therapy, outbuildings and central kitchen, and plans to recover the remaining pavilions. Also, systematic work and the organization of the hospital environment, and so far it's playground hospital park, several therapeutic gardens and planted a large field of lavender.
psihijatrijska bolnica
otok Rab
Keywords (english)
psychiatric hospital
island of Rab
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:157:696499
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Building in Coastal Region and Infrastructural Engineering Course: Building in Coastal Region and Infrastructural Engineering Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica inženjer/inženjerka građevinarstva)
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Created on 2016-12-15 13:39:19