Title Numerical modeling based on spline basis functions : application to groundwater flow modeling in karst aquifers and advection dominated problems : doctoral dissertation
Title (croatian) Numeričko modeliranje bazirano na spline baznim funkcijama : primjena na modeliranju tečenja u krškim vodonosnicima i advektivno dominantnim problemima : disertacija
Author Luka Malenica
Mentor Hrvoje Gotovac (mentor)
Committee member Roko Andričević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Lončar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Tuković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy (Department of Hydrotechnical Engineering) Split
Defense date and country 2019-02-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering Hydrotechnology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 626/627 - Hydraulic engineering and construction. Water (aquatic) structures
Abstract The main objective of this thesis is to utilize the powerful approximation properties of spline basis functions for numerical solutions of engineering problems that arise in the field of fluid mechanics. Special types of spline functions, the so-called Fup basis functions, are used as representative members of the spline family. However, the techniques developed in this work are quite general with respect to the choice of different spline functions. The application of this work is twofold. The first practical goal is the development of a novel numerical model for groundwater flow in karst aquifers. The concept of isogeometric analysis (IGA) is presented as a unified framework for multiscale representation of the geometry, material heterogeneity and solution. Moreover, this fundamentally higher-order approach enables the description of all fields as continuous and smooth functions by using a linear combination of spline basis functions. Since classical IGA uses the Galerkin and collocation approach, in this thesis, a third concept, in the form of control volume isogeometric analysis (CV-IGA), is developed and set as the foundation for the development of a karst flow numerical model. A discrete-continuum (hybrid) approach is used, in which a three-dimensional laminar matrix flow is coupled with a one-dimensional turbulent conduit flow. The model is capable of describing variably saturated conditions in both flow domains. Since realistic verification of karst flow models is an extremely difficult task, the particular contribution of this work is the construction of a specially designed 3D physical model (dimensions: 5.66 x 2.95 x 2.00 m) to verify the developed numerical model under controlled laboratory conditions. As a second application, this thesis presents the development of a full space-time adaptive collocation algorithm with particular application to advection-dominated problems. Since these problems are usually characterized by numerical instabilities, the novel adaptive algorithm accurately resolves small-scale features while controlling the numerical error and spurious numerical oscillations without need for any special stabilization technique. The previously developed spatial adaptive strategy dynamically changes the computational grid at each global time step, while the novel adaptive temporal strategy uses different local time steps for different collocation points based on the estimation of the temporal discretization error. Thus, in parts of the domain where temporal changes are demanding, the algorithm uses smaller local time steps, while in other parts, larger local time steps can be used without affecting the overall solution accuracy and stability. In contrast to existing local time stepping methods, the developed method is applicable to implicit discretization and resolves all temporal scales independently of the spatial scales. The efficiency and accuracy of the full space-time adaptive algorithm is verified with some classic 1D and 2D advection-diffusion benchmark test cases.
Abstract (croatian) Glavni cilj ove disertacije je iskoristiti moćna aproksimacijska svojstva spline baznih funkcija za numeričko modeliranje inženjerskih problema u području mehanike fluida. Posebni tipovi spline baznih funkcija, takozvane Fup bazne funkcije, su izabrane kao reprezentativni član spline funkcija. Međutim, tehnike razvijene u ovom radu su poprilično generalne s obzirom na izbor različitih spline funkcija. Primjena u ovom radu je dvostruka. Prvi praktični cilj je razvoj numeričkog modela za modeliranje tečenja u krškim vodonosnicima. Koncept izogeometijske analize (IGA) je predstavljen kao ujedinjeni pristup za višeskalno modeliranje geometrije, heterogenosti materijala i rješenja. Osim toga, pristup je fundamentalno višeg reda, dok linearna kombinacija spline baznih funkcija omogućuje opis različitih polja kao kontinuiranih i glatkih funkcija. Kako klasična IGA generalno koristi Galerkin-ov ili kolokacijski pristup, u ovoj tezi razvijen je treći pristup u obliku izogeometrijske analize kontrolnog volumena (CV-IGA), te postavljen kao temelj za razvoj numeričkog modela za tečenje u kršu. Primijenjen je diskretno-kontinuumski (hibridni) pristup u kojem je trodimenzionalno laminarno tečenje u krškoj matrici spregnuto s jednodimenzionalnim turbulentnim tečenjem u kanalima. Model je u stanju opisati varijabilno zasićene uvjete u obje domene. Budući da je verifikacija krškog model iznimno težak zadatak, poseban doprinos ovog rada je konstrukcija posebno dizajniranog 3D fizikalnog modela (dimenzije: 5.66 x 2.95 x 2.00 m) u svrhu validacije razvijenog numeričkog modela u kontroliranim laboratorijskim uvjetima. Kao drugu aplikaciju, ovaj rad predstavlja razvoj potpunog prostorno-vremenskog adaptivnog kolokacijskog algoritma s posebnom primjenom na advektivno-dominantnim problemima. Budući da su takvi problemi obično karakterizirani numeričkim nestabilnostima, novi adaptivni algoritam precizno opisuje lokalizirane strukture rješenja, kontrolirajući numeričku pogrešku i oscilacije bez posebnih tehnika stabilizacije. Prethodno razvijena prostorno adaptivna strategija dinamički mijenja broj i raspored kolokacijskih točaka u svakom globalnom vremenskom koraku, dok nova adaptivna vremenska strategija koristi različite lokalne vremenske korake za različite kolokacijske točke na temelju procjene pogreške vremenske diskretizacijske. Dakle, u dijelovima domene gdje su vremenske promjene zahtjevne algoritam koristi manje lokalne vremenske korake, dok u drugim dijelovima koristiti veće vremenske korake bez utjecaja na ukupnu točnost i stabilnost numeričkog rješenja. Za razliku od postojećih metoda koje koriste tehnike lokalnih vremenskih koraka, razvijena metoda primjenjiva je kod implicitne diskretizacije, te pronalazi sve vremenske skale neovisno o prostornim skalama. Učinkovitost i točnost cjelovitog prostorno-vremenskog adaptivnog algoritma potvrđena je klasičnim 1D i 2D advektivno-difuzijskim testnim primjerima.
spline basis functions
control volume isogeometric analysis
coupled numerical karst flow model
physical karst flow model
multiscale modeling
adaptive numerical modeling
local time stepping
advection-dominated problems
Keywords (croatian)
spline bazne funkcije
izogeometrijska formulacija kontrolnih volumena
spregnuti numerički model tečenja u kršu
fizikalni model tečenja u kršu
višeskalno modeliranje
adaptivne numeričke tehnike
lokalni vremenski koraci
advektivno dominantni problemi
Language english
DOI https://doi.org/10.31534/DocT.047.MalL
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:123:222929
Project Number: UIP-2013-11-8103 Title: Modeliranje toka podzemnih voda u krškim vodonosnicima Acronym: Karst modelling Leader: Hrvoje Gotovac Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: UIP
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje građevinarstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje građevinarstvo)
Catalog URL https://library.foi.hr/lib/knjiga.php?B=422&H=&E=&V=&lok=&zbi=&item=14220
Type of resource Text
Extent XXVII, 174 str. : tabele, graf. prikazi, ilustr. (pretežno u bojama) ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2021-02-08
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Created on 2019-02-12 14:55:30