Title Primjena ekološki povoljnijih tehnologija u grafičkoj reprodukciji
Author Petra Topolnjak
Mentor Ivana Bolanča Mirković (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Bolanča Mirković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
Defense date and country 2009-9-00, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology
Abstract Direktiva Europske unije o integralnom pristupu kontroli i prevenciji onečišćenja (IPPC Directive Integrated pollution prevention and control) ima cilj smanjiti i trajno nadzirati onečišćenja koja potječu od industrijskih i poljoprivrednih aktivnosti sprečavanjem onečišćenja ili smanjenjem štetnih emisija u okoliš, uključujući mjere koje se odnose na otpad, sve u cilju ostvarenja visoke razine zaštite okoliša kao cjeline. Prihvaćanjem IPPC Direktive u europsku legislativu je uveden pojam BAT (engl. Best available technique) tj. primjena najbolje raspoložive tehnologije. Direktiva ovaj pojam definira nizom karakteristika, od kojih je i uvjet da su tehnologije održive u ekonomskom i tehničkom smislu, kao i 12 uvjeta koji se moraju uzeti u obzir pri određivanju BAT-a. BAT su navedene u dokumentu BREF (BAT Reference Document) koji je pripremila Komisija. Što se tiče obrade otpada, direktiva daje popis industrijskih aktivnosti koje ona obuhvaća.
Integralni pristup (sprečavanje i kontrola onečišćenja) podrazumijeva i promjenu sustava izdavanja dozvola za rad tvrtke. Osnovno načelo Direktive je da i onaj koji donosi propise i nadzire njihovu provedbu, kao i onaj koji ih provodi, moraju sagledati svaku industriju kao cjelinu i njen sveukupni (zrak, voda, tlo) utjecaj na okoliš, prije poduzimanja bilo kakvih tehnoloških mjera, koje su nužne da bi se postigla tražena razina zaštite okoliša. Cilj takve dozvole je da se izbjegne selidba onečišćenja iz jednog medija u drugi i da se potaknu preventivne mjere sprečavanja nastajanja otpada na izvoru prvenstveno mjerama čistije proizvodnje i primjenom najboljih raspoloživih tehnologija (BAT). Duh Direktive potiče da se otpad čije se nastajanje nije moglo izbjeći, reciklira ili obradi nekom od BAT tehnologija i zbrine na okolišno prihvatljiv način. Direktiva i predložene BAT tehnologije također doprinose racionalnom korištenju energije i štednji resursa, smanjuju rizik od zagađenja i omogućavaju da se lokacija nakon što industrija prestane s radom, lakše dovede u prvobitno stanje (sanira).
Abstract (english) European Union Directive on integrated approach to pollution prevention and control (IPPC Directive Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control) aims to reduce and permanently monitor the pollution derived from industrial and agricultural activities by preventing or reducing pollution emissions into the environment, including measures concerning waste, in order to achieve a high level of environmental protection as a whole. With accepting IPPC Directive in the European legislation the term BAT (Best Available Technique engl.) was introduced. This directive defines the term with a number of characteristics, one of which is the requirement to have a viable technology in the economic and technical sense, as well as 12 conditions that must be taken into account when determining BAT. BAT are listed in the document BREF (BAT Reference Document) prepared by the Commission. As regards the processing of waste, the directive provides a list of industrial activities which it embraces.
Integrated approach (prevention and control of pollution) implies a change of licensing for the company. The basic principle of the Directive is that he who shall issue regulations and supervise their implementation, as well as those who carried them, they must examine each industry as a whole, and its overall (air, water, soil) impact on the environment, before taking any technological measures that are necessary to achieve the required level of environmental protection. The aim of these licenses is to avoid moving the pollution from one medium to another and to promote preventive measures to prevent formation of waste at source, primarily measures of cleaner production and application of best available technology (BAT). Spirit of the Directive encourages the waste whose formation could not be avoided, to be recycled or processed by some of the BAT technology and disposed in an environmentally sound manner. Directive and the proposed BAT technology also contribute to the rational use of energy and resources saving, reduce the risk of accidents and allows the site after the industry ceases to operate, to be brought in the original condition (repair).
BAT tehnologija
IPPC direktiva
zaštita okoliša
grafička industrija
ofsetni tisak
izvori štetnih emisija
Keywords (english)
BAT technology
IPPC directive
environmental protection
graphic industry
VOC emissions
offset press
emissions sources
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:039589
Study programme Title: Graphic technology; specializations in: Graphic technology, Design of graphic products Course: Graphic technology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-04-17 10:11:30