Abstract | Tema diplomskog rada je fotografija prirode. Obuhvaća širok raspon fotografije snimljene na otvorenom, koje prikazuju biljni i životinjski svijet, krajolik u kojem se nalaze, te prirodne scene i teksture koje su snimljene izbliza pomoću makro/mikro fotografije. Sav se taj biljni i životinjski svijet može pronaći u brojnim časopisima. Jedan od najpoznatijih časopisa koji objavljuje fotografije prirode je National Geographic. Neprekidno izlazi jedanput mjesečno od svog prvog izdanja 1888. godine. U radu se istražuju i ostali časopisi: National Wildlife, Audubon, Nature Photographer Magazine, Landscape Photography, Outdoor Photography, Wild Planet Photo Magazine i Nature's best Photography. Opisuje se i rad poznatih fotografa prirode Frans Lanting, Galen Rowel, Eliot Porter i Art Wolfe. U ovom diplomskom radu se također opisuje sve što je potrebno za tehnički i kreativno kvalitetnu fotografiju prirode. Prije svega potrebna je oprema, strpljenje i poznavanje životinja koje želimo snimiti, kako bi se uhvatio pravi trenutak. Od fotografske potreban je fotografski aparat, objektiv, stativ, filtri, film ili memorijska kartica i rezervne baterije. Osim toga, potrebno je i odgovarajuće svjetlo, dobar kadar i kompozicija te iluzija dubine. U praktičnom dijelu rada se prikazuju i analiziraju autorske fotografije prirode, kroz opis i priču kako su nastale. |
Abstract (english) | Thesis theme are photos of nature including a wide range of photography taken outdoors, depicting wildlife, landscapes in which they are located, natural scenes and textures that were taken close up with macro/micro photographs. All the flora and fauna can be found in numerous magazines. One of the most famous magazines that publishes photos of nature is National Geographic. It continually comes out once a month since its first edition in 1888. The paper explores other magazines like: National Wildlife, Audubon, Nature Photographer Magazine, Landscape Photography, Outdoor Photography, Wild Planet Photo Magazine and Nature's best Photography. Also, it describes work of the famous nature photographer Frans Lanting, Galen Rowel, Eliot Porter and Art Wolfe. Paper also describes all that is necessary for the technical and creative high-quality photography of nature. First of all, equipment needed to do the job, patience and knowledge of the animals that we want to capture in order to catch the right moment. Mandatory photographic equipment is a camera, lens, tripod, filters, film or memory cards and spare batteries. In addition, it is necessary to have a proper lighting, good frame and composition and the illusion of depth. Practical part of the work will display and analyze author nature photography, through the description and the story of how they were built. |