Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu govori se o portretnoj fotografiji djece. Portretna fotografija je fotografija ljudskog lika. Portret ne predstavlja samo određenu osobu u određenom trenutku, već opisuje osobu koju fotografiramo, a njegov cilj je uhvatiti osobnost, emocije i duh osobe kao i njezine fizičke karakteristike. Definicija ili klasifikacija portreta može biti izvedena na više načina, tako portretnu fotografiju možemo podijeliti na bar tri osnovna načina. Prvi je prema tipu fotografije: klasični portret, psihološki portret, dokumentarni portret, komercijalni portret i slično. Drugi je prema načinu izvedbe: portretiranje lica, glave s ramenima, portret koji uključuje dio tijela, portret u ambijentu i slično. Treća podjela je prema načinu rasvjetljavanja osobe na portretu. Fotografija djece spada u specifično područje portretne fotografije, budući da iziskuje tehničke kao i kompozicijske zahtjeve koji su vezani uz rakurs snimanja. Fotografiranje djece zahtjeva mnogo strpljenja te se pri fotografiranju uvelike obraća pažnja na svjetlost i sjene. Kod male djece se koriste isključivo prirodna i blaga svjetla te se isključuje snimanje sa bljeskalicom. Kod samog snimanja se svakom djetetu pristupa različito zbog individualnih karaktera, ali se svima maksimalno prilagode uvjeti kako bi snimanje bilo što opuštenije i uspješnije. |
Abstract (english) | This master thesis deals with children’s portrait photography. A portrait photography is a photo of a person or group of people. Portrait does not just represent a photograph of a certain person at a certain moment, but it describes the person we photograph, and its goal is to capture the personality, emotion and spirit of the person as well as its physical characteristics. Portraits, regarding the definition or classification, can be partitioned in several ways, and in accordance to that, portrait photography can be partitioned into at least three basic ways. The first is according to the type of photography: a classic portrait, a psychological portrait, a documentary portrait, a commercial portrait, etc. The second is according to the planes: the head/facial plane, head with shoulders, the body plane, ambient portrait, etc. The third division is by the way of lighting on the portrayed person. Children's photography is part of a specific portrait photography area, as it requires both technical and compositional requirements related to the perspective of photograph. Photographing of children requires a lot of patience and thereby when taking photos you have to pay attention to light and shadows. When the subject of photography is child until six months old, only natural and gentle lights are used and the flash has to be turned off. Photographer has to approach to each child differently because of their individual characters, but he has to adjusts to them to make the taking pictures the most relaxed and successful as it can be. |