Title Subliminalne poruke u vizualnoj komunikaciji
Author Valentino Čigir
Mentor Nikola Mrvac (mentor)
Committee member Miroslav Mikota (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Mrvac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mile Matijević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology
Abstract Pored jasnih i svjesnih podraţaja, postoje i kratkotrajni impulsi slabijeg intenziteta koje čovjek svjesno ne moţe uočiti, a zovu se subliminalne poruke. To su poruke na granici čovjekove percepcije, koje oko ne moţe registrirati, niti um detektirati na svjesnoj razni. I to im je cilj. Zaobići svjesni dio ljudskog uma i uputiti odreĎenu sugestiju u podsvijest, isključujući time rezoniranje i svjesno prosuĎivanje. Ova „tehnika“ se već desetljećima istraţuje i koristi posebno na području marketinga tj. njegove grane koja se zove neuromarketing. Ovakvo se oglašavanje smatra moralno dvojbenim od njegovog početka. Još od 1917. godine ljudi su počeli uočavati korištenje subliminalnih poruka u industriji oglašavanja, kada je američki magazin „The Saturday Evening Post“ u vijest o slikaru Normanu Rockwellu uklopio seks. Od tada nadalje, subliminalne poruke se koriste na široko – u filmskoj i glazbenoj industriji, reklamama, crtanim filmovima itd. Gotovo na svim platformama na kojima je njihova „moć“ iskoristiva. Iako su dosadašnja istraţivanja pokazala kako su skrivene poruke najčešće vezane uz seks, što navodno potiče na kupnju proizvoda, u istraţivanju ovog rada takve konotacije neće biti uzete u obzir. Rad istraţuje mogućnost utjecaja subliminalnih poruka na čovjeka kao konzumenta dizajna. Pritom su iz istraţivanja izuzeti gotovi proizvodi koji se nalaze u čovjekovoj svakodnevnoj uporabi, kako bi se isključila mogućnost sentimentalnog ili emocionalnog odabira, iako im je subliminalna poruka „podmetnuta“. Upravo zbog toga, rad istraţuje utjecaj subliminalnih poruka na preferenciju konzumenta u odabiru odreĎenih elemenata dizajna, oblika ili boja. Krajnji mu je cilj istraţiti moţe li se elementarnim dizajnerskim alatima utjecati na čovjekovu podsvijest kako bi se korisniku usmjerila paţnja na ono što je dizajner svojim radom ţelio poručiti i time skratiti put do krajnjeg cilja – prodaje proizvoda.
Abstract (english) Apart from clear and conscious stimuli, there are also short-term impulses of lower intensity which can not be consciously observed and are called subliminal messages. These are the messages on boundaries of human perception which neither the eye can register nor the mind can detect on a conscious level. And that is their purpose; to bypass the conscious part of the human mind and to direct a certain suggestion into the subconscious, excluding the resonance and the deliberate judgment. This "technique" has been explored and used for decades in the field of marketing, i.e. its branch called neuromarketing. Such advertising has been considered morally dubious from its beginnings. Ever since 1917, when the American magazine "The Saturday Evening Post" reported that the painter Norman Rockwell had sex, people began to perceive the use of subliminal messages in the advertising industry. From then on, subliminal messages have been widely used in the film and music industry, commercials, cartoons, etc. Almost everyplatform where their "power" can be used. Even though current research has shown that hidden messages are most often related to sex, which allegedly encourages the purchase of products, in this paper, such connotations will not be taken into account. This research is exploring the possibility of influence by means of subliminal messages on humans as design consumers. This research excluded the finished products that are found in human everyday use to avoid the possibility of sentimental or emotional selection, even though their subliminal message is hidden. For this reason, the paper explores the influence of sublimated messages on consumer's preference in selecting certain elements of design, shape or color. The ultimate goal is to explore whether human subconscious can be influenced by elementary design in order to draw the attention of the user to what the designer wanted to do with his work and thereby to shorten the path to the ultimate goal of product sales.
Subliminalne poruke
Keywords (english)
subliminal messages
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:040651
Study programme Title: Graphic technology; specializations in: Graphic technology, Design of graphic products Course: Graphic technology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2024-04-18 22:29:50