Abstract | Sportska fotografija je uz pomoć inovacija i tehnološkog napretka značajno
obogatila povijest fotoreporterstva te omogućila zapis i uspomene najvećih
sportskih događaja. Teorijski dio rada prikazuje osobe zaslužne za razvoj
fotografije kao i prve primjere fotoaparata. Kroz kronološki pregled tehnološkog
poboljšanja fotoaparata opisan je i utjecaj digitalne fotografije u stvaranju bogate
povijesti fotoreporterstva.
U nastavku diplomskog rada predstavljena je kompleksnost današnje opreme
koja uz sva tehnološka dostignuća ne garantira vrhunsku fotografiju. Svaki
fotograf bi se morao detaljno upoznati sa karakteristikama svoje opreme, pa
naredna poglavlja, tijelo fotoaparata i objektivi, opisuju ključne aspekte odabira i
korištenja samog uređaja.
Dinamičnost sportske fotografije zahtjeva i specifične tehnike kako bi dočarali
osjećaj atmosfere, brzine, pokreta i estetike. U diplomskom radu opisane su
tehnike poput panning, zaustavljanje pokreta i sekvenca, koje fotografu
omogućuju postizanje konačnog cilja, tj. pričanja priče putem fotografije.
Seminarski rad je kroz praktičnu primjenu sportske fotografije dodatno opisao
karakteristike i međusobni utjecaj lokacije, sportaša i opreme. Selekcijom i
obradom fotografija stvorena je kolekcija autorskih fotografija koja se kasnije
koristi u uredničke i komercijalne svrhe. |
Abstract (english) | With the help of innovation and technological progress, sports photography has
significantly enriched the history of photojournalism, which has enabled the
recording and memories of the greatest sporting events. The theoretical part of
the thesis shows the people responsible for the development of photography as
well as the first examples of cameras. A chronological overview of the
technological improvement of the camera also describes the impact of digital
photography in creating a rich history of photojournalism.
In the continuation of the masters work, the complexity of today's equipment is
presented, which, despite all the technological achievements, does not guarantee
top photography. Each photographer should get acquainted in detail with the
characteristics of their equipment, and the next chapter, the camera body and
lenses, describe the key aspects of choosing and using the device itself.
The dynamism of sports photography also requires specific techniques to evoke
a sense of atmosphere, speed, movement and aesthetics. The thesis describes
techniques such as panning, stopping movement and sequence, which allow the
photographer to achieve the final goal, ie telling a story through photographs.
Through a practical example of sports photography, the seminar paper
additionally described the characteristics and mutual influence of locations,
athletes and equipment. The selection and processing of photographs created a
collection of authorial photographs which was later used for editorial and
commercial purposes. |