Abstract | Suvremeno vrijeme obiluje nikad bržim razvojem tehnike i tehnologije, samim tim smo preplavljeni ogromnim brojem informacija, potrebnih i nepotrebnih, one su svuda oko nas i naš mozak ih treba obraditi. U prošlom stoljeću se televizija nametnula kao važan dio svakodnevnice i donijela nam je prve informativne sadržaje u kojima je i animacija pronašla svoje mjesto. No, pojavom interneta sve se promijenilo. Naime, internet nije više samo alat za slanje običnih poruka nego služi i za dijeljenje znanja i različitih vrsta podataka. Podatci mogu biti znanstvene činjenice i mjerenja te ako se smisleno ne organiziraju i jasno ne odrede, mogu uzrokovati šum u komunikacijskom kanalu. Rješenje ovog problemanam nudi upotreba animirane infografike. U diplomskom radu će se opisati u kratkim crtama što je infografika sama po sebi i kako je nastala te koja je njena svrha. Zatim će biti definirano što je animacija, njena povijest i autor dvanaest principa animacije te njihova važnost. Obzirom da je animirana infografika u fokusu, bit će objašnjeno što je njena svrha te zašto je postalaneophodna. Veliki broj profesionalnih dizajnera stvara prema 12 Walt Disneyevih principa animacije dok jedan dio dizajnera primjenjuje vlastite metode. U ovom radu bit će obrazloženo koji principi dizajna animiranih infografika utječu na učinkovit prijenos informacija i kreiranje pozitivnog korisničkog iskustva. |
Abstract (english) | The modern times have never been filled up with faster development of technics and technology, with that, we are overwhelmed with loads of information’s, useful and useless. They are everywhere, and our brains needs to process them. In the last decade, television has intruded itself as an indispensable part of our everyday life and brought us the first informative content in which animation has found its way too. On the contrary, things changed after the appearance of the internet. In other words, the internet was not a tool for transmitting ordinary messages, but it is also being used to share knowledge and a variety of data. Data can be scientific facts and measures, and if not properly organized and clearly defined, can result with noise in communication channel. Solution to this problem is presented with the use of animated infographics. The master thesis demonstrates in short words what infographics are, how are they created and what is their role. In addition, it defines what animation is, presents its history and the author of the 12 principles of animation. Because the current research is focused on animated infographics, its role and necessity are going to be described. A great number of professional designers create according to the 12 principles, while on the other hand, some use their own methods. In this work, it is going to be explained which principles of animation have an impact on efficiency of transmitting messages and creating a positive user experience. |