Title Employer branding hrvatskih IT tvrtki s fokusom na fotografiju
Author Marko Pelesk
Mentor Maja Strgar Kurečić (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Mandić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Strgar Kurečić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Poljičak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-9-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology
Abstract IT industrija je najbrže rastuća industrija u svijetu, ali i najkreativnija. Prema tome, velik
broj IT tvrtki suočio se s izazovima pronalaska adekvatnih talentiranih ljudi koji će odgovarati njihovim potrebama. Upravo zbog velike potrebe za talentima, čiji poslovi do nedavno
možda nisu ni postojali, tvrtke su se okrenule oglašavanju kako bi sebe prikazale kao po-
željnijeg poslodavca u odnosu na konkurenciju. Takav tip oglašavanja tvrtke naziva se Employer Branding. Employer Branding je instrument kojim se tvrtke žele pozicionirati kao
najpoželjniji poslodavac, a to čine prikazivanjem svoje organizacijske kulture te postojećih
zaposlenika kao osoba s kojima svatko želi raditi, a sve s ciljem povećanja broja prijava na
otvorene pozicije i lakšeg pronalaska adekvatnog kadra. Možemo reći da se dobro osmi-
šljen i sproveden Employer Branding daleko čuje. Dopire i do pasivnih kandidata, a kod
trenutnih zaposlenika stvara osjećaj povezanosti što u konačnici dovodi i do manjeg postotka onih koji napuštaju tvrtku. Employer Branding je spoj ljudskih potencijala i marketinga,
a dodirne točke ima i s PR-om. Izuzev unikatnosti, kod Employer Brandinga je ključna
transparentnost te nema mjesta uljepšavanju ni lažnom predstavljanju.
Ovim radom ideja ja prikazati fotografju kao superiorni medij komunikacije, u materijalima employer branding aktivnosti. Način snimanja, te postprodukcija boja fotografje tako-
đer bi se trebale pokazati kao bitne stvake u jednosmjernoj komunikaciji, poslodavca prema
potencijalnim kandidatima. Online anketom ispitati će se stavovi ciljane skupine, sveu-
čilišni i veleučilišni studenti, o njihovom osobnom stavu prema određenim hrvatskim IT
kompanijama, benefcijama koje kompanije nude, tipu oglasa za posao koji bi im privukao
najviše pažnje, te će se ispitati koji tip sadržaja preferiraju vidjeti na društvenim mrežama.
Obradom podataka dobivenih iz ankete, analizirati će se postotak neuspješnosti employer
branding strategije hrvatskih IT tvrtki, benefcije koje bi trebali aktivnije komunicirati, te
postotak u kojem studenti vjeruju obećanjima kompanija ovisno o proflu osobe koja ta
obećanja komunicira.
Abstract (english) Due to the fact that the IT industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, not
to mention the most creative, a large number of companies found themselves face to face in
challenging talent acquisition time. On the account of immense need for talent, whose jobs
did not exist a while ago, companies started advertising themselves as more desirable employers than their competitors. The given type of advertising is called Employer Branding.
Employer Branding is an instrument with which companies position themselves as the most
preferable employer by showing off their company culture, presenting their employees as an
amazing team to work with, all that to ensure higher number of job applications on their job
ads and easier talent acquisition. Nicely designed and developed Employer Branding strategy takes business the extra mile. With great Employer Branding strategy companies even
get to the most passive of candidates, while simultaneously creating a feeling of connection
and pride among current employees which in the end decreases turnover rate. Employer
Branding is a mix of human resources and marketing, which collides with PR. Along with
uniqueness, transparency is the key of Employer Branding, since there is no space for lying
and embellishment.
With this paper, the idea is to present photography as a superior medium of communication,
in the materials of employer branding activities. The way of shooting, and the post-production of the colors of the photo should also prove to be important things in one-way communication, from the employer towards potential candidates. The online survey will examine the
attitudes of the target group, university and polytechnic students, about their personal attitude
towards certain Croatian IT companies, the benefts that companies offer, the type of job
advertisement that would attract the most attention, and the type of content they prefer to see
on social media platforms. By processing the data obtained from the survey, results ought to
show the percentage of failure of employer branding strategy of each Croatian IT company,
benefts that should be more actively communicated, and the percentage in which students
trust the promises of companies depending on the profle of the person communicating.
employer branding
pasivni kandidati
akvizicija talenata
organizacijska kultura
Keywords (english)
employer branding
passive candidates
talent acquisition
organisational culture
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:667397
Study programme Title: Graphic technology; specializations in: Graphic technology, Design of graphic products Course: Graphic technology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-04-18 23:29:38