Title Navike čitatelja beletristike u doba COVID-19 pandemije
Author Marija Belina
Mentor Suzana Pasanec Preprotić (mentor)
Committee member Denis Jurečić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Suzana Pasanec Preprotić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Donevski (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-9-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology
Abstract Republika Hrvatska, 25. veljače 2020. potvrdila je prvi slučaj zaraze COVID 19 virusom. Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo, Ministarstvo zdravstva i druge državne institucije počeli su raditi na prijedlozima mjera kako bi se smanjio rizik infekcije, prate se izvori zaraze te počinje kampanja i informiranje javnosti o prevenciji zaraze. Kroz godinu dana Stožer civilne zaštite Republike Hrvatske donosi razne odluke o mjerama koje su ograničavale društvena okupljanja, rad u trgovini, uslužnih djelatnosti i održavanje sportskih i kulturnih događanja na temelju preporuka epidemioloških stručnjaka. Takve okolnosti imale su veliki utjecaj na život ljudi pa tako i na čitalačke navike. Upravo je to predmet istraživanja. U radu se istražuju tehnologije tiskanja i uvezivanja knjiga, vještine čitanja, čitalačke navike i načine pribavljanja čitalačke građe u RH za vrijeme trajanja pandemije virusa COVID-19. Istraživanje stavlja naglasak na beletristiku i mlađu čitalačku populaciju. Beletristika je naziv za različite oblike zabavne ili estetske književnosti, kao što su romani, pripovijetke ili kratke priče. Čitanje i pismenost od davnina su duboko ukorijenjeni u samo funkcioniranje i napredak društva. Čitanje kao dio pismenosti koji se nalazi u razumijevanju i interpretiranju napisanog teksta osnovni je razlog razvoja brzine širenja i pristupa informaciji. To je dovelo do mogućnosti obrazovanja i unaprjeđenja društva. Istraživački dio rada izveden je metodom anketiranja, te obradom i tumačenjem dobivenih rezultata istraživanja. U svrhu ovog istraživanja online putem su provedene dvije različite ankete. Prva anketa je namijenjena grafičkom sektoru. Anketiranjem se istražuju okolnosti tiskanja i uvezivanja knjiga u doba COVID -19 pandemije. Druga anketa istražuje čitalačke navike čitanja beletristike, vještine čitanja te načine pribavljanja čitalačke građe u RH za vrijeme trajanja pandemije. Ciljana skupina druge ankete su student različitih sastavnica (VU) Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Abstract (english) The first case of infection with virus COVID-19 in Croatia was confirmed on February 25, 2020, and then the Croatian Institute of Public Health, the Ministry of Health and other state institutions began working on proposals for measures to reduce the risk of infection, monitoring the source of infection, and a campaign to inform the public about infection prevention. Over the course of the year, the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia makes decisions on measures to limit social gatherings, work in shops, service activities and holding of sports and cultural events based on recommendations of epidemiological experts. Such circumstances had a great impact on people's lives and reading habits. That is exactly the subject of this research. The paper explores book printing and binding technologies, reading skills, reading habits and ways of obtaining reading material in Croatia during the COVID-19 virus pandemic. The research puts emphasis on fiction and the younger reading population. Fiction includes various forms of entertaining or aesthetic literature, such as novels or short stories. Literacy and reading have been deeply rooted in the very functioning and progress of society since ancient times. Reading, as an aspect of literacy that manifests itself in the understanding and interpretation of written text, is the basis of development of speed of dissemination and access to information, as well as the possibility of education and improvement of society. The research part of the work was carried out using the survey method, as well as the processing and interpretation of the obtained research results. For the purpose of this online survey, two different surveys were conducted. The first survey is intended for graphic sector. This survey investigates the circumstances of printing and binding books in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. The second survey examines the reading habits of reading fiction, reading skills and ways of obtaining reading materials in Croatia during the pandemic. The target group of the second survey are students from various faculties of the University of Zagreb.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:216:318526
Study programme Title: Graphic technology; specializations in: Graphic technology, Design of graphic products Course: Graphic technology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-04-18 23:39:50