Abstract | Potkraj 19. stoljeća Europom se proširio novi umjetnički pokret Art Nouveau koji je
predstavljao inovativan stil, obilježen s izvijenim i izduženim formama i novim oblicima. U
Austriji prozvan Secesijom, razvio se 1897. godine skupinom umjetnika među kojima su bili
Gustav Klimt, Carl Moll, Koloman Moser i Maximilian Lenz, kao i arhitekti Josef Maria
Olbrich, Josef Hofmann i nešto kasnije, Otto Wagner.
Gustav Klimt (1862. - 1918.) bio je najpoznatiji predstavnik austrijske secesije, umjetnik s
istančanim stilom simbolizma. Njegovo slikarstvo ispunjeno je različitim sjajnim, zlatnim i
zamršenim dekoracijama gdje su iskazani osjećaji i ukrasi sjedinjeni na jedinstven način. Pored
svojih figurativnih djela, koja uključuju alegorije i portrete, slikao je i krajolike. Najpoznatija
je Klimtova „Zlatna faza“ obilježena pozitivnom kritičkom reakcijom, dok su mnoge njegove
slike iz tog razdoblja uključivale zlatne, sjajne elemente. Klimtov rad izvršio je važan utjecaj
na mnoge mlađe umjetnike, npr. Egona Schielea. Ovdje se navedi kratka biografija Gustava
Klimta, glavna razdoblja njegova umjetničkog stvaralaštva, kao i angažman oko službenog
časopisa bečke secesije Ver Sacruma.
U radu su analizirana sljedeća djela G. Klimta: Ljubav, Pallas Athena, Judita s Holofernovom
glavom, Tri razdoblja žene, Portret Adele Bloch- Bauer I, Poljubac, Danaja i Drvo života,
Stoclet friz. |
Abstract (english) | At the end of the 19th century, the new Art Nouveau Art Movement was enlarged to Europe,
which was an innovative style marked by curved and elongated forms and new shapes. In
Vienna, Austria, known as Secession, was founded in 1897 by a group of artists including
Gustav Klimt, Carl Moll, Koloman Moser and Maximilian Lenz, as well as architects Josef
Maria Olbrich, Josef Hofmann and later Otto Wagner.
Gustav Klimt (1862 - 1918) was the most well-known representative of the Austrian secession,
an artist with an exemplary style of symbolism. His painting is filled with various shiny, golden
and intricate decorations where feelings and ornaments are expressed in a unique way. In
addition to their figurative works, which include allegories and portraits, landscapes are also
picturesque. The most famous is Klimt's "Golden Phase" marked by a positive critical reaction,
while many of his paintings included golden, brilliant elements. Klimt's work has had an
important impact on many younger artists, e.g. Egon Schiele. Here is a short biography of
Gustav Klimt, the main areas of his artistic work, as well as an engagement on the official
journal of the Viennese secession Ver Sacrum.
The paper analyzes the following works by G. Klimt: Love, Pallas Athena, Judith with
Holofern's Head, The Three Ages of Women, Portrait of Adele Bloch - Bauer I, Kiss, Danae
and The tree of Life, Stoclet friz. |