Abstract | Obiteljska tiskara pod nazivom NAIVE primarno se bavi uslugama tiska u tehnici sitotiska te
se fokusira na tisak na odjevne predmete kao što su majice, hlače, kape, jakne I slično. U
ovom diplomskom radu glavna tematika odnosi se na organizaciju poslovanja same tiskare
kao i na planiranje razvoja same tiskare i brenda kojim se nastoji promovirati tiskara. Sitotisak
je direktna tehnika propusnog tiska koja omogućuje tiskanje na različite materijale te je jedna
od najstarijih tehnika tiska. Zbog mogučnosti otiskivanja na različite materijale, tehnika
sitotiska je vrlo rasprostranjena u grafičkoj industriji te se koristi i u današnje vrijeme, a
najčešće se upotrebljuje u tisku tekstilnih materijala. Razvojem tehnologije nastaju različiti
tipovi digitalnih strojeva koji zbog svoje ekonomičnosti i brzine rada postepeno zamjenjuju
tehniku sitotiska. Neke od navedenih novih tehnologija su DTG i DTF tisak koji stječu sve
veću popularnost u krugu manjih tiskara koje se fokusiraju na tisak manjih naklada. Također
cilj diplomskog rada je analizirati različite aspekte poslovanja i unapređenja poslovanja kroz
digitalizaciju, kako proizvodnje tako i prodaje samih proizvoda kroz izradu i održavanje
webshopa te korištenjem različitih društvenih mreža u kontekstu marketinških alata. |
Abstract (english) | The family print shop, NAIVE, primarily deals with printing services in the screen printing
technique and focuses on printing clothing items such as t-shirts, pants, hats, jackets, and the
like. In this diploma thesis, the main topic relates to the organization of the business of the
printing house itself, as well as the planning of the development of the printing house itself
and the brand that the printing house is trying to promote. Screen printing is a direct transfer
printing technique that enables printing on different materials and is one of the oldest printing
techniques. Due to the possibility of printing on different materials, the screen printing
technique is very widespread in the graphic industry and is still used today, and it is most
often used in the printing of textile materials. With the development of technology, different
types of digital machines are created which, due to their economy and speed of operation, are
gradually replacing the screen printing technique. Some of the mentioned new technologies
are DTG and DTF printing, which are gaining more and more popularity among smaller
printers that focus on printing smaller editions. Also, the thesis aims at various aspects ofbusiness and business improvement through digitization, both production and sale of products
themselves through the creation and maintenance of webshops and the use of different social
networks in the context of marketing tools. |