Abstract | U ovom radu pokušati će se objasniti koje su prednosti uvođenja
nanotehnologije u pojedine segmente grafičke proizvodnje od sinteze novih boja koje se
koriste u ovoj inačici tiska, sam proces otiskivanja, na koje se sve podloge može
otiskivati i dorade takvih materijala te na završnim produktima.
Potrebno je uvijek imati na umu da tehnologija, neovisno o tome kada je prvi put
osmišljena ili korištena, s vremenom se mijenja i evoluira. Koncept preslikavanja
motiva s forme na podlogu svoje korijene ima prvi put zabilježene u 9. stoljeću u obliku
religijskog budističkog teksta The Diamond Sutra koja se smatra prvom tiskanom
knjigom. Od tada pa da danas tisak je imao moguće i najveću ulogu u razvoju ljudske
civilizacije uz otkriće vatre i struje. Moć otisnute riječi ili nekog motiva služila je za
prijenos informacija svim kutovima civilizacije te osigurao napredak znanja i time
čovječanstva. No s obzirom kako to inače biva potrebno je ostajati u koraku s
vremenom, tisak knjiga, novina i časopisa postao je u nekim granama ponekad i
kontroverzan zbog pretjeranog davnog korištenja olova u bojama, zagađivanja ili papira
kao tiskovne podloge. Stoga struka uvijek teži otkrivanju i razvijanju novih, sigurnijih,
kvalitetnijih i ekološki prihvatljivih tehnika koje će prevladavati u svijetu budućnosti.
Jedno od rješenja leži u vrlo malenom svijetu nanomaterijala i nanotehnologije.
Tehnologija koja je je sve češća radi svojih povoljnijih i širih horizonta koji mogu
pokriti od standardnog ink jeta tiska do fizički i kemijski stabilnijih materijala i podloga
od standardnih. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper, we will try to explain what are the advantages of introducing
nanotechnologies in certain segments of graphic production, from the sythesis of ink
used in this nano printing, the printing process itself, on which substrates is it printed,
with which types of machines and the post-printing treatment of such materials and of
the final products.
It is necessary to keep in mind that technology, regardless of when it was first invented
or used, changes and evolves over time. The concept of copying a motif from a form
onto a substrate has its roots first recorded in the 9th century in the form of the religious
Buddhist text The Diamond Sutra, which is considered the first printed book. Since
then, today's press has had possibly the greatest role in the development of human
civilization, along with the discovery of fire and electricity. The power of the printed
word or a motif served to transmit information to all corners of civilization and ensured
the progress of knowledge and with that mankind. But considering how it usually goes,
it is necessary to stay in step with the times, the printing of books, newspapers and
magazines has become something of a controversial topic in some branches due to the
excessive long-ago usage of lead in ink, pollution or paper as a printing substrate.
Therefore, the profession always strives to discover and develop new, safer, better
quality and environmentally friendly techniques that will prevail in the world of
One of the solutions lies in the very small world of nanomaterials and nanotechnology.
A technology that is increasingly common due to its more favorable and wider horizons
that can be covered from standard ink jet printing to physically and chemically more
stable materials and substrates than the standard ones. |