Title (croatian) Važnost arhivskih izvora za istraživanje publikacija hrvatskih iseljenika na primjeru Australije i Novog Zelanda
Title (english) The importance of archival sources for the research of publications of Croatian emigrants: case study of Australia and New Zealand
Author Ivana Hebrang Grgić
Author's institution University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of information and Communication sciences)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Abstract (croatian) Članak na primjeru hrvatskih novina u Australiji i Novom Zelandu prikazuje mogućnosti istraživanja publikacija hrvatskih iseljenika. Objašnjava se cilj projekta Hrvatski iseljenički tisak, način izrade bibliografija unutar projekta i metodologija istraživanja. Posebno se objašnjava uloga arhiva kao baštinskih ustanova koje su nezaobilazne u istraživanju publikacija. Daju se primjeri novozelandskih i australskih novina za koje su jedini sačuvani izvori upravo oni arhivski. Jedne novozelandske
... More novine nisu sačuvane ni u jednom primjerku, ali dokumenti sačuvani u novozelandskom arhivu dokazuju da su izlazile. Sličan je primjer jednih australskih novina. U radu su i slike dokumenata povezanih s istraživanjem hrvatskih novina. Jedan od tih dokumenata povezan je s provođenjem cenzure u Australiji 1930-ih godina i ukazuje na to kako su upravo hrvatske novine utjecale na izmjene podzakonskih akata. Ukazuje se na važnost privatnih arhiva i arhiva pri hrvatskim udrugama te ističu nove mogućnosti istraživanja hrvatskih publikacija u arhivima u zemljama u kojima žive iseljeni Hrvati. Less
Abstract (english) The article shows, on the example of Croatian newspapers in Australia and New Zealand, the possibilities of researching the publications of Croatian emigrants. The goal of the Croatian Emigrant Press project implemented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, is explained. The method of creating bibliographies within the project (with views in ISBD and MARC 21 formats) is also explained, as is the research methodology, which includes searching library
... More catalogues, community engagement (crowdsourcing) and searching archival materials. The role of archives as heritage institutions that are indispensable in the research of publications is especially explained. Examples are given of New Zealand and Australian newspapers for which the only surviving sources are archival ones. One New Zealand newspaper (Glas istine, The Voice of Truth) has not been preserved in any of its copies, but documents preserved in the New Zealand archives prove that they were published. A similar example is of an Australian newspaper (Svijetlo, The Light) for which a document was found which makes it clear that the person who wrote the document had the publication in his hands. Images of documents related to the research of Croatian newspapers are also presented in the paper. One of these documents is related to the implementation of censorship in Australia in the 1930s and indicates that it were the Croatian newspapers Iskra (The Sparkle) and Oganj (The Flame) that influenced the amendments to regulations in order to control press as effectively as possible. The importance of private archives and community archives within Croatian associations is pointed out, and new possibilities for researching Croatian publications in archives in countries where emigrated Croats live are also emphasized. Less
Keywords (croatian)
arhivi zajednica
Novi Zeland
Keywords (english)
community archives
New Zealand
Language croatian
Publication type Scientific paper - Review paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review - domestic
Publication version Published version
Journal title Arhivski vjesnik
Numbering vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 81-96
p-ISSN 0570-9008
e-ISSN 1848-3143
DOI https://doi.org/10.36506/av.65.4
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:270:345204
Publication 2022
Project Number: 11-838-1009 Title (croatian): Hrvatski iseljenički tisak Title (english): Croatian emigrant press Acronym: HIT Leader: Ivana Hebrang Grgić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funding stream: Nema
Project Number: 11 Title (croatian): Hrvatski iseljenički tisak: Nakladnička djelatnost Hrvata u australskoj saveznoj državi Novi Južni Wales:pripreme za digitalizaciju Title (english): Croatian emigrant press: Publishing activities of Croats in the Australian state of New South Wales: preparations for digitization Leader: Ivana Hebrang Grgić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funding stream: nema
Project Number: 11-931-1029 Title (croatian): Hrvatski iseljenički tisak: razvoj i primjena modela digitalizacije publikacija novozelandskih Hrvata Title (english): Croatian Emigrant Press: development and application of the digitization models for publications of New Zealands Croats Leader: Ivana Hebrang Grgić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funding stream: nema
Project Number: 11-929-1025 Title (croatian): Nakladnička djelatnost Hrvata u Novome Zelandu: istraživanje nakladničkih modela i digitalizacija knjiga Title (english): Publishing activity of Croats in New Zealand: research of publishing models and digitization of books Leader: Ivana Hebrang Grgić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funding stream: nema
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/clanak/415866
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-12-16 10:14:13