Abstract | Ovaj rad istražuje ulogu i značaj korištenja pametnog telefona kada je riječ o socijalnim interakcijama mladih. Sam rad sastoji se od dva dijela. U prvom dijelu analiziraju se dostupni podatci o učestalosti uporabe i rastućem društvenom i osobnom značaju pametnih telefona u općoj populaciji te u populaciji mladih – posebice takozvanoj generaciji Z. Pritom se autor rada oslanja na teorijski okvir koji objašnjava osnove digitalnog doba, te opisuje i predstavlja nalaze nekih istraživanja koji upućuju na pojavu nekih zanimljivih posljedica korištenja pametnih telefona poput povećane razine stresa ili straha od propuštanja (FoMO) društvenih aktualnosti, rekonstrukcije procesa ostvarivanja i održavanja ljubavnih veza i prijateljstava.
U drugom se dijelu rada prezentiraju rezultati promatranja navika korištenja pametnih telefona 10 skupina mladih za vrijeme druženja, te rezultati 10 dubinskih intervjua provedenih s pripadnicima generacije Z o važnosti pametnog telefona za društveni život. Prema rezultatima istraživanja, zaključuje se da su mladi za vrijeme socijalnih interakcija razvili funkcionalne navike uporabe pametnog telefona. Prema iskazima ispitanika, autor rada zaključuje da mladi koriste pametne telefona kako bi podigli dinamiku druženja ili „ubili dosadu“. S druge strane, otkriveno je kako su mladi donekle svjesni moralne maksime koja proizlazi iz socijalnih interakcija, prema kojoj bi pametni telefon trebalo izbjegavati za vrijeme druženja budući da uporaba implicira dosadu. Također, zaključeno je da mladi zbog pretjerane osobne dostupnosti generiraju individualne maksime samoregulacije uporabe pametnog telefona – naročito za vrijeme druženja. |
Abstract (english) | This paper examines the role of smartphone usage among youth during their social interactions. The paper itself consists of two parts. In the first part, data on usage frequencies and personal as well as the global importance of smartphone are being analyzed – especially among so called generation Z. During this analysis, the author relies on a theoretical framework based on some theories of digital culture. In the first part, the author also presents some empirical research data which reveal some interesting new phenomena connected to smartphone usages, such as high level of stress, fear of missing out (FoMO) and new process patterns of friendship and relationship development and sustainment.
For this study, empirical research was conducted. 10 groups of young people were observed during social interactions and 10 in depth interviews with members of generation Z were conducted in order to find out habits, motives, and feelings connected to smartphone usage during social interactions of youth. Thus, in the second part, research results are being presented and interpreted. According to research results, the author concludes that generation Z has developed functional habits regarding smartphone usage during social interactions. When having company and interacting with each other, youngsters primarily use smartphones to avoid boredom and raise interaction dynamics. On the other hand, it is discovered how members of generation Z are mostly aware that social interactions imply abstinence of smartphone usage as a matter of decency. Thus, among users, this is mostly adopted as a principle of behavior. On the other hand, it is concluded that young users of smartphone sometimes feel too available over their smartphones, thus limiting themselves from smartphone usage during social interactions. |