Title Maloljetnici kao korisnici internetskog sadržaja iz roditeljske perspektive
Title (english) Juveniles as consumers of internet content seen through parents' perspective
Author Silvija Kovačić
Mentor Danijel Labaš (mentor)
Committee member Vine Mihaljević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lana Ciboci (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijel Labaš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Abstract Zahvaljujući novim medijima započelo je doba interaktivnosti. Informacija je digitalizirana, a radio, tisak i televizija više nisu primarna sredstva čovjekova informiranja. Uvelike se promijenio način na koji živimo i komuniciramo. Uređaji kao što su smartphone i tablet postupno su se integrirali u naše okruženje te nam je svakodnevica bez njih gotovo nezamisliva, a ovisnost o tehnologiji nije samo problem odraslih, već i djece. Živimo u vrijeme digitalnih domorodaca, generacije djece i mladih koji su rođeni i odrastaju u vrijeme masovne primjene tehnologije. Od malih nogu govore jezikom digitalnog, a tehnološki uređaji u ranoj životnoj fazi postaju njihove igračke i sredstva za učenje, a potom i komunikaciju. Odrastanje u takvom okruženju bitno obilježava njihovo ponašanje, navike, interese i djelovanje. O maloljetnicima kao korisnicima internetskog sadržaja provedena su mnoga istraživanja, a riječ je o temi kojom se redovito bavi niz stručnjaka. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je temeljem stavova ispitanika i ispitanica otkriti kakvo je mišljenje roditelja o njihovoj malodobnoj djeci kao korisnicima internetskog sadržaja te doći do podataka o tome koliko su oni uključeni u život vlastitog djeteta na internetu, ali i otkriti kakvo je njihovo mišljenje o ponašanju djece na internetu. Rezultati su pokazali kako se djeca s tehnologijom susreću u dobi od godinu dana do pete godine života, a pritom se najčešće koriste smartphone uređajem. Internetom se koriste svakodnevno. No, unatoč tome i dalje više vremena provode u igri i druženju sa svojim vršnjacima. Također, istraživanje je pokazalo kako od nepoželjnih sadržaja na internetu roditelji svoju djecu nastoje zaštititi na različite načine: aktiviranjem opcija za filtriranje nepoželjnih sadržaja ugrađenima u internetskim preglednicima, ali i omogućavanjem djeci da se koriste intranetom. Jednako tako, utvrdili smo kako roditelji uredno reguliraju vrijeme koje djeca provode na internetu te su prisutni uz njih za vrijeme dok se koriste internetom. Budući da je razvoj digitalne tehnologije pred roditelje stavio prilično velik izazov kad je riječ o načinu virtualnog života i navikama digitalnih domorodaca pokazalo se nužnim u odgojnoobrazovni sustav uključiti medijski odgoj čija je osnovna svrha razvijanje sposobnosti analiziranja i vrednovanja informacija te kritičkog promišljanja medijskih sadržaja.
Abstract (english) Thanks to the new media, the age of interactivity has started. Information has become digitalized and the television, just like radio and print, is no longer a primary source of news. The way we live and communicate has drastically changed. Devices such as smartphones and tablets have gradually integrated themselves in our everyday environment that life without them is hardly imaginable. Not only the adults are addicted to them, but children are also attracted to it. We live in the age of digital natives - generation of children and youth that are born and grown in the time of massive use of technology. Since their early age they speak the language of digital, and technological devices are becoming their toys, learning instruments and communication devices subsequently. Growing up in that kind of environment highly affects their behaviour, habits, interests and action. There are many research studies concerning children as Internet users since it is a subject that interests a number of experts. Regarding the examinee’s opinion, the main aim of this study was to find out what parents think of their children as internet users. Also, the intention was to discover how much are they involved in the online life of their children and what do they think of children’s behaviour when it comes to internet use. According to the results, most of the children start using technology from the age of five and in doing so they usually use smartphones. Although they use the internet on a daily basis, they still spend most of their time playing or socializing with other children of their own age. Besides that, study has shown that parents are using various methods in order to protect their children from seeing unwanted content on the internet; enabling filter options in web browsers and letting their children use the intranet. Likewise, they are trying to control the time that children are spending online and are also monitoring them during the use of internet. The spread of the digital technology represents quite a challenge for parents when it comes to the virtual life and habits of digital natives. So, it becomes necessary to implement media literacy in the educational system in order to develop the abilities of analysis and critical assessment of information, as well as critical evaluation of media content.
digitalni domoroci
digitalni imigranti
medijski odgoj
Keywords (english)
digital natives
digital immigrants
media literacy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:386037
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-10-12 12:02:23