Abstract | U radu, koji se oslanja na ideje kritičke teorije društva, mediji se poimaju kao dio kulturne industrije koja formira suvremeno potrošačko društvo i kulturu. Kulturi koja se bazira se na principima potrošnje, pretvaranje svega u robu koja ima ekonomsku vrijednost na trţištu je jedna od glavnih karakteristika, a ujedno i jedna od glavnih kritika. Simboličko značenje robe postaje vaţnije no njena uporabna vrijednost.
Marketinška i oglašivačka industrija imaju za cilj proizvoditi nove potrebe i poticati konzumerističke ţelje, sa ciljem prodaje proizvoda, ali i propagiranja same potrošnje kao ţivotnog stila. Mediji utječu na perceptivne sustave pojedinaca namećući svoj diskurs te formirajući industriju iluzija i kulturu ţelje.
U takvom društvu, identitet ne počiva na tradicionalnim klasnim podjelama, već se bazira na potrošnji. Fluidnost identiteta, karakteristična za postmoderno potrošačko društvo, omogućava projektiranje identiteta kroz potrošačke obrasce, pa suvremeni temelj klasnih razlika postaju razlike u potrošnji. Kritički teoretičari prepoznaju manipulativnu ulogu medija, koji kroz konstrukciju stvarnosti, propagiranje odreĎenih ideoloških smjernica te kreiranju medijskih zvijezda kao uzora, stvaraju svijet robe i društvo spektakla, na što je Debord, kao tvorac koncepta društva spektakla, upozorio još 60-ih godina prošlog stoljeća. Postmoderne teorije tvrde da nestaje granica izmeĎu medijske stvarnosti i realnosti; sve postaje reprezentacija, što u konačnici vodi otuĎenom potrošačkom društvu, bez izraţene kritičke svijesti. |
Abstract (english) | This academic work relies on ideas of Critical theory; media industry is looked upon as a part of a cultural phenomena which forms all aspects of modern consumer society and culture. Culture that is primarily based on principle of spending, turning everything into a product that can satisfy the market demands and have a real economical worth, that is its primary characteristic and on the other hand the main point of criticism.
Symbolic representation of a product becomes more important than its usability, functionality. Marketing and publishing industry have a goal of producing new demands and fueling the consumer will to buy and spend, with the secondary goal of selling as much of the product they can, and last but not the least of their goals are promoting consumerism as a lifestyle. Media influences the perceptive domains of individuals so they all form an industry of illusion and a culture of desire.
In such society, identity doesn't depend on a traditional class segregation, but is solely based on spending/demanding. Fluidity of identity, which is characteristic for a postmodernistic consumer society, makes possible to project an identity trough consumer behaviour, so the base of modern class segregation is the ability to spend/buy. Criticist theorists recognize the manipulative role of modern media, which trough augmented reality (virtual reality), promoting of certain ideological facts and creation of media stars and celebrities as role models, create a ''world of goods'' and ''society of spectacle'', everything stated above was mentioned as a warning by Debord, the creator of concept called "a society of spectacle" in the '60s. Postmodernistic theories say that there is no more boundaries of media augmented reality and real life itself, everything becomes a presentation, so in the end all stated above leads to a alienated consumer society, without developed critic consciousness. |