Title Samoprezentacija kao strategija interpersonalne komunikacije
Title (english) Self-presentation as Strategys of interpresional communication
Author Ana Kostenjak
Mentor Tomislav Janović (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Burić
Committee member Jelena Jurišić
Committee member Tomislav Janović
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Samoprezentacija je složen kognitivno-bihevioralni proces kojim osoba nastoji utjecati na svoj javni izgled, tj. na način na koji je opažaju i doživljavaju drugi ljudi, a s ciljem da ostavi što bolji dojam o sebi. Ovaj je fenomen postao predmet znanstvenog interesa nakon objave poznatog djela Ervina Goffmana The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959.) u kojem autor ponašanje ljudi u svakodnevnom životu metaforički uspoređuje s glumom na kazališnoj pozornici.
Ljudi se koriste samoprezentacijom kako bi se općenito svidjeli drugim osobama ili kako bi postigli neki konkretan cilj. Taj se proces može odvijati na svjesnoj i nesvjesnoj razini, bilo spontano bilo namjerno (planski). Ovisno o individualnim razlikama, u različitim se situacijama koriste različiti načini samoprezentacije. Osim na uobičajen, izravan način („licem-u-lice“), ljudi se danas često samoprezentiraju i putem računalno posredovane komunikacije, npr. na društvenim mrežama čiji korisnici imaju svoje „profile“ pomoću kojih se inicijalno predstavljaju drugim korisnicima.
Različiti autori na različite načine klasificiraju samoprezentacijsko ponašanje (ovisno o obilježjima koje smatraju važnima), no većina autora navodi nekoliko temeljnih oblika i taktika samoprezentacije. Prema najraširenoj taksonomiji, te se taktike dijele na asertivne (umiljavanje, zastrašivanje, samoisticanje i predstavljanje uzora), koje podrazumijevaju aktivnu ulogu osobe koja sa samoprezentira u svrhu ostavljanja što boljeg dojma, i obrambene (izgovori, pravdanja i samohendikepiranje) koje su usmjerene na popravljanje prethodno narušene slike o sebi.
U završnom poglavlju rada navedene taktike samoprezentacije ilustrirane su četirima izmišljenim primjerima iz svakodnevnog života. To su: intervju za posao, prvi spoj, „švercanje“ u javnom prijevozu i samoprezentacija putem društvene mreže.
Abstract (english) Self-presentation is an intricate cognitive-behavioral process by which a person tries to influence her public appearance, i.e., the way she is perceived and experienced by other people, in order to create the best possible impression of herself. The phenomenon has come into the focus of scientific interest after the publication of Ervin Goffman’s seminal work The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959.) in which the author metahporically explains the self-presentational behavior by comparing it to the behavior of actors on a stage.
People use self-presentation in order to either be more liked by other people or to achieve specific goals. This process can take place either at the conscious or at the unconscious level, either spontanously or intentionally. Depending on individual differences, in different situations people use different means of self-presentation. In addition to the ordinary (“face-to-face”) method, people nowadays often use cyberspace to boost their self-image. For instance, social network users create their “profiles” by which they initially present themselves to other users.
Different authors use different taxonomies to scrutinize self-presentational behavior, depending on the features they see as important. Regardless of these differences, it has become common to discriminate between several basic means and tactics of self-presentation. According to the mostly accepted taxonomy, the tactics of self-presentation can be classified into two elementary types: assertive (ingratiation, intimidation, self-promotion, and exemplification) involving proactive behavior of the self-presenter, and defensive tactics (excuses, justifications and self-handicapping) which are aimed at correcting the previously damaged self-image.
In the final chapter of the thesis, the previously explicated tactics are illustrated by four original examples from everyday life: the job interview, the first date, the fare-dodging in public transport, and the self-presentation on a social network.
taktike samoprezentacije
asertivne taktike
obrambene taktike
društvene mreže
Keywords (english)
self-presentational tactics
assertive tactics
defensive tactics
social networks
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:022362
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2015-10-22 08:26:53