Title Normativne teorije u demokratskom uređenju
Title (english) Normative theories in democratic arrangment
Author Dora Ožegović
Mentor Jelena Jurišić (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Burić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anđelka Raguž (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Jurišić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Abstract Masovna je komunikacija prijenos velikog broja informacija širokoj i disperziranoj publici putem masovnih medija. Mediji služe javnosti i zadovoljavaju potrebe publike, a moraju ispuniti određene uvjete kako bi opstali u demokratskom uređenju. Oni mogu biti različitih oblika i vrsta te se oblikuju prema sredini u kojoj djeluju. Demokracija je oblik vladavine naroda, a uvjet za njezin opstanak je sloboda medija. Borba za slobodu tiska bila je dugotrajan proces koji je uključivao i borbu protiv cenzure. Danas postoje brojni pravni akti, zakoni, norme i kodeksi u europskim zemljama koji osiguravaju slobodu medija. Osim toga, ističe se važnost medijske pismenosti koja bi omogućila bolje razumijevanje medija, pogotovo njihovog utjecaja na život i ponašanja ljudi. Budući da su mediji vrlo važan dio čovjekove svakodnevnice te imaju snažan utjecaj na čovjekove stavove, razni filozofi i znanstvenici su razvijali brojne teorije o onome što bi mediji trebali biti te koja je njihova zadaća za društvo u kojem djeluju. Medijska etika nalaže kako bi novinari trebali obavljati svoju profesiju na način da ne ugrožava druge te, s druge strane, štiti novinarska prava i neovisnost. Četiri teorije o tisku knjiga je o prvim normativnim teorijama o medijima te su se na temeljnim načelima iz četiri teorije razvile kasnije normativne teorije. U prve četiri teorije ubrajaju se autoritarna, libertarijanska, društvenoodgovorna i sovjetsko-totalitarna teorija o tisku. Svaka od teorija ima specifične poglede na slobodu medija i njihovo funkcioniranje te se svaka odnosi na drugačiju sredinu. Četiri teorije o tisku pokrenula je lavinu reakcija i novih teorija koje nastaju i dan danas. Cilj normativnih teorija je pronaći idealan skup zadaća medija i načina na koji bi trebali funkcionirati da služe društvu na pravi način. Razumijevanje normativnih teorija uključuje analizu normativnih tradicija, modela demokracija i uloga medija. Normativne teorije nastaju na demokratskim načelima neke države. Mediji imaju različite uloge, s svrha je što bolja korist za društvo. Pregled raznih normativnih teorija dati će uvid u kompleksnost medijskog sustava. Jedan od glavnih problema u današnje vrijeme je nekontrolirani razvoj interneta koji je promijenio cijeli medijski sustav. Problem je pronaći idealno rješenje za njegovu regulaciju budući da se sve ono što je sagrađeno na povijesnim temeljima sada ugroženo te podložno brzim promjenama.
Abstract (english) Mass communication is a process of transmitting large numbers of information to a wide and dispersed audience through mass media. The media serve the public and meet the needs of the public. They can be of different shapes and types and are shaped by the environment in which they operate in. They must meet certain conditions in order to survive in democratic society. Democracy is a form of the rule of the people, and the condition for it's survival is the freedom of the media. The struggle for freedom of the press was a lengthy process that included the fight against censorship. Today there are numerous legal acts, laws, standards and codes in European countries that provide freedom of the media. In addition, the importance of media literacy is emphasized that would enable a better understanding of the media, especially their impact on people's lives and behavior. Since the media are a very important part of everyday human life and have a strong impact on human attitudes, various philosophers and scientists have developed many theories about what the media should be and what their role is for the society in which they operate. Media Ethics requires journalists to perform their profession in a way that does not jeopardize others and it protects journalists' rights and independence. The four theories of the press is about first normative media theories that made grounds on which other theories depends later. The first four theories included authoritarian, libertarian, social responsible, and Soviet-Totalitarian theory of the press. Each of these theories has specific views on the freedom of the media and their functioning and each relates to a different environment. The four theories on the press triggered the avalanche of reactions and new theories that arise today. The goal of normative theories is to find an ideal set of media tasks and a way they should function to serve society in the right way. Understanding of normative theories involves the analysis of normative traditions, models of democracy, and the role of the media. Normative theories arise on the democratic principles of a state. The media have different roles, and their purpose is common good. An overview of various normative theories will give insight into the complexity of the media system. One of the major problems of today is the uncontrolled development of the Internet that has changed the entire media system. The problem is to find the ideal solution to it's regulation since everything that is built on historical foundations is now vulnerable and changes rapidly.
normativne teorije
sloboda tiska
teorije o tisku
masovni mediji
masovna komunikacija
utjecaj medija na društvo
uloge medija u demokraciji
Keywords (english)
normative theories
freedom of the press
press theories
mass media
mass communication
media influence on the society
media role in democracy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:127688
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-10-27 09:56:28