Title Estetika ružnoće u Janka Polića Kamova
Title (english) The Aesthetics of the Uglines in the Janko Polić's Kamov Writings
Author Matea Stanić
Mentor Davor Piskač (mentor)
Committee member Dubravka Zima (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Suzana Marjanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Piskač (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Croatology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Croatian Studies
Abstract Stilska dotjeranost, idealni vječne i harmonične ljepote, kanoni pristojnog i elegantnog piščeva izražavanja te prikazivanje zbilje i vlastitih unutarnjih doživljaja u skladu s estetskim načelima tradicionalnih književnih struktura oduvijek su bili gotovo pa najvažniji kriteriji na temelju kojih je vrednovano određeno književno djelo. Međutim, pojavom avangarde i njezina poimanja umjetnosti, funkcija i vrijednost estetske idealizacije postaju stvar prošlosti, tj. lažna ljepota predstavlja
... More isključivo neautentičnost i lažni umjetnički angažman koji vlastitu originalnost i vrijednost ni ne posjeduje. Upravo je istinski avangardist, Janko Polić Kamov, svjesno ili nesvjesno, njegovao i čvrsto zastupao avangardno negiranje postojećih književnih oblika (poetika osporavanja), kao i traganje za novim izrazima i koncepcijama književnosti koje će vlastite ideje temeljiti na dehijerarhiziranju vrijednosti i razbijanju nametnutih estetskih normi (estetika ružnoće). Stoga će u ovom diplomskom radu biti provedena detaljna analiza Kamovljeva književnog stvaralaštva koje u hrvatskoj književnosti predstavlja izrazito oštar prekid s poetikama koje su postavili Antun Gustav Matoš i drugi predstavnici hrvatske moderne. Izrazita će pozornost biti posvećena Kamovljevu književnom eksperimentu, tj. književnim metodama i postupcima pomoću kojih je autor postizao stilsku i tematsku destrukciju ustaljenih književnih formi. Drugim riječima, iznijet će se svi bitni elementi Kamovljeva oblikovanja estetike ružnoga nastale tijekom stvaranja, autoru svojstvene, lirike apsurda i sirovosti. Osim poezijskog izričaja u fokusu će se predstavljanja i tumačenja naći i obilježja autorova proznog stvaranja: farsičnost i grotesknost kao sastavnice pripovjednog diskursa. Less
Abstract (english) Orderliness of style, ideal of eternal, harmonic beauty, canons of writer's proper and elegant expression and representation of reality and personal, inner experiences in tune with aesthetic principles of traditional literary structures. These were always almost the most important requirements upon which certain literary work is based on. However, during the emergence of avant-garde and its understanding of art, the role and value of aesthetic idealisation became things of the past, I.
... More E. a false beauty represents inauthenticity and false artistic engagement that has no value and originality by itself. The true avant-gardiste par excellence, Janko Polić Kamov has, knowingly or unknowingly, cherished and strongly stood for avant-gardistic denial of contemporary literary forms (poetics of impugnment), as well as the quest for new expressions and conceptions of literature that will base its ideas on deconstructing the hierarchy of values and tearing down of aesthetic norms (aesthetic of ugliness). Therefore, this thesis will try to conduct a detailed analysis of Kamov's literary work. His work gained its place in Croatian literature through breaking off with poetics of Antun Gustav Matoš and other writers of Croatian modernism. A special attention shall be given to Kamov's literary experiment, i.e. his writing methods by which he has acheived stylistic and thematic destructions of commonly accepted literary forms. In other words, all elements of Kamov's aesthetic of ugliness will be presented, elements that occured in the creating of his peculiar lyric poetry, permeated with absurdity and crudeness. Besides the poetic expression, his interpretation of night, along with characteristics of his empty creation, farsity and grotesqueness (components of his narrative discourse) shall also be presented. Less
Janko Polić Kamov
poetika osporavanja
estetika ružnoće
književni eksperiment
Keywords (english)
Janko Polić Kamov
poetics of impugnment
aesthetic of ugliness
literary experiment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:412023
Study programme Title: Department of Croatology; specializations in: scientific, teaching Course: teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije kroatologije (magistar/magistra edukacije kroatologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-09-20 06:45:17