Title Zastupljenost kulturnih sadržaja u neprofitnim i profitnim portalima
Title (english) The presence of cultural content in non-profit and profit media
Author Eleonora Glišić
Mentor Jelena Jurišić (mentor)
Mentor Tanja Grmuša (mentor)
Committee member Vladimira Rezo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Jurišić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Predmet istraživanja ovog diplomskog rada je analiza zastupljenosti kulturnog sadržaja prikupljenog na dvama profitnima i dvama neprofitnima hrvatskim portalima u periodu od mjesec dana. S obzirom na činjenicu da je kultura jedan od najvažnijih aspekata života suvremenog čovjeka, osnovni je cilj bio utvrditi koliko i na koji način domaći mediji, u ovom slučaju portali, izvještavaju javnost o temama iz kulture. Teorijski dio rada, koji prethodi istraživanju i rezultatima, doprinosi spoznaji važnosti kulture, njezine uloge i utjecaja u suvremenom društvu. Dijelovi rada koji prate razvoj online medija u Hrvatskoj i njihove karakteristike jasno predočavaju zašto online novinarstvo predstavlja izvrsnu platformu za plasiranje kulturnih sadržaja. Hrvatski medijski zakonodavni okvir pruža uvid u osnivanje, temelje funkcioniranja i ograničenja elektroničkih publikacija, dok dijelovi koji se tiču medijske politike ukazuju na promjene koje su zahvatile medijski sustav, kao i relevantne faktore koji su utjecali na njegovu demokratizaciju. Neprofitni i komercijalni sektor zasebno su obrađeni i razgraničeni kako bi se lakše razlučile njihove prednosti i nedostatci, te kako bi bio jasniji kontekst portala odabranih za istraživanje. Metodom kvantitativne analize sadržaja, provedene od 15. 4. 2017. do 15. 5. 2017. godine, obrađeni su podaci prikupljeni pomoću namjerno odabranog uzorka koji obuhvaća portale Jutarnji.hr, Večernji.hr, Ziher.hr i Urbancult.hr, na temelju kriterija pokrivanja raznovrsnih područja kulture i svakodnevnog objavljivanja sadržaja. Dobiveni rezultati, razvrstani prema kategorijama koje ukazuju na bitne stavke u načinu izvještavanja o kulturi, pokazali su da neprofitni portali objavljuju više sadržaja o kulturi nego profitni portali. Ipak, u okviru istraživanja potvrđeno je i da neprofitni portali objavljuju veću količinu agencijskih i promotivnih članaka od profitnih portala. Ovi indikativni rezultati samo su naznaka plodnog tla za buduća istraživanja nužna za područje kulture i medija.
Abstract (english) The subject of the research in this thesis is the analysis of the presence of cultural content gathered from two profit and two non-profit Croatian portals during a period of one month. Given the fact that culture is one of the most important aspects of a modern man's life, the main goal was to determine how much and in what way do the national media, in this case news portals, report to the public on the topics regarding culture. The theoretical part of the thesis, which precedes the research and the results, contributes to the understanding of the importance of culture, its role and influence in the contemporary society. Parts of the thesis that follow the development of online media in Croatia and their features clearly demonstrate why online journalism is an excellent platform for placement of cultural content. The Croatian media legislative framework provides insight into the founding, basics of functioning and limitations of electronic publications, while media policy issues point to changes that affected the media system as well as the relevant factors that have affected its democratization. The non-profit and commercial sectors are individually processed and delineated in order to better differentiate between their advantages and disadvantages, and to have a clearer context of the portals that were selected for the research. By the method of quantitative content analysis, conducted from 15 April 2017 to 15 May 2017, the processed data were collected using a purposive sample that includes news portals Jutarnji.hr, Večernji.hr, Ziher.hr and Urbancult.hr, based on the criterion of including different areas of culture and daily publication of content. The results obtained and classified according to the categories that point to important components in the culture reporting mode, have shown that non-profit portals publish more content that concerns culture than profit portals. Nevertheless, research has also confirmed that non-profit portals publish a larger amount of agency and promotional articles than the profit portals. These indicative results are merely indications of the breeding ground for future research necessary for the area of culture and media.
online mediji
medijska politika
neprofitni portali
komercijalni portali
analiza sadržaja
Keywords (english)
online media
media policy
non-profit portals
commercial portals
content analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:822923
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-09-20 10:26:53