Title Izvještavanje američkih internetskih portala o prvoj godini vladavine Donalda Trumpa
Title (english) American Web Portals and Their Reporting on Trupm's First Year in Office
Author Nikolina Lednicki
Mentor Danijel Labaš (mentor)
Committee member Vine Mihaljević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lana Ciboci (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijel Labaš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Maleš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Uldrijan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Dolazak Donalda Trumpa na predsjedničku poziciju u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama bio je poprilično kontroverzan. Po prvi put, SAD je dobio kandidata koji ne pripada „establišmentu“ i koji nije politički korektan kao njegovi politički suparnici. Od samog početka njegove kampanje, mediji su ga pratili u stopu. Prvotno, njegova kandidatura za predsjednika smatrala se potpunim apsurdom i šalom. Nitko ga nije shvaćao ozbiljno, pa mu je i Republikanska stranka dozvolila da bude njihov kandidat. Političari iz Republikanske, pa i iz Demokratske stranke smatrali su da imaju potpunu prednost nad reality zvijezdom. Nikada nije služio niti u jednom uredu, nikada nije vodio političku kampanju i govorio je jednostavnim jezikom. Osim toga, pobjedu mu je donijela „samostalna“ komunikacija putem društvenih mreža. Trumpov Twitter profil postao je najpoznatiji na svijetu. Na njemu predsjednik SAD-a svakodnevno predstavlja svoje činjenice i direktno se obraća svom narodu. Trump smatra da mediji nisu pošteni i u sve naše rječnike stavio je frazu „fake news,“ a putem Twittera on oduzima moć medijima. Može se reći da je Trump političku komunikaciju odveo na sasvim drugi nivo i da se već sada mnogo stvari mijenja. Trump je čak i u svojoj knjizi Crippled America iz 2015. godine govorio o nepoštenom odnosu medija prema njemu i njegovom poslovnom carstvu. U istoj knjizi se obrušio na američku vlast, američkog predsjednika i potpredsjednika te na demokratsku kandidatkinju Hillary Clinton. Upravo iz tog razloga, istraživački je zanimljivo promatrati izvještavanje američkih portala o godinu dana vladavine Donalda Trumpa. Ovaj rad bit će usmjeren na istraživanje o tome kako su američki internetski portali predstavili Trumpa kao osobu, a kako kao predsjednika SAD-a. Od samog početka predsjedničke kampanje, Trumpova obitelj nalazila se pod povećalom. Mediji su istražili sve detalje njegove prošlosti, a ono što su pronašli izazvalo je skandale i velike prosvjede diljem SAD-a. Istraživanje u ovom radu bit će usmjereno na to koliko su isti portali isticali pozitivne, a koliko negativne stvari u prvih godinu dana njegove vladavine. Još jedan od bitnih faktora istraživanje je i odgovor američkih portala na predsjednikove optužbe te njihov odgovor na „rat“ na društvenim mrežama koji se konstantno vodi protiv njih.
Abstract (english) The fact that Donald Trump became a president of the United States was quite controversial. For the first time, the US got a candidate who does not belong to the establishment and who is not politically correct as his political rivals. Since the beginning of his campaign, the media followed him everywhere. Initially, his candidacy for the presidency was considered as a completely absurd and a joke. No one considered him as a serious candidate, so the Republican Party allowed him to be their candidate. Politicians from the Republican and even the Democratic Party were seen to have a complete advantage over the reality star. He never served in any office, he never led a political campaign, and he spoke in a simple language. In addition, his victory was brought by "independent" communication through social networks. Trump's Twitter profile has become the most famous in the world. On his profile, the President of the United States presents his facts on a daily basis and directly addresses his people. Trump thinks the media are not honest, and he has put the phrase "fake news" in all of our dictionaries, and through his Twitter profile, he takes power from the media. It can be said that Trump has brought political communication to a completely different level and that many things are already changing. Even in his book, Crippled America, in 2015, Trump spoke of the dishonest relationship of the media with him and his business empire. In the same book, he attacked the US government, US President and Vice President and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. For this very reason, it is interesting to research the reporting of US portals over a year of the rule of Donald Trump. This thesis will focus on exploring how US internet portals presented Trump as a person and how as the US president. From the start of the presidential campaign, Trump's family was under the magnifying glass of media. The media investigated all the details of his past, and what they found caused scandals and large protests across the United States. The research in this thesis will focus on how many portals have highlighted the positive and negative aspects of the first year of his rule. Another major factor in research is the response of the US portals to the president's accusations and their response to the "war" on social networks that are constantly being held against them.
internetski portali
predsjednička kampanja
politička komunikacija
društvene mreže
lažne vijesti
Keywords (english)
internet portals
presidential campaign
political communication
social networks
fake news
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:968858
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-09-25 09:08:00