Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi odnos socioekonomskih varijabli, roditeljskog ponašanja, perfekcionizma, samopoštovanja i mentalnog zdravlja adolescenata na uzorku učenika drugih razreda srednje škole. Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno 398 adolescenata. Percepcija roditeljskog ponašanja ispitana je Upitnikom roditeljskog ponašanja, perfekcionizam je ispitan Multidimenzionalnom skalom perfekcionizma, samopoštovanje Rosenbergovom skalom samopoštovanja, a mentalno zdravlje Skalom depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na to kako adolescenti u najvećoj mjeri izvještavaju o doživljavanju simptoma stresa nakon čega slijede simptomi depresivnosti i anksioznosti, neovisno o njihovoj težini. Gledajući učestalost doživljavanja pojedinih simptoma s obzirom na njihovu težinu, čak 21,1% sudionika izvještava o teškim ili ekstremno teškim simptomima stresa, 23,2% o teškim ili ekstremno teškim simptomima depresivnosti te 24,9% o teškim ili ekstremno teškim simptomima anksioznosti. Također, utvrđeno je kako djevojke doživljavaju više majčine podrške te veću popustljivost oca. S druge strane, mladići doživljavaju više restriktivne kontrole oca. Djevojke također pokazuju izraženije simptome depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa od mladića. Što se tiče perfekcionizma i samopoštovanja, spolne razlike nisu pronađene. Provedenim hijerarhijskim regresijskim analizama utvrđen je statistički značajan doprinos sva četiri bloka varijabli (socioekonomskog statusa, roditeljskog ponašanja, perfekcionizma i samopoštovanja). Ukupno 57,6% varijance depresivnosti, 39,3% varijance anksioznosti te 43,5% varijance stresa objašnjeno je ovim modelom. Najboljim prediktorom depresivnosti pokazali su se samopoštovanje i podrška oca. Što se tiče anksioznosti i stresa, njih su nabolje predviđali negativni perfekcionizam te samopoštovanje. |
Abstract (english) | The main goal of this study was to determine the relationship between socioeconomic variables, parental behavior, perfectionism, self-esteem and mental health of second grade high school students. The study was conducted on a total of 398 adolescents. The perception of parental behavior was examined by Questionnaire of parental behavior, perfectionism was examined by Multidimensional Scale of Perfectionism, self-esteem by Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale, and mental health by Scale of Depression, Anxiety and Stress. The results show that adolescents most often report experiencing stress symptoms followed by symptoms of depression and anxiety. If we take severity of symptoms in consideration, as many as 21.1% of our participants reported severe or extremely severe stress symptoms, 23.2% of severe or extremely severe depression symptoms, and 24.9% of severe or extremely severe anxiety symptoms. Results also indicate that girls experience more maternal support as well as more father permissiveness. On the other hand, young men experience more restrictive father control. Furthermore, acording to the results, girls show more symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress than young men. In this study, gender differences in perfectionism and self-esteem have not been found. Hierarchical regression analysis determined a significant contribution of four predicting blocks (socioeconomic status, parental behavior, perfectionism and self-esteem) within the explained variance of mental health. A total of 57.6% of depression variance, 39.3% of anxiety variance and 43.5% of stress variance was explained by predicting blocks mentioned above. The most significant predictors of depression were self-esteem and father support. As far as anxiety and stress are concerned, their most significant predictors were negative perfectionism and self-esteem. |