Title Društveno odgovorno poslovanje uspješnih kompanija u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Corporate social responsability of successful companies in Croatia
Author Barbara Božić
Mentor Jelena Jurišić (mentor)
Mentor Matilda Kolić Stanić (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Burić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matilda Kolić Stanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Jurišić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Maleš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vanesa Varga (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract U korporativnom diskursu danas se sve češće spominje pojam društveno odgovornog poslovanja (u nastavku: DOP). Mnoga istraživanja potvrdila su njegovu poslovnu opravdanost, a istraživači ističu kako je upravo ono postalo alat stručnjaka za odnose s javnošću. Kako bi organizacija poslovala društveno odgovorno njezino vodstvo mora se voditi načelom dvosmjerne komunikacije sa svim dionicima organizacije. Upravo dvosmjernost ima utjecaj na ostvarivanje pozitivne reputacije kompanije i doprinosi kompetitivnoj prednosti poduzeća. Društveno odgovorno poslovanje u svojoj se srži odnosi na odgovornost koju organizacije imaju prema društvu unutar kojeg djeluju. Dakle, može se smatrati pokazateljem kvalitetnog upravljanja jer šalje poruku održivosti. Jasan i dobro vođen korporativni identitet može voditi poželjnoj reputaciji. Upravo zato komunikacija društveno odgovornog poslovanja predmet je proučavanja brojnih teoretičara koji su dokazali da kvalitetna komunikacija ima utjecaj na pozitivnu društvenu promjenu, a samim time na stavove i ponašanje potrošača. Slijedom toga, organizacije danas ne mjere samo ekonomski uspjeh nego i svoj utjecaj na sve interesno utjecajne skupine. Principi za implementaciju društveno odgovornog poslovanja u poslovnu strategiju su kompleksni, a sve je vidljivije kako i kompanije u Hrvatskoj ulažu u razvoj DOPa. Tomu u prilog idu brojne inicijative i projekti pokrenuti od strane javnog i poslovnog sektora. Ovaj rad donosi pogled stručnjaka za odnose s javnošću na primjenu prakse DOP-a u svakodnevnom poslovanju te sažima njihova viđenja o odnosu DOP-a s pozitivnom reputacijom i poslovnom uspješnosti kompanije. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je metodom dubinskog intervjua u periodu od travnja do kolovoza 2019. godine na uzorku od 7 subjekata koji predstavljaju namjerni uzorak. Prema rezultatima istraživanja zaključuje se kako je svijest o društveno odgovornom poslovanju među kompanijama u Hrvatskoj u porastu. Aktivnosti na području društveno odgovornog poslovanja još uvijek nisu strateški planirane, ali pri njihovoj provedbi stručnjaci za odnose s javnošću imaju važnu ulogu. Najviše se ulaže u odnose sa zajednicom, a komunikacija aktivnosti društveno odgovornog poslovanja uglavnom je proaktivna. Raste važnost koncepta korporativnog građanstva, a pozornost se pridaje odnosu između dobre reputacije i poslovne uspješnosti.
Abstract (english) Nowadays, the term corporate social responsibility is often mentioned in corporate discourse. Many studies have confirmed its business justification, and researchers say it has become a tool for public relations experts. If an organization wants to be socially responsible, its leadership must be guided by the principles of two-way communication with all stakeholder groups. Twoway communication has an impact on achieving a positive company reputation and contributes to competitive advantage. Corporate social responsibility is the responsibility that an organization has towards the society within which it operates. Therefore, it can be considered an indicator of quality management because it sends a message of corporate sustainability. A clear and well-run corporate identity can influence company’s desirable reputation. That is why corporate social responsibility communication is the subject of many theorists. Research has proven that quality communication has an impact on social change and consumer attitudes and behaviors. Consequently, organizations today are not only concerned with their economic success but also their impact on all interest groups. Principles for the implementation of corporate social responsibility in the business strategy are complex. It is increasingly visible that companies in Croatia are investing in the development of CSR programs. To this end, numerous initiatives and projects are launched by the public and business sectors. This paper presents the views of public relations experts on the application of CSR practices in day-to-day business. Also, it summarizes their views on the relationship between CSR and positive reputation as well as good business performance. Empirical research was conducted by a method of interviews in the period from April to August 2019. on a sample of 7 subjects. According to research results, it is concluded that awareness of corporate social responsibility among companies in Croatia is increasing. Activities are still not strategically planned, but public relations experts play an important role in their implementation. The majority of resources is invested in corporate community relations and CSR communication is mostly proactive. The importance of the concept of corporate citizenship is growing. Also, research has found that more attention is being given to the relationship between a good reputation and business success.
društveno odgovorno poslovanje
odnosi s javnošću
korporativna komunikacija
poslovna uspješnost
Keywords (english)
corporate social responsibility
public relations
corporate communication
business performance
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:066902
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-01-15 09:47:59