Abstract | Fenomen straha je inherentan ljudskoj prirodi, a njegov nastanak svojevrsna je rezultanta suodnosa
pojedinaca i njihovih sociopolitičkih okolnosti. Umanjivanje straha te potreba za sigurnošću, koja
je ujedno smatrana i simbolom života, jedni su od temeljnih osjećaja kojima mi ljudi težimo.
Primarna intencija ovog rada je uvidjeti u kolikoj mjeri strah, oblikuje i prožima suvremenu
društvenu strukturu te utječe na ponašanje aktera, odnosno iznijeti krizne narative straha. U okviru
sociologijskog diskursa, temeljem čitanja, analiziranja i sažimanja stručne literature, predstavljen
je interdisciplinaran pogled na strah. U tom je svjetlu, strah promatran kao društvena činjenica te
komponenta individualne svijesti. Osim toga, kroz odrednice politike straha prikazana je negativna
manifestacija straha u vidu mehanizma društvene kontrole. Nadalje, iznesen je i presjek misli
pojedinih suvremenih teoretičara koji strah i anksioznost nalaze temeljnim osjećajima današnjice.
Na tom je tragu predstavljen koncept „kulture straha“ u kontekstu emocionalnosti suvremenosti. |
Abstract (english) | The phenomenon of fear is inherent to human nature, and its onset is a kind of resulting factor of
the relationship between individuals and their socio-political circumstances. Alleviating one’s fear
and the need for safety, also considered to be the symbol of life, are some of the basic feelings that
we, as humans, strive for. The primary aim of this paper is to determine to which extent fear shapes
and pervades the contemporary social structure and affects the behaviour of various actors, i.e. to
present the crisis narratives of fear. In the framework of sociological discourse, and based on
reading, analysing, and summarising scientific literature, an interdisciplinary view of fear is
presented. In this light, fear is observed as a social fact and a component of individual
consciousness. Additionally, through the determinants of the politics of fear, a negative
manifestation of fear is presented in the form of a mechanism for social control. Furthermore, an
overview of the work of certain contemporary theorists, who find fear and anxiety to be the
fundamental feelings of today’s world, is presented. In line with this, the paper presents the concept
of “fear culture” in the context of the emotionality of the contemporary world. |