Title Odnos emocionalne kompetentnosti, psihološke otpornosti i nekih pokazatelja mentalnog zdravlja kod odgojitelja
Title (english) Relationship between emotional competence, psychological resilience and mental health indicators in kindergarten teachers
Author Paula Štefić
Mentor Jasminka Despot Lučanin (mentor)
Mentor Ivana Hanzec Marković (sumentor)
Committee member Andreja Brajša-Žganec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Katarina Jelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasminka Despot Lučanin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Psychology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Interes za mentalno zdravlje vidljiv je na globalnoj i europskoj razini te se sve više ističe
njegova važnost. S obzirom na trenutačnu situaciju vezanu uz pandemiju koronavirusa i na
činjenicu da u drugom valu dječji vrtići nisu prestali s radom unatoč epidemiološkim mjerama,
odgojitelji čine rizičnu populaciju za razvoj poteškoća mentalnog zdravlja. Cilj ovog
istraživanja bio je ispitati razinu depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa kao pokazatelja narušenog
mentalnog zdravlja, razinu emocionalne kompetentnosti i psihološke otpornosti, odnos među
navedenim varijablama, kao i moguću medijatorsku ulogu otpornosti u odnosu emocionalne
kompetentnosti i pokazatelja narušenog mentalnog zdravlja kod odgojitelja. U istraživanju je
sudjelovalo 249 odgojiteljica u Republici Hrvatskoj, a podaci su prikupljeni putem online
upitnika koji je sadržavao sljedeće: Ljestvica depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa DASS-21,
Upitnik emocionalne kompetentnosti UEK-45 i Kratka ljestvica otpornosti BRS. Pokazalo se da
odgojiteljice doživljavaju blagu razinu depresivnosti i stresa, umjerenu razinu anksioznosti te
da imaju srednje visoke razine emocionalne kompetentnosti i umjerene do visoke razine
psihološke otpornosti. Nadalje, dobivena je značajna negativna povezanost emocionalne
kompetentnosti i pokazatelja narušenog mentalnog zdravlja, konkretno negativna povezanost
depresivnosti/stresa sa sposobnostima izražavanja i imenovanja emocija te regulacije i
upravljanja emocijama, dok se anksioznost pokazala značajno negativno povezana samo sa
sposobnošću izražavanja i imenovanja emocija. Uz to, utvrđena je značajna negativna
povezanost sva tri pokazatelja narušenog mentalnog zdravlja i psihološke otpornosti te značajna
pozitivna povezanost psihološke otpornosti i emocionalne kompetentnosti. Regresijskom
analizom dobiveno je da emocionalna kompetentnost predviđa 13,8% varijance depresivnosti,
4,3% varijance anksioznosti i 9,4% varijance stresa. Također, utvrđeno je da psihološka
otpornost, uz emocionalnu kompetentnost, predviđa dodatnih 5,9% varijance depresivnosti,
7,7% varijance anksioznosti i 5% varijance stresa. Konačno, utvrđena je djelomična medijacija
psihološke otpornosti u odnosu upravljanja i regulacije emocijama i depresivnosti i u odnosu
sposobnosti upravljanja i regulacije emocijama i stresa. Sve navedeno može poslužiti kao
osnova za prevenciju lošeg mentalnog zdravlja putem programa i edukacija o emocionalnim
vještinama i vještinama vezanim za psihološku otpornost odgojitelja.
Abstract (english) Interest in mental health is visible at both global and european level and its importance is
increasingly emphasized. Given the current situation related to the coronavirus pandemic and
the fact that during the second wave kindergartens have not stopped working despite
epidemiological measures, kindergarten teachers are at risk population for the development of
mental health difficulties. The aim of this study was to examine the levels of depression, anxiety
and stress as indicators of impaired mental health, levels of emotional competence and
psychological resilience, the relationship between these variables, as well as the possible
mediating role of resilience in the relationship between emotional competence and indicators
of impaired mental health in kindergarten teachers. Participants were 249 Croatian kindergarten
teachers and the data was collected via online questionnaire containing the following:
Depression Anxiety Stress Scale DASS-21, Emotional Competence Questionnaire UEK-45 and
Brief Resilience Scale BRS. The results showed that kindergarten teachers experienced mild
depression and stress, and moderate anxiety, had a moderately high levels of emotional
competence and moderate to high level of psychological resilience. Furthermore, there was a
significant negative correlation between emotional competence and indicators of impaired
mental health, specifically a negative correlation between depression/stress and the ability to
express and name emotions and regulate and manage emotions, while anxiety showed a
significant negative correlation only with the ability to express and name emotions. In addition,
a significant negative correlation was found between all three indicators of impaired mental
health and psychological resilience, and a significant positive correlation between
psychological resilience and emotional competence. Regression analyses showed that
emotional competence explained 13.8% of the depression variance, 4.3% of the anxiety
variance and 9.4% of the stress variance. It was also found that psychological resilience, along
emotional competence, predicted additional 11.4% of the depression variance, 9.8% of the
anxiety variance and 9.1% of the stress variance. Finally, the results revealed a partial mediation
of psychological resilience in the relationship between the ability to regulate and manage
emotions and depression, as well as in the relationship between the ability to regulate and
manage emotions and stress. All findings can serve as a basis for the prevention of poor mental
health through programs and education on emotional competence and abilities related to the
psychological resilience in kindergarten teachers.
mentalno zdravlje
emocionalna kompetentnost
psihološka otpornost
Keywords (english)
mental health
emotional competence
psychological resilience
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:172703
Study programme Title: Department of Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-07-19 09:42:34