Abstract | Opći je cilj ovoga rada bio kvalitativnom metodom intervjua opaziti i opisati pojave
društveno odgovornog poslovanja u rukometu u Hrvatskoj. Provedeno je istraživanje sa 10
sudionika. Sudionici su bili podijeljeni u četiri kategorije: DOP eksperti, sportski novinari,
menadžment te djelatnici u rukometu (trener, igrač, sudac, osoba zaposlena u rukometnoj
organizaciji). Sudionici istraživanja bili su upitani o stavovima o suvremenom sportu, odnosu
hrvatske lige i ostalih liga, o društveno odgovornom poslovanju i održivom razvoju te o
praksama društveno odgovornog poslovanja u rukometu. Sudionici vide veliki potencijal u
hrvatskoj rukometnoj ligi, međutim zbog financijskog stanja klubova smatraju kako hrvatska
liga zaostaje za velikim europskim ligama, dok, govoreći o ligama u regiji, smatraju kako je
hrvatska liga u rangu za slovenskom ligom. Dio sudionika vidi sport kao moderno tehnološki
aspekt najrazvijeniji do sada, dok drugi dio smatra kako se sport previše komercijalizirao i
izgubio nekadašnje vrijednosti. Devet od deset sudionika znalo je definirat pojam DOP-a, dok
su održivi razvoj sudionici uglavnom poistovjećivali isključivo na prirodnoj, odnosno ekološkoj
razini. Sudionici su se tokom provođenja intervjua izjasnili kako su čuli za prakse DOP-a, koji
se uglavnom provodi na društvenoj razini (razne humanitarne akcije, inicijative lokalne
zajednice, razne društvene inicijative itd.) u hrvatskom rukometu. Smatraju kako se DOP
aktivnosti mogu najviše primijeniti poticanjem humanitarstva i humanitarnih inicijativa,
promicanjem sporta kao sredstva socijalizacije, moralnošću, radom i odgojem djece i zaštitom
klime. |
Abstract (english) | The general goal of this paper was to observe and describe the phenomena of Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) in handball in Croatia using a qualitative interview method. Interviews were survey conducted with 10 participants. Participants were divided into four categories: CSR experts, sports journalists, management and handball staff (coach, player, referee,
person employed in a handball organization). Research participants were asked about their
views on modern sports, the quality of Croatian league compared with other leagues, CSR and
sustainable development, and the practices of CSR in handball. Participants see great potential
in the Croatian handball league, but due to the financial condition of the clubs, they believe that
the Croatian league lags behind the major European leagues, while, speaking of leagues in the
region, they believe that the Croatian league is only behind the Slovenian league. Part of the
participants sees sport as a modern technological aspect the most developed so far, while the
other part believes that sport has become too commercialized and lost its former values. Nine
out of ten participants knew how to define the term CSR, while sustainable development was
mostly identified by the participants exclusively at the natural and ecological level. During the
interview, the participants stated that they had heard about the practices of CSR, which is
mainly carried out at the social level (various humanitarian actions, local community initiatives,
various social initiatives, etc.) in Croatian handball. They believe that CSR activities can be
best applied by encouraging humanitarian and humanitarian initiatives, promoting sports as a
means of socialization, morality, work and raising children, and protecting the climate. On the
other hand, the biggest challenges were identified as image building, financial gain, strategic
team building and increasing concern for society. The biggest benefits for handball organizations in the implementation of CSR policies are listed as building image, financial benefit, strategic team building and increasing care for society. |